A woman said a Texas state trooper sexually assaulted her. Her lawyer apologized after seeing body cam video

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A woman who said a Texas state trooper sexually assaulted her could face charges herself, after body cam video released by Texas Department of Public Safety shows no evidence of officer misconduct.


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jjwills2 Thank goodness for body cams. What a hooch!

RichardTBurnett Anyone who would falsely accuse someone like that should face charges.

RichardTBurnett AboutTime

RichardTBurnett Lying Liberals. Dime a dozen.

Even though it has nothing to do with it, I just want to point out that this is the reason why presumption of innocence, is so important. She accused him of misconduct, and a video cam said otherwise. She lied. Cavanagh confirmation very similar NowJusticeKavanaugh

Some women do lie

When will Christie Blasey Ford face charges for falsely accusing Brett Kavanaugh of sexual assult? And when will she pay back donators on Go Fund Me....all fraudulent actions should pay the consequences.


ScoutDrayton Hey MeToo believe all women they say, she's a victim they say. This POS makes us victims look like idiots..! Start arresting these ppl. And all media outlets and left wing nuts should apoligize to this man and Kavanaugh and all the others falsely accused.. Shame on u!

She needs to be given the EXACT same sentence that the Officer faced!

Charge her and her stupid and opportunist lawyer.

She should!



She should be locked up!

SeeTac7 Alyssa_Milano this is your MeToo clowns in action

So, women must be believed? If that officer were your husband, father or son, how would you feel if he were charged with crimes he didn’t commit? Praise God he had a bodycam on!

She should receive a sentence similar to what the officer would have faced on conviction.

sparkyandtaz But but but trust all women. Regardless right? Right? 👀

Lock her up again

ampdup1587 Here is yet another example of why the ‘Believe Women’ slogan is totally inappropriate and bogus.

amprolife shaunking care to issue an apology? Maybe you want to drop some coin for this women's impending legal fees? Or are you content with just being a feckless race baiter?

Arrest her!

Shaunking of RealJusticePAC and theintercept spread this false rumor amongst his rabid followers. The policemen and their family’s had their lives threatened. shaunking proves yet again that he is nothing but a fraud. He never apologized to the cops either!

fubaglady IBelieveHer and not some cam video and evidence.

fubaglady Always believe accusers, eh?

We support Texas DPS!

IBelieveHer 😂😂

This is getting out of hand. Charges were just dropped against 3 Bellevue, WA police officers after a false allegation of rape.

But But But democrats say we need to believe her no matter what.

Some women shut assult and rape just because a man does or says something they don’t like.

I hope she is charged and prosecuted.

KeithGunter0 Absolutely - defamation at the top of the list.

LisaMarieBoothe More metoo blowup!

Well, looky here.... a wamen lied about a man sexually assauling her. A black woman, at that! I’m surprised THAT wasn’t the main story.... eat that, shaunking . Let it soak in.... the TRUTH hurts, doesn’t it?


RoamingMil Yet another reason body cams are useful

LindaSuhler Yeah but we’re supposed to always believe the woman. I don’t believe anybody without any evidence. TrumpTrain

of course

Can you say “Christine Ford”. This woman was trying to “Kavanaugh” this officer. Do we still have to believe the accuser?

oqven Lock her up or better yet 1000 hours of Community service

'me too'is the biggest hoax. Most of alleged women sexual victims weren't attacks but a consensual between Weinstein&Bill Cosby and the'victims' The wanted to be actress by All 'means'and if something goes wrong they blame Men. 'You ask for it you got it Toyota' 1980s commercial

Could? How about absolutely should. Wait, didn’t Dems just say stuff like that never happens?🤔

kevincorke Did Mazie see this

kevincorke Good. Its about time these women are held accountable for these lies.


How hard are LeeMerritt & ShaunKing working to repair the damage to this officer's reputation?

I thought all women are suppose to be believed when it comes to matters of sexual assaults. Women don't lie about these things.

Troubled people walking, talking and driving about everywhere...Probably not her first offense

This story most likely won’t be on CNN or MSNBC 😂

LindaSuhler GOOD. She should face charges.

Throw the book at her. I’ve had enough of these fake charges

She should be charged to the fullest extent possible. it's idiots like her that damage the stories of real victims.

'could face charges'

Throw Biauch in the slammer with Christine Ford!

Anyone else see the common problem here? We’ve got activists trying to push false narratives to sew division between people and police (as if that fire isn’t burning hot enough) instead of quietly allowing investigators to make solid cases. We need order restored in society

Women don’t lie about sexual assault, huh? 🤯 She definitely should be charged.

Lock that woman up.

Oh only a few weeks ago something happened... we were told to believe accusers...

Time to hold these women accountable for their lies. Make an example out of them. HoldHerAccountable

SidneyPowell1 I hope she does SERIOUS TIME!!😡😡😡

She should be criminally charged and, if found guilty, sent to prison.

But we should “believe her”! lockherup

'Could' face charges? WTF?


Lock. Her. Up.

Now think Kavanaugh

JanetteValenti9 Arrest her

And it looks like she would have been open to an advance or two... Cameras are to protect the police from these people. How’s that MeToo movement going again? Women, y’all have screwed things up big time.

Believe all women!

This is why you need evidence. She does a disservice to all sexually abused women.


Because of dishonest people like this woman, the real victims will pay the price.

Good thing he wasn't a supreme court nominee. She needs Avenatti to turn her lies around like he did for Dr. Fraud

LRbullies Lock her up. DefeatDemCrow

I BelieveWomen LIE - early, often, for decades all for payouts of cash & attention

This story is five months old...

sbr_gi I think the trooper should be allowed to sue her for defamation.

but we’re supposed to “believe ALL woman” right!!!

SHE MUST BE CHARGED. Where’s the outrage from the metoo folks? Do you understand why we’re getting a bit tired.

A woman lied? What Yes, she should be prosecuted! Anyway who just makes stuff up that can ruin others lives should face charges.

Another lying woman ?

False claims must be prosecuted.

She should be placed on the Sex Offender Registry and serve jail time for a false crime report. The same as any other sexual predator. IngrahamAngle

jetrotter HimToo


sbr_gi BelieveSurvivorsAndProsecuteLiars


Remember this story ClayTravis?

SeeTac7 Oh wait, so we can't AlwaysBelieve ?

Believe all woman, or something

This is an old article from May. Why is it being reposted today?

katamerica And this why I stood by Justice Kavanaugh.

Good! All these false accusations need to be prosecuted!

LisaMarieBoothe He acted 1000% correctly.

That's unpossible We know that women never lie

VoteTheLeftOUT The consequences of an out-of-control me-too movement is that those who truly have been sexually assaulted will now be dismissed as a result of these false claims.

pcgallagher17 MEETOO

The sad part is. Those who sided with her, probably would have committed those offenses projection

And she should face charges to the fullest extent of the law.

Book em’ Dano

Believe all women? Hahahaha

“Could face charges”? WTF? What’s the issue? Prosecute!

“thanks to posts by Dixon-Cole’s attorney Lee Merritt and social activist Shaun King.” Shaun King. If there was a slime ball piece of shit worse than Michael Avenatti, it would be him.

Just looking at that animal is all I need to know it was bullshit

But BelieveAllWomen right?

I wonder if shaunking will write an apology for spreading this lie.

Lock her up!

Believe all women, says some stupid liberal. Believe the person that has facts on proof on their side

She belongs behind bars.

Time to stop these false allegations, time to arrest JustDoIt

Are all men going to have to wear body cams now?

metoo discrimination policeaccountability bodycam

RoamingMil Believe all waymans!!!!

commonguy123 Charge her now and any other woman who makes BS claims

She should also be charged with making a false report

“Believe all women” “Believe all women” “Believe all women” 🙄

Lrihendry Yeeeeeeuuuup! Believe Women! LMAO!

jsipe2005 But she is afraid to fly, only had one beer, and is 100% certain the officer attacked her. Case closed.

But, but, but, democrats said all women should be believed! No evidence needed!

delicateswan60 Oh, but the liberals say you should believe ALL women, and there is no presumption of innocence on the accused's part. What a bunch of BS by the Democratic Party. I hope they lose BIG TIME in the Midterms. They don't deserve to hold office.

God bless the inventor of the body cam!

LisaMarieBoothe Throw her ass in jail .......

ncar999 What a liar!!!

ncar999 A liberal for sure

Good! Women like this give all women a bad rap! Grow up and take responsibility of your actions and stop making accusations! So many lie that true abuse will be ignored! We’ve come to far for that!

But I thought we BelieveAllWomen ?!?!?

Why is this story being shared now, when it was written in May. Hey USA Today, it's not news when it's old. That said, I do hope the officer sued her and her lawyers.

Thought they said that women don’t lie, and believe her truth, thank goodness for cameras. She needs to get prosecuted, she could have ruined his life.

bridget4kicks good

Why isn’t the attorney being charged ? Why isn’t shaunking being sued for defamation ?

LindaSuhler Not just charged the Trooper should sue her too

Nice job shaunking Let attorney's manipulate you w/zero evidence into going after police. Think about what you & your actions have done to that police force, officer & his family. I know you don't give a shit. It filled your hate filled heart and pocket book. beleivepolice

You mean not all these stories are true And this guys life would have been ruined but for camera? Lock her up? amyschumer will be proud.

False accusations need to have consequences. 😢

I’m all for charging anyone regardless or race or gender. That tries to lie on others about such serious offenses. A good 6 months in jail is a start

Charge her & bring her to justice.

LisaMarieBoothe Another CBF only luckily troopers have body cam

But women don’t lie

Here we go with the GD false accusations. Thanks SenFeinstein!!

Wait. If she accused him, then we have to believe her.

Good, we should do that for everyone that lies about being raped, making it harder for genuine victims to be believed.

This is exactly why we need proof when a woman or man want to accuse someone of assault!

Mkleo63 Could face? Instead 'Must face.'

Well, filing false charges is a criminal offense, isn't it? This 'lady' should go to trial and go to jail if found guilty of filing false charges. No free passes...

But she's a woman! We're supposed to believe her! CHARGE her!!! anotherfraud.

Charge her!

Awesome. Hope she gets more than the average person gets.

ProofBlog Talcom X is a complete idiot. Yes, charge her.

Barnes_Law My Bad. And she walks scott free. Why isn't she charged for lying to the police & falsely accusing someone of a crime?

Believe all victims, or something!

bonbonpinkypup1 Lock Her Up!

Lrihendry Lier, lier.

Put her in jail 10 years and this will stop all this liars. Period

steph93065 Dr Ford

steph93065 You'd think the first thing ANY attorney would do before opening his mouth is ask to see the body can video. Or any other video. Smh

There needs to be a strong message sent here that lies like this have consequences! Put her in jail!

steph93065 Charge her, throw the book at her or this won't stop.

Why isn’t she charged?

steph93065 Lock her up!

seanmdav So how is the “We must believe women” crowd feeling? Care to comment Senator maziehirono? Should this falsely accused trooper have just shut up like you advised?

davidharsanyi Empirical evidence is no match for my overpowering conviction that we BelieveAllWomen.

That's bad

So sad


billybobdogface Good

melsatx But but...believe women!!!

Hence the case for police body cameras. It shows the truth. Police should welcome this but they turn them off for some reason. For some strange reason, it always happens during police misconduct. Smh

Lrihendry She should face charges!!!

Whoa, wait, Really? Women lie sometimes? That’s crazy.

But I thought women didn’t lie about such things. This is so confusing.

She should face criminal charges. If criminal behavior doesnt have consequences, law & order breaks down.

It’s people like this that harm the metoo movement.

Oh...I thought all women must be believed. 🤷🏻‍♀️

pixie_kimmy LockHerUp

WalshFreedom And Jail her Lawyer too

This is why I do not BelieveAllWomen

Yes. Charge her!!!!

SConnorTX She needs to get the same prison sentence that the LEO would have gotten had he been convicted.

f i n a l l y

Arrest her for lying

seanmdav Could? Should. Has.

I guess we should just take her word for it. What do you think Alyssa_Milano

Swtladee What the heck lol... I still believe her, even if there's proof that it didn't happen the way she says it did... BelieveWomen proof logic DueProcess

What? Women aren't always truthful? Who knew?

Shame on you

No, you still need to believe all wamannn.

RoamingMil Good.

shaunking care to comment now? Or does this not fit your agenda? Fair is fair if the tape shows she, while intoxicated, made up an allegation, shouldn’t you clarify your response with this evidence? RecordEverything

Thanks Dr. Ford and SenFeinstein for this bs you have now stirred up. I hope they throw the book at this trash!

LisaMarieBoothe shaunwhite

Wait Acenatti has some affidavits from some other women who were gang raped by this officer.

Yep let’s believe absolutely everything every woman claims without a single shred of evidence. It’s a super smart idea! metoo

Lrihendry This stop actually happened awhile ago (Most Extreme tv show or something) but just imagine how often this is going to happen since that liar Ford made way too many think that just an accusation is enough to get paid!

Continue exposing false allegations...but, also expose MISUSE of authority against THE people...how ever i still feel law enforcement is GOOD not EVIL

LindaSuhler But believe the survivor they say....

NicholasStix Where's me2 They believe all women. They believe all women R brave when they come forward. Men R just collateral damage. Did this woman get prosecuted 4 filing false sexual assault claims. Probably not. Some women just lie.

DukeSkywalker She's pretty freaking hot though!

unseen1_unseen ‘Could’ face charges? She should. She lied to, and about a police officer. And now, thankfully, there is evidence.

A bunch of wackos.

unseen1_unseen But, but . . . women don't lie . . .

But how, media like you pushed that all women have to be believed and never lie.

unseen1_unseen Believe all women. SMH

Lrihendry She was hot, i give her that!

LisaMarieBoothe Sad. This only makes it harder for those who were REALLY assaulted. Liars and phonys be ware.

To quote our Commander in Chief... There's good people on both sides. This officer was 💯 on of the good ones. In Houston there's a Judge that publicly ashamed dishonest petty violaters by ordering them to wear body billboards admitting to their crime. Dallas are u listening 👂👂

BelieveAllWomen 😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂🐂💩

Lock her up

Could be? She most certainly should be charged!

Arrest her and give her 2 years in jail for lying

Believe the woman. Isn't that the new standard?

ChatByCC Throw her ass in jail and don't let her out until she remembers the details of her sexual assult that happened, with the evidence to prove it.

Fry her!!!

Lrihendry You better make an example of her. If not all cops better be wearing a cam. Remember in this age ur guilty

Prosecute her.

LisaMarieBoothe The hell with body cams, we believe women. Who you going to believe the woman or 'Your Lying Eyes'?

Lrihendry Charge her! What do u mean may be getting charged. This poor cop will lose everything!

Lrihendry What does Hillary say that’s all that matters

Let the madness continue...

I hope she is charged because this makes it harder for all of us

Yes she should be charged but the lady who accused the 9year old kid should be facing charges also lets keep it fair across the board

LindaSuhler It's time, for jail time.

Charge her. Put her in jail for at least 10 years.


LisaMarieBoothe She attempted to get the officer fired. For telling such a hateful lie send her to jail for a year.

Body cams men, body cams!

Lrihendry Thank goodness for video cam!

LisaMarieBoothe Lock her up

Needs to be changed for making false claims against the officer.

She should be sentenced to the maximum sentence that the officer would have been facing had he been charged with sexual assault.

I’m surprised ran this story.

Lrihendry Dressing scant, being a drink, talking to a male police or otherwise, does not constitute sexual harassment. This is a direct result of Christy Ford's bullshit story! I feel for all the women who have been violated by real scumbag males that will never have their day of Justice.

Lrihendry Whaaaat? Women never lie about that sort of thing. Damn the evidence she must be telling the truth

Lrihendry Any Dem leaders gonna comment on this? Hearing nothing but crickets

Lrihendry anotherfakemetoo

Things like “evidence” are only instruments used by the Patriarchy to oppress women! Or so I’ve been told by Feminists 🙄

How can that not result in a charge making a false statement to authorities?

MissMAGAMAGA DallasPoliceDepartment should throw the book at her!

But women never lie...

Another DerangedDemocrat ! Never believe a Democrat!

rose_m1 LockHerUp


seanmdav Lock her up! However long the charge is for a man

LindaSuhler Are we supposed to just believe her also?

LisaMarieBoothe She should

LisaMarieBoothe She should face charges. People accusing others of sexual assault, and the evidence proves otherwise, need to be held accountable. This is a slap in the face to all victims who have suffered such a horrific act. It’s also horrific for the ones who are accused that are innocent.

mjohn55 She needs to be put behind bars if this is true; as a deterrant to others who would destroy lives by their lies?

seanmdav What? I thought women don't lie about sexual misconduct!


She should be charged.

metoo believethevictim dueprocess

mimimayes13 I thought women don't lie! Hmm

LisaMarieBoothe It's about time 'We the People' start holding people accountable. Personal Responsibility Look Texas ain't scared , Murderers and Pedophiles send em to Huntsville Tx

LindaSuhler She just looks like another lying tramp.

sdavidm2 Wait Dems/MSM (one in the same) say women don’t lie.👺👺👺👺

LindaSuhler Every woman should be believed, right?

seanmdav False accusers should face the same prison sentence as the falsely accused would’ve faced had he/she been convicted.

Damn it! It's idiots like this who create doubt for people who really are assaulted.

officerjlukas Good!!!!

RoamingMil Wait, I thought we are supposed to believe the woman, no matter what? She screwed up, should have waited 35 years, then body cam video would be gone

LisaMarieBoothe both her attorney and King...the social media activist needs to be charged and sued.

MeThree? Charge her. That is the only way to put an end to the false allegations. There must be repercussions for blatantly false allegations.

seanmdav Peggynoonannyc ? You don’t any women who lies about sexual assault? Hmmm

LisaMarieBoothe I love 'could'...it should say WILL. PERIOD

Thank the liberals for the woman

Thank the liberals for this

seanmdav Why only “could?”

LisaMarieBoothe Believe all women!🥺

Kacy10000 She said it happened it has to be true the video is a lie. They need to have a Congressional investigation give the info to Diane Feinstein let her leak it and investigate.

LisaMarieBoothe Smears, smears, smears... or should I write Ford, Ramirez, Swetnick?😊😉

LisaMarieBoothe I think all accusers that are lying to get someone in trouble (DrFord) needs to be punished ... Probation Prison Community Service something needs to happen to these dillusional people!

LisaMarieBoothe Hope they prosecute her. These women lie so many times. We can not let them get away with that .. ME 2 MOVEMENT OR NOT. WHAT ABOUT ME 3 FOR OUR MEN?

CJHanselman As she should. This can not be tolerated.

She should be charged.

B-b-but in HER Reality it TOTALLY HAPPENED!

Charge her

realColtSeavers Believe all women regardless. 😀MeToo TimesUp BELIEVEWOMEN how do we know that the police officer didn't edit or doctor the video footage? This woman must be telling the truth. Don't they all? 🤔

davidharsanyi Attorney apology a bit late and kind of valueless after they already circulated the story online nationally.


seanmdav She needs to go to jail for the same amount given to real rapists!

LisaMarieBoothe Why there is due process..

davidharsanyi What % of a man’s testimony should a woman’s be worth?

Could? THROW AWAY THE KEY. What a horrible person, her, shaunking and everyone involved in the hustle that was exposed for what it was. Total scumbags.

seanmdav Well yes but wasn’t this story from this spring?

LisaMarieBoothe Knowingly FRAUDULENT sexual assault charges, should be treated as a Federal Hate Crime.

seanmdav Believe all women! How’s that workin’ out for ya?

believe ALL women....🙄

LisaMarieBoothe Shaun King not available for comment.


LisaMarieBoothe But I thought women never ever ever lie and they should always be believed

LisaMarieBoothe Women don’t lie ! Do they?😂🤣😂

kwolfburg PROSECUTE this crazy!!!

she should get the same amount of time he would have gotten if he had raped her. at least 10 years.

LisaMarieBoothe Lock her up! We need 2 put a stop 2 these lying women. First a 9 yr old child falsely accused now a police officer? No SHAME to their game!

LisaMarieBoothe Absolutely charge her!! Needs to go both ways.

seanmdav HimToo

BelieveAllWomen though, right?

davidharsanyi But 'Believe All Women,' right?

What? A woman would lie about something as serious as a sexual assault? Hurry, call Sen. Feinstein and Alyssa Milano.

I can see CNN trying to figure out a way to blame Trump.

I thought we were always supposed to believe the woman?

She should face charges for what she did.

Believe women?

Good I hope they read her the riot act and she goes to jail for a while!

But I thought women never lie...

A Woman Said....

Less than a month ago your rag implied that Kavanaugh was a pedophile, in addition to a rapist. Now you're NOT all about believe? Ohhh, I see, its because the accuser is a woman of color. Silence yourselves in shame.

Hey Alyssa_Milano Do you believe her? MeToo

Get ready ladies....metoo

RoamingMil CHARGE HER. False accusations need to stop.

These false allegations need to halt; it places truthful victims in jeopardy of losing credibility.

Could? No Must!!

Ok and then throw in all these other folks calling the police on innocent black people.

Should, not could.

This has to be done a lot more often.

fearloathing_ We will see more and more of these false accusations now, thanks to the Libs and Ford

But I thought false accusations are rare?

robdetf And she SHOULD!! WeWantJustice

Charge her. Charge her lawyer accordingly as an officer of the court, and the person who was spreading the story and pushing it.

THIS makes me furious! How are women who ARE sexually assaulted ever going to be believed or find justice when ignorant women (I REALLY want to call them B’s) lie about it and USE this defense to get out of trouble? These women are traitors to our gender!

What would have happened if he didn't have the video footage showing he didn't commit any crimes? He would have been fired, humiliated, marked as a sexual offender and maybe serve jail time. And no one would believe him! She definitely needs to be charged!

This is why 'believe survivors' shouldn't be the mantra.

This is a good example why allegations are difficult to investigate as sometimes they did not happen.


But we must believe all women!!!!!!

julieannejazz She should be thrown in jail for filing a false police report...the sentence should be doubled since it was against a police officer.

But..but...we must believe the victim. .We must always believe the “victim”.

BelieveAllWomen hey

Thank God for the video camera! 🙏 Lying thieves will always try to manipulate! It looks like somebody was trying to play the victim after breaking the law... POTUS WhiteHouse realDonaldTrump

JeffPassoltFOX9 Could face charges

Police need to press charges against the woman. This kind of false accusation is all too rampant and examples need to be set.

Kevin_M_Seconds But, she is a woman so we should believe her because women don't lie, word is enough! 😂😂😂

So we are suppose to believe her because she's a woman never mind the video, without this video that officer more and likely would have lost his job, this is a dangerous path Liberals are taking

RoamingMil Easier to lie to get out of responsibility than accepting the consequences for one's actions!

these women falsely accusing people of rape crying wolf is going to destroy any chances of people accepting actual rape cases, people are not going to believe them because of all these false accusations

RoamingMil BelieveAllWomen BelieveSurvivors MeToo TimesUp

'could' This is why we can never know the real number of false accusers of rape, because most of them get away without a charge, therefore don't end up in the stats.

What happened to BelieveSurvivors BelieveAllWomen

This is just a result of Texas never doing anything with false reports. They have always been willing to let them slide over the years. It’s about time the county attorneys picked up their game and started filing charges and actively prosecuting people for filing false charges.

RoamingMil BelieveAllWomen

eezzyy01 She should be charged too, child of the world oshi🌚🙄

Listen up guys, LITERALLY video footage is the only way to escape hearsay accusations of sexual assault. WelcomeToAmerica

lockherup ! lock up all false accusers !!


RoamingMil Seems theres a new trend, false accusations

RoamingMil metoo movement is now being weaponized and will shortly find itself a illegitimate vehicle for legitimate victims of abuse!

RoamingMil I wonder where are those “believe in women” activists? In their eyes, the officer must be guilty before any evidence. Sad as it is. America is a law abiding society and evidence is important

Merrit and king should also be charged along with Dixon-cole. All three of them colluded to ruin a man's career and livelihood without first looking into the facts.

Remember, we need to BelieveSurviviors though!

Why 'could face charges'? Should just proceed with the charges.

No, no ... You have to believe all women. You can't go by video, for Christ's sake. She SAID it happened. Lol.

This article is dated MAY! Is thr an update?

Not “could,” but “should” face charges.

We cannot take charges seriously, if we do not take false charges seriously!!

ouchinagirl She needs to be charged and sent to prison for a long time. She tried to ruin a mans life.

What do you mean she 'could' face charges Falsely accusing a police officer of sexual assault is in an incredibly serious crime. It seems to me that it was morally reprehensible, racist for sure, and utterly illegal. What possible reason could there be for not charging her?

Charge her.

Metoo is killing womens safety and rights by lowering the bar for sexual assault and harassment ,making claims increasing difficult to verify and trust

She should! 🤷🏽‍♀️

She should be in jail.

ouchinagirl She should be charged.

Hey fuck wad shaunking... remember when you were wearing out your dog whistle on this story? Where's your apology? You didn't know shit about the facts yet still insisted on pushing your own narrative. You're a fraud on so many levels.

And shaunking joins the Al Sharpton club

Yup! Lock her up..

Tragically, the “believe all women” philosophy ENCOURAGES false accusations.

If you have son, make them wear a body camera at all times.

ouchinagirl Charge her already!

I'm surprised this story is still out there. It was debunked the week it came out.

ThompsonNee Yes, but was her account delivered 'credibly'? Those old white guys that thought up tht 'Innocent until proven guilty' stuff might have known a thing or two. Who knew a woman could possibly lie about a Sexual Assault? I am shocked! All women should be heard, then evidence & proof

Need to start charging these people with felonies. Not misdemeanors. And the police officers need to file civil suits to clean the heck out of them.

Every real victim should protest against those who diminish the impact of their truth.

Wait? What? Some women lie? 🦄

She should be charged. Women like her make it more difficult for real victims.


Throw the book at her. A lesson is here to be learned.

Good what about Ford where she disappeared to? We should all press charges against her for lying to everyone in the US

Why evidence matters.

shaunking feel free to comment anytime


I thought womem must be believed ? Guess they’re lying just like everyone else

Lock Her Up!

Believe Women!!! No matter what evidence there is to support their claims... all the time!!!

SalenaZito beleivewomen

She should be brought up on charges, to include violations of federal civil rights and/or hate crimes for these allegations that were proven false. The lawyer should lose his law license and also be charged as she should be.

But she must be believed!!!!!!!!! Even with video evidence to the contrary! A judge should make her wear a sign at a busy commercial shopping area saying, “I lied about being sexually assaulted.” And make it a really big sign, and make it light up at night!

Lock her up!

Why is USA Today reposting a story from May?

The MeTooDrunk Movement.

'BelieveAllWomen even in the face of irrefutable evidence that they lied.' Signed, Leftists who defend Keith Ellison

Seriously women from the walking democrats

wait! I thought you wanted us to believe women NEVER falsely accused men of sexual assault... how can this be true? Is this fake media? HimToo

I’m so conflicted, I was told I should believe all women

Not could...should

Every trooper should want to wear a body cam.

If you falsely accuse someone of a crime and there's evidence you lied, you should be charged with the same crime they were.

I have not heard if shaunking has apologized for jumping on the “guilty due to false allegations” band wagon. I see the attorney did the right thing.

BELIEVE ALL WOMEN. Isn’t that right shaunking ?

Well shaunking

SalenaZito BelieveAllWomen 👁 👁

Charge her.

Charge her sorry ass!

emmyrossum here’s another one for you to believe in. Cheers.

Could face charges? If we do not punish this behavior, we condone it. Do not send a message that false accusations are acceptable!

shaunking .... you look like a fool.... again. FakeNews

One less Beto voter

Wait. But I was told women never lie about sexual assault?!

If Obama had a daughter....

BelieveAllWomen MeeToo

But the Democrats tell us that we should always believe women so why was the bodycam footage even checked? Her word should have been enough?

Prosecute the liar.


BelieveTheVictim BelieveAllWomen BelieveWomen BelieveHerTruth HerTruth CameraTruth HisTruth MeToo MeToooooooooDamnit!


wut ? women sometimes lie about being sexually assaulted ? imagine that ChristineFord

but the media said to believe all women

Good lock her up

So you're telling me that women make up instances of sexual assault? BelieveAllWomen



Time to start prosecuting women (or men) that try to ruin other peoples lives with false accusations.

This is why we don't believe allegations without fucking proof people. Don't let evil people take advantage of an important me too movement.

But maziehirono SenFeinstein SenBlumenthal SenKamalaHarris say that all women should be believed regardless of the evidence or lack of evidence.

Throw the book at her. Make her an example to others.

You see vids and stories like that one about every day on Liveleak for many yrs. If you really want to help real victims of sexual assault or LEO misconduct, ppl need to be held accountable for lying about it or just stop lying.

Alyssa_Milano CoryBooker sharticus SenFeinstein Surely this is a travesty to you frauds.



Throw the book at her! The WORST person is one who screams violation or rape when they’re lying sacks of flesh trying to ruin another’s life. Harsh penalties should be for those who lie thru their teeth and get exposed. Scum! Let her rot. It’s already bad enough for survivors.


Could? She should.

She should be charged & jail time...all women should never be believed & this is an example why

OMG look at that but but but

Apology from law firm is UNACCEPTABLE maybe if courts started charging the person,law firm & activist for GUILTY until PROVEN INNOCENT. How irresponsible to take NO LESS an intoxicated persons word accusing an innocent officer w/out waiting to view the evidence. Make EXAMPLES

She’s holding back for the right time

Wait so a citizen makes a false claim against another person and faces charges yet the rich and powerful make false claims and people willfully support them and they are treated like the victim? What a fucked up place this world has become.

From MeToo to PoliceToo !!

Isn’t this that chick shaunking said we should believe and doxxed the trooper and his family and they received death threats?

OH look. She lied.. Guess we won't be believing her anymore.

WalshFreedom Charge her

Lock her up

Restart_Opposition is the only way to save the Iranian people. Restart will make a better Iran. Seyed_Mohammad_Hosseini is the leader of Restart. interview_Restartleader cyrus_empire_by_RESTART restartleader realDonaldTrump SecPompeo qanon Trump2020🇺🇸 RestartMIGA

But it was HER truth!

WalshFreedom .WalshFreedom


But she only had one beer what gives.

Women do not lie. Sorry but they don't. Dems have told us that. And they are not wrong.

wheedass Maybe she was a Christine Blasey Ford prodigy ?

What believesurvivors BelieveWomen metoo what?

Why are we not blindly believing the woman? Isn't that what dem senators just told us we NEED to do! We need another Spartacus moment!

Do we know if the officer in question either likes beer, or drank beer throughout college? CNN MSNBC nytpolitics washingtonpost can you relentlessly research this officer to see if he drank beer at some point in his life?

WalshFreedom As she should. I also credit her lawyer for stepping up and apologizing like that.

BelieveAllWomen BelieveSurvivors

Why are you tweeting this story? It was updated at the end of May.


Cc shaunking

Sure, sex assault hoaxes just never happen. MeToo

You use her name in the article, why not in the tweet? This is very old news.

But... but... but...

Because these types of false accusations are being weaponized?

Our world is simply sick!!

This has to happen, false accusations cannot be tolerated

put her in jail

Lock her up

Hеy! I'm loоking for a man 👉 👈 🌻 💐 👀

even light weight tried to blame this situation on shaunking

Credible women are torn down, while they uphold the examples that serve their purposes. Blutfahne


Lock her up. Why discuss it. SHe lied under oath and broke the Law. Slam the Jail cell door already. She is on tape. What more does a Jury need?

Absolutely she should!!!

It would be a good idea if all men wore those.

I hope she is charged. It is people like this that make it harder for those that have seriously been assaulted to be believed. It happens to men, too. stopvilifyinglawmen

She should be severely prosecuted bc this hurts all women and victims everywhere...

The attorney should be disbarred

One reputation saved- one ruined. They just don’t get it!

Believe women.

Just another example of why we follow Due Process in this country. KavanaughHearings DemocratsAreDangerous

Lock her up for 20 years. Enough of these lying beotches

If she falsely accused the DPS officer, then right is right, she should be charged, sexually assaulted is no joke,it's very serious but we can't just take the officers word, it's not like theirs never been any report of police abuse, so a deep investigation had to take place.

They should lock her up for at least five years. That will stop all these liars who are using their gender to destroy innocent men.

She should! Please make her pay and set an example.

This devil should of had charges filed against when the evidence showed no misconduct. Took too long.

She should get 10 years minimum.

Sherita, WeBelieveYou.

A woman who said a Texas state trooper sexually assaulted her could face charges herself, after body cam video released by Texas Department of Public Safety shows no evidence of officer misconduct.

Believe wimmin.

OMG A WOMAN LIED ABOUT A SEXUAL ASSAULT.....AGAIN I thought that never happens.🤔

just keep the same energy for lying ass cops too....


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