Eric Clapton sues German woman selling bootleg CD for $15

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Law Law Headlines News

Law Law Latest News,Law Law Headlines

The Rock and Roll Hall of Famer takes legal action against a German woman who listed an illegal copy of an Eric Clapton CD online, which once belonged to her late husband.

Key points:The widow claimed her late husband bought the CD in the 80s from a storeThe 76-year-old guitarist has successfully sued the woman for listing a bootleg copy of one of his CD online for $15, German media reports.

The 55-year-old widow said her late husband told her he had purchased it in 1987 at a well-known department store. The woman has been ordered to pay the legal fees of both parties, which has reportedly totalled approximately $5,370. Clapton's manager, Michael Eaton, told the Guardian: "Germany is a country where sales of bootleg and counterfeit CDs are rife, which damages the industry and customers with poor quality and misleading recordings."


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Better not ask someone if they want to buy “cocaine” he may think someone else is trying to rip him off.

Without even rear the story…that headline is mint! Who would even know Eric Clapton now let alone buy a cd? Lol

Well we know he doesn’t believe in heaven, so he’s doing Satan’s work by tormenting a widow

Deutchlanders Love music .

This is a good reminder to everybody that you should always pirate Eric Clapton's music, and Soulseek is a good way to do it if you're new to this

Is he broke that’s sad 😢

Wrong Clapton fell.

Everyone knows music is free download from YouTube and make any cd you like.



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