Iran execution of Heidar Ghorbani sparks rare anti-government protest

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The death sentence handed to Kurdish man Heidar Ghorbani was viewed by rights groups as political.

Iranian social media users had held several campaigns against his death sentence this year, after the Supreme Court upheld the verdict.

Human rights groups claim his conviction was based on questionable evidence gained under torture and that he had allegedly been denied a lawyer during the investigation.and to repeal his death sentence. UN human rights experts said it was "troubling that courts continue to issue death sentences in trials that not only breach international fair trial standards, but even domestic law and due process guarantees".

Amnesty International had also called on Tehran to "quash his sentence and grant him a fair retrial".that at least 246 people were executed in Iran in 2020, and says the country increasingly uses the death penalty "as a weapon of political repression against dissidents, protesters and members of ethnic minority groups."


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The death penalty is only supported by primitive, emotionally stunted people.

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