The One Issue Where Biden’s Satisfying Progressives

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Progressives are over the moon with the record number of judges that President Biden and Senate Democrats have confirmed this year, a good news story that Democrats should be shouting from the rafters.

“It eclipses Barack Obama, which is something I believed I would never say,” says Elliot Mincberg with People for the American Way. Democrats have risen to the challenge posed by Trump’s example. Five more Circuit Court nominees are awaiting Senate action, and 26 District Court nominees are in the pipeline. That still leaves 16 vacancies on the Circuit Courts and 46 on the District Courts, and a tougher road ahead, says AFJ’s Goldberg.

There are currently 870 federal judges with lifetime appointments: nine on the Supreme Court, 179 on the courts of appeals, 673 for the district courts and nine on the Court of International Trade. A quarter of the active judges on the lower courts are Trump appointees, and they have blocked Biden policies in a number of areas. Earlier this month, a Texas Appeals Court judge appointed by Trump upheld the former president’s “Remain in Mexico” policy for immigrants crossing the southwest border.

That has changed, says Kang with Demand Justice. “Democrats overall understand the importance of courts in a more focused way,” he says. In 2016, Trump won among voters who said the Supreme Court was an important or very important issue by six points; in 2020, Biden won by two points, an eight-point swing.


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So when I blow my brains out, I'm going to do it in the river so my mom doesn't have to see me like that.

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