Mitch McConnell signals he could be open to approving Trump 2020 Supreme Court nominee

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I don't mean to be hyper-cynical, but I don't think the 'voters should have a say in the next Supreme Court appointee' was ever in good faith. I'm also confident Democrats will do the same if/when they get their next chance to do so.

McConnell said “we stood up to the mob”. That sounds like ignoring the will of the people. That sounds like a subversion of democracy.

instapundit RBG unavailable for comment.


I hope they vote him out. Thief.

Get real ... who controls the senate sets the pace!

Was there doubt Mitch was being unprincipled regarding Garland? I guess the wool has been pulled from our eyes. Mitch is an unprincipled crumudgeon. Make him pay in November. VOTE THEM OUT!

Thought that was a given; the more interesting question for SML is how he will subvert the review process and prevent this national embarrassment from happening again.

it'd be nice if ginsberg would hurry up and die

Another blind approval.

He will not be the Majority leader after January.


Gasp. But that would make him a political hack who puts party above country, morals, and his own logical arguments.

Backroom Mitch is already back in the backroom planning his next giveaway of American values. He only comes out to take a bow with the rest of Jurassic Park.

My prediction: a left-leaning SC justice dies 1/2/21, following a GOP absolute wipeout in Nov 2020, and they use their 50 seats + Pence to railroad through Charlie Kirk at 11:55 AM 1/3/2021. I want so badly to be wrong.

Hahaha no shit!

senatemajldr You stood up to the mob, eh? Wow. You and your privileged, out of touch GOP goons are the mob. Scary that you don’t realize that.

senatemajldr needs to get out.

Mitch is on a roll! I’m all for it. However. Beware of hubris. It tends to snap back unexpectedly.

If Trump nominated Merrick Garland, the Democrats would oppose because Garland has agreed with Kavanaugh in over 95% of cases.

Perhaps they will both be gone.

Of course he is. His Merrick Garland logic was bullshit then, and it's bullshit now.

Because why not just embrace hypocrisy? The GOP stands for nothing but naked power grabs.

Reap what you sow

Turtle the blue wave is coming!

When Dems get the majorities back.. they should expand SCOTUS to blunt this heist & perhaps impeach the recent addition.. this can not be allowed to stand unanswered. No more taking the high road. Time to be ruthless!

Never seen a turtle act like a snake before.

Haha like that was a real question. bloombergsucks


Every time I have heard him explain the 2016 events, it was in the context (stated) or a party difference between the Senate and the White House.

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