WATCH | Heavy police presence as suspects appear in connection with Phoenix unrest

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Law Law Headlines News

A large police and army presence was on high alert outside the Verulam magistrate's court on Monday where seven people arrested in Phoenix on Friday are expected to appear.

Alice Govender, family media spokesperson for two of the suspects, whom she would only identify by their first names, Owen and Seelan, said they had come to show support for their loved ones.“Today we have supporters, friends and family from our community of Phoenix. We are here to see that Seelan and Owen are granted bail. There is no charge that we know of that has been opened against them and I think that it's quite unfair what is unfolding and happening to them,” she said.

Alice Govendor, speaking on behalf of the supporters, fily and friend S who traveled form Phoenix this morning.


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🧐so these alleged murderers were rounded up after than the twelve apostles who allegedly were responsible for the insurrection. Not holding my breath to see anyone standing on the stage that Saturday arrested for high treason.

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