Education Dept. unveils new protections for those accused of sexual misconduct on campuses

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Betsy DeVos' Education Department proposes new rules for handling sexual harassment and assault at colleges that would bolster rights for the accused.


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Organize a gang rape for DeVos to give her the pleasure of such an event on her own body. Then maybe she starts to see she knows nothing about the after effects of being raped.



Pontifex no protection for rape victims




no, morons not bolster, make the kangaroo college courts finally equal to the average American common jurisprudence. Clueless News Nutwork

May Ms DeVos never experience a metoo incident in her life... womensupportwomen Hard to have witnesses womenempowerment when it's you and your assailant as they usually don't invite company...

these things should be handled by the criminal justice system, not colleges.

Great! We need to follow the evidence. Can’t put innocent people in jail. Can’t prosecute a guy who looks like a bank robber because a teller thinks it’s him. We need evidence. Left is on a kick of fabricating the truth to support their control freak mentality.

Good.. too many people have been wrongly accused.. everyone needs rights.. not just the accuser kavenaugh

USG needs to get out of the Title lX business. DeVos is right in moving forward w this step. The answer is always, less Government. No exceptions!

Rights, like in following the Constitution and the Rule of Law?

Good lord. That’s a factual, non-biased headline from cnn. I’m gobsmacked.

the accused as well as the accuser have rights

Right cause she’s a woman who could never defend women’s rights. Trash.

That's good. And by the way, that's for men and women.

When will BetsyDeVos retire, leave her position or just slither away like the snake she is? Wishing and hoping soon. She’s shouldn’t be anything over children

And frat boys and athletes everywhere rejoice.

Surprise, Surprise, Surprise!! She also favors raping students with outstanding loans!!!

Call it the Trump Rule. You can get away with sexual harassment or assault, even if you've been caught on tape admitting it to Billy Bush.

How about rights for both as in this country we are innocent until proven guilty

Why? Because that’s what her boss wants her to do.

what she needs to do is resign

They both have rights until they are proven guilty. See: Duke Lacrosse

'The Education Department released a plan Friday that would require schools to investigate sexual assault and harassment only if the alleged misconduct was reported to certain campus officials and only if it occurred on campus or other areas overseen by the school.'

Perhaps if you thought about it like a European has: 'If we would judge all crimes of the people like that, all of us would end up in prisons, for the crimes we haven’t committed but been accused of.' metoo metooliars

Finally! Nobody should get special treatment, EVERYONE should get fair and equal treatment.

Apparently deVos was never assaulted or she might think differently.

Did Trump help write new rules?

FY DeVos

Of course they have to protect the new generation of (R)apists. The 'grab them by the pussy' party.

'bolster' or weaponize?

Oh, you mean like due process?

This reminds me of that Daniel tosh rape joke that caused such a stir...

Quit sending any monies to private colleges and universities

Did her son do something at one time? Just wondering.


That makes plenty of sense...she must have rapist sons...or her wealthy friends do...

Keep calm till the facts are determined. Punish with full extent of law on those found guilty of sexual harassment/assault.


Pure insanity

The shear CRUELTY and STUPIDITY of this, coming from a woman that needs a full time security detail would be laughable if it wasn't so SICK! pasttimeforbetsytogo

What is wrong with this? There are over a dozen colleges currently settling lawsuits where due process was violated. 'The proposed rule would require schools to apply basic due process protections for students, including presumption of innocence throughout the grievance process'

This is a needed correction good for DeVos

Her rules are simple, if the prep denies it, it ain’t eligible for investigation. It’s Called the Frumpf doctrine.

Well given the rash of wrongfully convicted sex offenders because some women lie about sexual assault the accused have rights too.

During my daughter's last year of high school I told her if she was sexually assaulted on campus or elsewhere, to call the police, not campus security. We don't let colleges handle murder cases, so why are they involved in sexual assault cases? /1

Remember please you are innocent till proven guilty!

Thank you.... There is a growing... PANIC... from educators that the wrong grade could get you in a legal battle.

I wonder if yesterday's Twitter tantrum was to keep us from noticing this. I have come to the conclusion that everyvtime Trump loses his mind on here, it's a smokescreen.

WTF is this woman thinking. 🤔

Trump and his lackeys have sided with dictators, murderers, rapists, pedophiles, abusers and forest fires. Unreal.

I’m impressed she can speak in complete sentences

Just a horrible person. Also, Why does she have so much millions of dollars protection?

student-athletes and frat boys are gonna love this one

Why do we need to bolster any ones rights? How about you keep victim AND suspects name out of the public. No victim shaming and no suspect bashing. Protect them both as innocent UNTIL your positive there was a crime committed. Then nail the guilty who ever they are....

Just being fair. We have seen how damaging uncollaborated accusations can be to individual careers and lives. Victims need justice and so do innocent accused. Let evidence guide our actions. Law and order should prevail.

I hate all these people so much! Because they have all sat down and agreed to destroy America! I can't really think of anyone I have ever HATED til now! Not even ex's! Not even people who have stolen from me! Not even people who have physically hurt me!

You mean due process, which is a good thing. You should believe in due process now that one of your commentators hit a woman in the face, Avenatti

...but how are they going to comprehend them when the can't read or understand them?...🤔

I thought creating laws was up to the legislature... Why is an education secretary creating rights for people?

She is like a badly written villain in a B-movie. One dimensionally evil!


“Bolster rights” means that they’re gonna make the burden of proof for accused more difficult, to the point of unreasonable.

Sorry I also meant to say cry me a river. Females are NOT the only ones who get sexually harassed so why are they the ones targeted for help? Equal rights I thought? Equal rights equal lefts?

Look at all the freaking out over increased due process. God forbid we don’t destroy everybody’s life who’s simply accused of anything and everything!

SO GLAD FOR THE MADNESS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

But she's being civil. Right? Anyone?

Open season on the female college students. The orange fools administration will allow horny males to do as they please and get away with it. If he can do it so can all males!

So basically, she's pro-rape. This is astonishing.

Why are Republicans such shits? It’s as if they can’t help it.

Thank God

Is your position that people who are accused have no rights? This is why you are fake news and no one respects your organization

Nice of you to even say accused have rights.

Yeah, I can see her supporting that, and then scheduling a campus tour.

It's a mixed bag of easy pickings for who is the worst cabinet member, but I often come back to the senseless damage BetsyDeVosED plans to unleash on the young victims of sexual violence on our college campuses – and I wonder what went so wrong in her life that she's THIS CRUEL

Yeah it’s usually innocent until proven guilty but the media loves stirring up crap 💩 especially this joke of a network Least with your constant bashing and propaganda people actually know everyone in Trumps administration to bad you fuel hate and division for ratings which suck

Shouldn’t they be equal?

Only took 2 yrs

This administration is complete bs.

Education department making laws on harassment?

Here is a plan to reduce sexual assault: 1- keep all your clothes on and your body covered properly. 2- stay sober

? she is out of her GD gourd.

She must have a son in college

She is a Twit!!!! Yes Twit!!!!

Can't someone get her on her boat out in the ocean and sabatoge the engine?

Yuk, yuk, yuk, yuk, yuk🧐

Fire her!

Her last day as Education Secretary cannot come soon enough.

Yeah, due process. This is America.

What? Bolster rights for the accused? In America, I though we were guilty until proven innocent?

Because who knows, there could be more Kavanaughs out there.

So I can be taunted or assaulted but as long as I can get to class it's okay? I understand enforcing the rights of the accused but bolstering?

Well the rapists know who they'll be voting for

Time for her to gooooooo

She is evil!

She's still in the White House?

Outrageous! Why should the accused have any rights? Ask Avenatti.

I'm old enough to remember when conservatives used to complain that criminals had too many rights and there should be more consideration for victims.

Excellent news!

It is about time for her to fall off yay high horse right down the drain.


Good. Very good. Remember the Duke lacrosse debacle?

'How can we protect these poor rapists more and make it harder for the victims?'

Bullshit Betsy. She has no clue what she's doing and what she's doing is scatterbrained

No wonder she has the extra protection.

While reading the first three lines I was thinking 'finally this woman is doing something positive for our schools' then I continued to read on to the last two lines and pretty much was back to being disappointed in her. Thanks for nothing BetsyDeVosED

Can she please just go away

She's as dumb as Nancy Pelosi

Seems like an appropriate time to resurrect this. Sure is a scary time for dudes.

She is so out of her depth in that job.

Any university or college that would adopt this position should be boycotted by women students

Anyone supporting the old policies are supporting likely racist policies. It’s time for reform.


This is entirely unsurprising

The victim should not have to answer questions directly from the attacker. That is adding more trauma onto an already horrible situation. A third party could ask the questions.

Can we say victim and not accuser? Already diminishing seriousness.

She (sigh) must look back fondly at her college years of being a sexual harassment and objectification Beta by the Future College Administrators Club....

Is this because Betsy Devos offspring & Sons are all Sex Predators in college?! Boycott the colleges that have LAX SEX LAWS & PROTECT PREDATORS!

Why are sexual assaults on campus not managed by police

if u dont control the media.. U dont control the duke lacrosse's past.. nor their future.. and then doesnt matter becomes it matters not.. u end up with the same boys U figure innocent being flamed as a violator.. Your rules save no body's ass from a Whipping with a tree branch

I think the word you're looking for is 'restore', not 'bolster'. Oh, wait, this is CNN. Never mind.

She's acting like a human being? Weird!

Why is the woman on the wrong side of everything?

The accused deserve to have their side of the story heard. This is completely fair!

She is evil

Betsy DeVos wants to make it easy for grabbers like realDonaldTrump !

WE'd change the way reporting of all of these r done.. of course KavNahh will down in flames.. because he lied.&his false truths are hidden because that is the law of the white men.. hide the sin & pray to God to forgive. as IF .. stan Lee has Passed away and Christmas IS over

Right after she puts in Lemonade stands n car wash to work student loans off

How about we just follow the due process and presumption of innocence thing? It seems to have worked for some time.

Of all the cabinet members leaving and getting fired, why can't Betsy be one of them? Please

its not the changing of nature to aXtual sex. 'i touched her shoulder to make her know i existed but i didnt think of sex at the time'.. that will become a legal defense.. but the media will still say 'He Guilty'.. coz U need Coverage to contain a Flame from going APE,.. Learn

The highlight of my time as a meter reader here in Grand Rapids, MI while in school was taking a piss on this lady's tree at her house. LMAO Totally true story. Yellow

Good-this was a long time in coming.

she is wrong.. the media.. the after math of not going public with all the details because the new POTUS has tweets to get out.. if the media and news all around say..'OK this male or female or TG or Duke team of lacrosse, are innocent, so repeat on all news and Media', butNope

Betsy is pure evil. I don’t believe she knows or understands the real world.

Due process is the WORST, amirite?

Why is she still there?

Betsy DeVos MUST Step Down or be Fired. Taxpayers Should NOT be paying 25 million per year to Protect The Security of Education. Find somebody likable to do the job. Taxpayers SHOULD NOT PAY to protect Ms. DeVos Betsy is worth 4 BILLION and can Pay for it Herself.

of course trump thinks this is a *great* idea.

I am all for detecting, stopping, and preventing sexual harassment and/or misconduct including when warranted disciplining and/or prosecuting them. But what is wrong with rights and protections to accused?

puh, what a complicated headline. This was in the making for months. In short: DeVos bolsters rights of the accused in sexual harassment cases on campus. Like Trump, DeVos wants to go back in time. I am sure she'd bring back black segregation if she could. Good old 1950.

She’s still around, can’t they just give her an office in the basement somewhere and she can pretend to do the job she’s supposed to be doing?

I guess she, or any female members of her family haven't been sxually harrassed but many of her rich buddies have. She is so wrong.

Of course she is. I couldn’t be more sick of these horrible people. It’s like they wake up everyday and say to themselves, “What’s the most disgustingly, morally offensive thing I can do today?!” And then they go 10x as far.

So to confirm what we already knew... there’s not one decent human being associated with Trump.

Because you should allow the assaulter to torture the victims more. .... -_-

To be expected!!!!! The fact that the majority of the American electorate cannot see what this person means to the long term outcomes of education is simply tragic. She is beyond the pale in terms of negative human policies for schools

GOP-ers, curiously always on the side of abusers it seems.

She need to go

::Kavanaugh cracks a cold one::

Where does Trump find these horrible people.

And this is why women don’t tell!!! PERIOD, DEVOS IS IGNORANT!!!!!PERIOD!!!!

I actually agree with this and I am a Democrat..... What happened to innocent until proven guilty?

Betsy DeVos should Step Down or be Fired. Taxpayers should not be paying 25 million per year to protect The Education Security. Find someone else to do the job. Taxpayers SHOULD NOT PAY to protect DeVos She is worth 4 Billion and can pay for it herself.

Regret isn’t rape. Love watching this nonsense get gutted.

It’s no wonder it’s costing us millions yearly for her security detail!


How is this a bad thing?

Let’s not protect our sweet daughters. Let’s protect the creepers. Just plain wrong Betsy DeVos

metooliars caused this. Thank you.

Bolster rights such that they reflect the rights of defendants for virtually all other legal cases, correct, but not such that they allow for any 'judicial advantage' for the defendant...

Heaven forbid there is some due process.

Sometimes I wonder what does this woman have inside her head, because for sure her brain is missing.

This women is insane

Wonder why?!

Can't we just simplify: 'White Guy party proposes new rules to help white guys.' I feel like that works as a general rule.

This is insane. 😡😡😡😡😡

No. It restores Due Process, which Obama's Secretary of Education completely destroyed.

Of course they did. 🙄

It's only fair


I am Graphics Designer. Look my gig

This is why women running the world will always be a beyonce song.

Let’s have new rule and revoke the government security that is around the clock.

O you who believe! When the call is proclaimed for Jumu’ah (Friday Prayers), come fast to the remembrance of Allah” [Quran 62:9] JummahMubarak AliunWaliullah herbiji pinyanişi

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