WA's environment watchdog failed to properly assess Woodside's $16.5b Scarborough gas development, court told

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Law Law Headlines News

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Western Australia's environment watchdog failed to properly assess the biggest oil and gas development to be built in Australia in a decade, the WA Supreme Court has been told.

The WA Supreme Court has been told the state's environment watchdog failed to properly assess Woodside's $16.5 billion Scarborough gas development.The council claims the agency did not carry out a proper assessmentThe court today began hearing a case brought against the gas giant by the Conservation Council of WA, which is challenging approvals provided by the Environmental Protection Authority.

"Woodside's Scarborough proposal is the most fossil fuel polluting project in Australia currently," she said. The CCWA has said the Scarborough project would result in 1.6 billion tonnes of carbon emissions over 25 years.


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Shocked, I tell you. simonahac

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