Chief Justice Roberts Rebuts Trump’s Attacks on Judges

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Chief Justice John Roberts rebutted President Trump's attacks on judges who rule against him, defending the independence of the federal judiciary


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Thank God. It’s the only thing preventing the total collapse of our country. Wake up America.

Supreme Court Justices should remain silent. Furthermore the 9th circuit is full of left wing activists judges who have their rulings overturned more than any other circuit.

ChrisHunterFL You come along and get elected as President and you think you know more about our judicial system than the the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court! Come on people these are not the actions of a rational intelligent person, let alone our President!

Herd, aka GOP, on the street: they think they’re gonna subpoena James Comey, Esq., to testify IN PRIVATE. on this 🦃Day, i say to him, treat them like 🦃🦃🦃’s and STUFF ‘EM.

Here are the Reversal Rates for all the other Courts(2010-2015) for context: 6th - 87%; 11th - 85%; 9th - 79 %; 3rd 78 %; 2nd - 68%; Federal - 68%; 8th - 67 %; 5th - 66%; 7th - 48%; DC - 45%; 1st - 43%; 4th - 43%; 10th - 42%.

Nineth circuteth. I live here... and bay areans know that we can depend on the nineth to always overrule anything the throws at it. fact truth

Now everyone homeless may jump the fence on any USA home and get asylum very good judge 👩‍⚖️😜



If Roberts believes there's no difference between judges appointed by Obama or Clinton and judges appointed by Bush or Trump, he's delusional. The courts are currently more partisan than they've ever been. And it's happened on Roberts's watch.

Regardless of agree or not, these 700 or so lower level judges have a huge amt of power to single handedly reverse a pres order nation wide.

If truly independent why do Dems fight so hard to not approve conservatives & Reps to not approve liberals. Perhaps if nominated & approved by bipartisan group looking only at judicial competence?

President Trump is 100% RIGHT.👍👍👍

Our justice system may have problems but it is superior to any other country, if u don’t like it move to Russia and try theirs.

Who cares about the indepedance of judiciary system, we should all do what ever it takes to please our supreme leader Trump..... Congratulations Americans for electing the finest president!

It's time for Justice Roberts to step down. rulingelites

'Rebutted' is the wrong word. He only 'contradicted' what Trump said. He did not rebut it. Buy a dictionary.

Nothing when Obama talked about judges, I find all this interesting. Everyone is becoming ore & more sensitive enjoy and thankGod this Thanksgiving 🦃

POTUS is right to call out the 9th district court. This court has the most verdicts overturned by the SupremeCourt than any other district court. They are activists judges who don't rule on the intent of the law, but rather on their biased interpretation.

no doubt the followers of Voldemort were pleased, notwithstanding how ludicrous Robert's statement was

Who would’ve guessed ChiefJusticeJohnRoberts is really a swamp agent⁉️ DrainTheDeepState KeepAmericaGreat 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸

American Constitution must be rewritten.

And when they're NOT independent? Never mind -- that never happens.

Chief Justice Roberts confuses what ideally should be, to what the reality is. I get that as the head of the judiciary, he has a need to support his people, but after the circus we saw with the left to destroy justice Kavanaugh, he remarks ring hollow.

If there’s no difference in judges then why all the recent uproar by the entire country when the last supreme was confirmed? Roberts knows there is a clear difference that is indefensible

Article I, Section 3, Clause 6

Puss head liberal judges, just lawyers who have not been caught yet.

Justice Roberts. Don’t waste your energy dealing with the idiot in the White House. No such thing as an Obama judge.

Yeah the same guy who pulled the idea out of his posterior that Obamacare was a “tax” in order to vote for it so as not to embarrass the first “black” president in spite of Constitution.

God bless you Mr. Justice Roberts. And thank you.

Justice Roberts is going to uphold Mueller’s subpoenas. :-)

as an ‘independent’ SCOTUS he needs to be ‘above the fray’ ..... besides the circuit judge ruled politically not by the law ... see above from charliekirk11

They are not supposed to be independent of the constitution...or common sense...

Fascists like this AltRightWhiteHouse are so brazen even calling requests for Justice as remedy to bad acts “judicial activism “ . It’s all twisted to confuse reality. Trump may not be book smart, but he sure knows how to successfully sell a bad deal.

If we are going to question everything that has made America exceptional up to now, our elections, our judges, our system of justice where the accused is innocent until proven guilty, then what have we become ? Wake up America, our Founders would be ashamed of what's happening.

Roberts's insistence on pushing the fairytale notion that judges are independent and unbiased is laughably dishonest. Everyone knows to the contrary. RBG anyone? Also, if people think judges are independent and unbiased, why are Supreme Court confirmation hearings so contentious?

Chief Roberts and former FBI Director Comey are birds of a feather. Roberts says the judiciary isn't political and Comey said the the FBI isn't political. Shouldn't congress investigated the judiciary like it investigated the FBI? How many McCabes and Comeys are in the judiciary?

...this is how Shit spirals out of control.

The judge is encouraging lawlessness and Trump is right to call him out. John 'FISA' Roberts needs to get a handle on the judiciary.

How come a left leaning judge never stepped in and overturned an Obama ruling?

Who else is counting down until realDonaldTrump's first anti-Roberts tweet?

Chief Justice John Roberts errs on this one. He is in fantasy land if he does not realize why the judges’ backgrounds are scrupulously scrutinized: to predict future decisions. It’s not just about the Constitution—that’s wishful thinking, JR!

I knew he was a 'SNAKE IN THE GRASS' when he kept Odummercare alive! Now he's just proven he's not OBJECTIVE!

Obama liked the word “notion”. People who believe the “notion” that the 9th circuit is impartial, are uninformed at best.

What a joke trump has played on all of us. It's time to put this child to bed.

Turncoat Justice.

Donald Trump has been criticized by many, for a long time, for his rhetoric. But at least he has the excuse of being a politician. It's much, much worse, for the C. J. of the Supreme Court to get into the political mud and start doing the same thing. Please, Chief Justice, stop!

If there were no political philosophy by the judges, Senate confirmations would be a cup of milk, and no one would bitterly argue. Justice Roberts is pretending judges live in a vacuum and apply the law. Not so. RobertLusetich JohnRoberts

It’s not independence, it’s biased rulings not following law or respecting the official duties of a duly elected President.

Blah cheifjusticeroberts forever tarnished the rep of the SCOTUS with his tax ruling. Now we know all three branches are corrupt. kagan on tape admitting to activism. termlimits for you too. norespect notrust dismantle9thcircuit

Come on Mr Roberts you should be smarter than that. You gave us Obama care know give us your resignation.

Justice Roberts threw America into socialized medicine with upholding 3rd world Obamacare! He’s on drugs if he thinks there aren’t partisan judges who try to legislate from the bench. FoolishRoberts

It’s time for Trump to go-Mr Pervert in Chief your time is up-little by little people on the right are rebutting him-

Oh look a Bush appointee proving POTUS' point. Everyone knows how liberal the 9th circuit leans so why pretend otherwise? ChiefJusticeRoberts

Isn’t it amazing how you suddenly found your voice after loosing it for the past 10 YEARS. Funny how we never heard your voice when Obozo was lying & stealing from us. Now we have a real President who only wants to make America better for ALL & now you want to run your mouth?

How does he explain the openly political behavior and statements of Ruth Bader? How do you he explain the lunacy attached to circuit court opinions regarding the travel ban and asylum? Trump is right.

justice John Roberts you go man! Thank you for standing up for the integrity of your position and not hiding from this big bully calling himself our leader. He isn't.

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BS - The judiciary has never been non-partisan. That fact is just now very clear to anyone paying attention.

The sound you hear is adult supervision that is tired of petulant, divisive behavior.

I am so glad Justice Roberts acknowledged Trump's right to free speech through his gratuitous overstepping of his own free speech. Where are the Adults?


Trump is right, like always.

Wow, and this idiot is Chief Justice..

Trump is 100% right ! The border is a problem. Obama judges won't help fix the problem.

Believing in a independent Judiciary makes you a fool, especially after Citizens United allowing corporations to spend unlimited amounts of money on political campaigns. Those who have less money will always lose. 28thAmendment unjust american JUDGES

Chief Justice is wrong. Judges' power is too big.

Roberts speaks judicial political correctness. He very well knows that many federal judges are far left Obama supporters and their judicial decisions reflect that bias. Either that or he is dangerously naive.

Let's evaluate. Who is: more intelligent, more educated, more of a civil servant, more balanced and sane, less partisan, and by far a much classier guy. Trump or Chief Justice Roberts? Of course it was easy. It wasn't a test. It was a rhetorical ?

Roberts can rebut all he wants but the TRUTH is that the 9th Circuit judges are far left and every entity that wants to stop the potus runs to that court because they know they will go against the President. Justice Roberts needs to either NOT TALK or at least TELL THE TRUTH.

Agree with Roberts it is the idea and the ideal. Observant enough to know that in reality Trump is correct.

Roberts shows that (this) Justice is Blind... to the truth that the Liberal advantage of the 9th is 16-7

Trump is right

What else would Chief Roberts say about his peers? He knows damn well Trump is right. One only needs to look at the number of overturned decisions coming from the 9th District!

Most telling thing about this... is the lack of re-tweets. One of the most informed and intelligent subscriber bases in the world, but only 200 re-tweets from the WSJ's 16 million followers. Gee, i wonder if this paper skews conservative, and its readers value $ over US ideals.

That went well 😨

Trump’s attempt to influence the court. I am going with the court on this one. A box of rocks is smarter than Trump.

If it is independent, why is he commenting on this publicly. Is it because he is responsible for the actions of the 9th Circuit? He knows as well as anyone, that judges have been classified by who appointed them for years. Why is he commenting on that now?

Justice Roberts himself set a president for rewriting legislation in the Obamacare devacle. Enough said!

No, they are to interpret the law not make them from the bench

Justice Roberts has not heard of the seventh court or appeals, yet? SupremeCourt

It must give Roberts an eye twitch whenever that third rate huckster lectures him on the judiciary.

If little John Roberts can't see the very obvious dimorat leaning 9th court he's dumber than i thought.

IT IS PATENTLY OBVIOUS THAT TRUMP IS RIGHT AND ROBERTS JUST PROVED IT. HE looks like he got played. Hey WSJ why are YOU going after Trump?

There are judges that allow their political views influence the decision-making. Not all judges decide cases based on State or Federal law.

Trump is truly pathetic

NicolleDWallace maddow washingtonpost nytimes JoeNBC SRuhle Lawrence morningmika wolfblitzer AliVelshi Obviously the time is nearing to impeach Donald Trump. One suggestion how about our great journalists do not refer to him as President.

Trump is out of control. He argues with a four star admiral Navy Seal and the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court all in the same week. Enough.

Justice Roberts is the adult in the room, Trump the petulant spoiled child.

Then tell the Obama zjudge he can’t issue a Nationwide Injunction.

FilmmakerJulie Trump, get your hand off our Chief Judge! And keep it out of the courts. You have a separate branch of government all to yourself: stay in that lane.

Independence from what, from whom? Judges have long been known to manipulate the law to get to an outcome they desire.

Independent of what? In this case judge is not. Not first time Liberal,judges legislating from the bench. Too bad they are not elected officials!

realDonaldTrump has no point to make, you goofs. It’s Thanksgiving weekend with families getting together. Trump can not just sit in the quiet for few days. He wants to capture the headlines even with the stupidest and most outrageous tweet. Tune the mental out and enjoy life.🤡

I agree with President Trump 100%. Otherwise people wouldn't be judge shopping to this specific Court would stop attacking the Presidents agenda and deliberately exposing the American people to danger for their far left Communist agenda.

A mild rebuke in keeping with a false sense of congeniality.

Our reactive president has the propensity to assail judges whom vote against his proposals. He shows the proclivity of making the matter painfully personal as if the judges are going against him directly and not his doctrine. This puerile behavior is unprecedented and frightening

So, I am take from this opinion that it matters not which party is in power to nominate Judges? And all the rhetoric about how important having a Democrat or Republican in the Whitehouse is irrelevant? Because it seems this is the big fundraising issue for the election industry.

Judiciary exceeds it's authority when it stays Presidential actions w/o citing any relevant case law or legislative laws. Democracy can't survive such behavior in fast changing national security situations. Requests for stays of EO's should have 2./b 1st heard at appellate level.

He’s right. realDonaldTrump VP

If this was true and Judges only ruled according to a strict following of the law and Constitution, then there would never have decisions overruled and lawyers would always go to nearest judge instead of finding particular judges they think will rule in their favor.

POTUS should have said 'activist' judges not Obama judges though they are synonymous in most cases.

Leaving Trump out of the equation, If Justice Kavanaugh had made this exact statement in exactly the same way, most posters here would attack him as being full of bull. Partisanthink is the only standard in the court of Social media.

Your continuous anti-Trump narratives were the only reason why I canceled my subscription. I suggest more people follow my lead.

So says the jerk that saved Obama Care !

Chief Justice Roberts needs to get a grip and don’t lie. The Ninth Circuit is a well-known liberal circuit. To suggest otherwise is either disingenuous, ignorant or the judge needs medication

the judiciary is independent, but not a legislative branch of government.

No, Chief Justice Roberts made these remarks so public so that he can recuse himself from upcoming asylum case so that conservatives lose majority in his court. A real weasel..


KUDOS TO HIM! Our Constitution does not provide a judicial rubber-stamp, for ANY president!

The judiciary is independent, objective, & apolitical just like the DOJ, right JusticeRoberts? Do you really think the American ppl are that naive? We’re fully aware of the DualJusticeSystem in this country. Ridiculous statements like yours further erode our confidence.

Trump is right. Roberts just gave us proof.

Thank you Chief Justice Roberts. Trump’s disparagement of the judiciary, our intell agencies and our free press is a serious threat to our democracy.

Thank you, Chief Justice Roberts for having the courage to speak out.

From the guy who rewrote aca we all had to pay

Rebut all you want. Try explainibg the abysmal record of the 9th circuit reversals. That speaks to the issue. Liberal circuit bias.

Roberts has been a disappointment

Fake News

Under a normal presidency we would not have to hear anything from Chief Justice Roberts . Trump is so far from normal and his statements are so ignorant that he must be rebutted.

Can't beat the swamp.

Justice Roberts; The 'Obamacare' Judge.

What about judges who make political decision not legal ones?

Judge Roberts lost all credibility when he killed us with Obama care. his opinion means nothing to me.

Why do the leftists always manage to find judges who believes the Constitution should be 'interpreted'? It's obvious that many judges put their ideology ahead of the written law.

Uncle Trump, his way or whinge and whine way

.realDonaldTrump LOVE that people are rebuking you and putting you in your place. It’s about time. Enough is enough!!

dont care what he said i care about illegal immigrants invading my country and i do not want them here.

There is nothing wrong with conflict between the branches...

I’ll be glad when Roberts retires. As far as I’m concerned he can leave tomorrow.

Bushie who gave us Obamacare!

I could just be cynical but to me this is just Justice Roberts trying to give himself cover because he realize that he will have to rule in realDonaldTrump favor in order to protect his precious republican part.

Here is a fun fact: 9th circuit rulings get overturned close to 80% of the time. Slow clap 👏

Checks and balances...

Coming from the man who rewrote Obamacare instead of rule on it as it was... which was unconstitutional. Either a wolf... or they have something on him.

zenveteran As he should to remind Orange idiot that we are not least not yet.

Oh oh. Looks like a pretext to exercise some Obamacare gymnastics to rubber stamp some judicial activism.

Proof that this man called Trump is not above the law. He is so in love with himself, he can't fanthom the thought anyone would challenge him, regardless of the law.


Here come all the blind followers siding with Trump over a Supreme Court Justice. What is this world coming to?

an independent juidiciary is only a pipe dream now a days. An idea. Look at the the dems trashing of Kavanaugh because they know they can't control him and they want a liberal that they can control. Unfortunately there is no longer a independent judiciary

In Ukraine,Russian companies are full owners - after 4 years they have not lost a penny and do not have less than 30% growth and laugh at USsanctions.

Thx again W! Benedict Arnold

Justice Roberts is perpetuating a myth. Judges vote based on interpretation of laws that support their own personal political persuasions. Trump is right on this one so don’t even try to make us believe otherwise.

How stupid does John 'Obamacare flip-flop' think we are? He embarasses himself with this comment.

Judicial tyranny/activism is real and chiefjusticeroberts JohnRoberts is a pathetic joke.

Judicial tryranny/activism is real and chiefjusticeroberts JohnRoberts is a pathetic joke.

I have to ask, but why should any judge be above criticism? Placing anyone above criticism is a dangerous precedent.

i wish roberts was correct but clearly there is judicial bias in the 9th circuit and elsewhere. maybe he should pay more attention.

Funny, I don't recall Roberts calling out Obama when Obama made disparagingly critical remarks about the Court during a State of the Union address. Roberts and fellow justices were sitting in the front row at the time. In his caustic way, Trump is absolutely right about activism.

Trump has a valid point, the 9th circuit Court is overturned 79% of the time on appeal.

But the truth is that federal judges are often ruled with their political beliefs. Remember Travel Ban.

Amazed at all the SCOTUS haters. I’m willing to bet $$ very few have read the decisions handed down to learn the reasons why the decisions have been made .

Roberts has his 'opinion', but when Federal Judges rule against precedent, then the Commander in Chief can ignore those rulings as they have already been settled.

Thank you, Justice Roberts! We have independent justice system and independent military, tied to no party, no politics. They have their own ethics and professional standards. This IS what Makes America Great! Why the President would not celebrate this is beyond me. ChiefJustice

Kavanaugh proved he is not independed but appreciate the effort I guess

His beliefs are quite naive! Similar to the Judges order, 'The jury will disregard the previous testimony!' Maybe all Washington insiders, need to have an in depth, Reality Check!

It appears the Supreme Court under the current Chief Justice is opposed to securing America's borders...!!!!

So, if Justice Roberts is correct, what is the big deal of who gets appointed to seats, as in the case of Kavanaugh? His rebuttal should be aimed at ALL POTLITICIANS, both Republican and Democrat

John Roberts is the reason we have unconstitutional Obamacare. He’s a hack too

All the more reason Trump is dangerous to freedom

*in theory

Continue to STAND UP Justice Roberts!!!

We have a name for business that has to work without a Judiciary all sides trust -- Organized Crime.

Isn't there a First Amendment right to STFU John? Use it please!

Yeah well if Roberts thinks they're all the same then why does he override many of them?

Pathetic. Just so happens it’s 9th circuit and an Obama Judge. Just saying.

Independent my ass! Some of these judges are so obviously leftist shills I’m shocked they don’t go into court with full on Antifa gear.

Trouble is, the 9th Circuit has shown itself to be ANYTHING other than 'independent', given its' 99.9% PRO-LEFT rulings.

Roberts is wrong. Its sacred to be in integrity, not independent.

This is good - the way things should be

Ladies and Gentlemen, we live in a country ruled by judges, not by the law, not by our constitution, but by unaccountable (in their own minds) men and women in black robes.

I'm glad he's standing up for his institution.

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