How a new mRNA vaccine could use the body’s immune system to fight cancer

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Law Law Headlines News

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A clinical trial is enrolling colorectal cancer patients to see whether a personalized mRNA vaccine can prevent their cancer from coming back.

estimated that people born in 1990 have double the risk of developing colorectal cancer in their lifetimes compared to people born around 1950, when risk was at its lowest.

“The question is if we add a vaccine, can we prevent these relapses?” Şahin said. “We believe the vaccine could be in a position to do that.” If they find it, cancer cells from his tumor will be shipped off to BioNTech’s factory in Mainz, Germany. There, cancer cells from people like Rodriguez are analyzed for mutations specific to the patients and encoded in mRNA strands that go into tailor-made shot, takes around six weeks, Preußner said. “We need to screen the tumor, looking for the mutations.


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