Police questioned Kavanaugh after bar fight in 1985

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Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh was involved in an altercation at a bar when he was an undergraduate student at Yale and was accused of throwing ice on another patron, according to a police report obtained by The New York Times


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Throwing ice WOW he should be arrested immediately ! LOL .

Really? Are you this desperate CNN?

CNN you are embarrassing yourself.

And your point is? 😂🤣

... Kavanaugh threw ice at someone 30 years ago?...Hillary-Benghazi Bill-Lewinski Barack-Coke Podesta-PizzaGate Feinstein-China Spy, all PEANUTS compared to throwing ice at someone !!!

Another Falsehood.

FBI report shows the brett kavanaugh popped his pants when he was 2 years old. Brought to you by

Oups ! le ridicule ne tue pas ( Heureusement ) , ou plutôt {. DOMAGE }

Did they manage to preserve the weapon (ice)?

Lying CNN. Where you there? Your father is the devil, he's known for spitting lies like fire

Well it looks like “puts on sunglasses” He is an ice cold killer.

What a waste of space FakeNewsCNN has become. They are so insane with TDS now they think an ice cube is relevant. pettyPosers

Bite me!

Really? You people have lost whatever minds you had left! 😅🤣😂😅🤣😂😅🤣😂

WOW. Ice ? See....he was involved with ICE at that early age. Racist !! No wonder they call CNN FakeNews

nytimes foxnewspolitics realDonaldTrump Wow! He had frozen water at age 21? Brett denying it would be so un-Supreme Court Justice-like too! Be afraid that Kavanaugh may “mean tweet” CNN and scare mainstream media anchors everywhere! You nailed it just like the 2016 election!

Ummmm, so? Oh because he’s the only college student that’s ever done something stupid like that, all he threw ice on a guy. What is wrong with you people?

Suddenly I can’t get the song outta my head

I like it. He fights back and all men should if they are forced in that situation. He will do great in the SCOTUS.

LuvStarsStripes Kavanaugh threw ice! Omg, just think if he got his hands on a squirt gun! Somebody might get wet!

Using this standard, there isn't a single person alive who could nominated, confirmed, or elected.

Oh the HORROR! He wasted ICE? I hope it wasn’t summer time! What a JOKE!

I almost got thrown out of an Octoberfest hall because our table spilt some popcorn on the floor. Should I give up now?

Oh that is horrible, REALLY HORRIBLE, I MEAN REALLY HORRIBLE! ..why does anyone attend Yale?


You keep trying—but you’re just alienating more and more people who wouldn’t want their high school yearbook scrutinized and their every bar interaction taken as proof of poor character (ignoring 35 years of successful job and family life)

This is why you will lose the midterms Democrats

I heard from somebody who knew another person who said that they saw him use spitballs in Jr high. Everybody knows spitballs are a gateway assault weapon. It goes: 1- Snowballs 2- spitballs 3- ice 4- small children Please stop him before he gets to small children!

...and later, was seen placing his icy beer directly on the bar WITHOUT a coaster!

Ah omg stop him. Lol this isn’t news. It’s FakenewsCNN

.And yet we as a nation elected Barrack Obama, who admitted using cocaine in college. Let's see . . throwing ice . . .using cocaine . . . hmmmmmmmm.

Hope you’re investigating whether or not he threw snowballs as a child? 🤔🤣

Cavanaugh... "This was the best way to break the ice between us". CNN... "this is just the tip of the iceberg"

OMG‼️ OMG‼️ OMG‼️ OMG‼️ OMG‼️ Ice⁉️ Ice⁉️ Ice⁉️ Ice⁉️ Ice⁉️ Ice⁉️ Ice⁉️ What a scoup‼️ CNN ➡️ Clown News Network

Wow! Such fantastic reporting.


Wow CNN got the big scoop again. Way to go CNN you're going to make it back to the top I just know it

Oh the horror. This is just plain stupid. Try being real journalists


Wasn't this about the time Senators Ted Kennedy & Chris Dodd were having drunken "waitress sandwiches" at a local DC restaurant during lunch hour?


Such stellar reporting CNN what a joke your network has become! really we’re reporting stories of him throwing ice now? wow!

Stop! Collaborate and listen.

TheDemocrats and alt-left msm are guilty of unthinkable abuse of this family. THIS FAMILY ARE THE REAL ABUSE VICTIMS- How dare you!

Yeah, giv’em hell bud; I’ve had a few of my own during college days; and all this time I was under the impression that these indiv entering the SC must be of diff caliber, ethically and professionally, far from common dudes like me, I’m so glad you set me straight Judge Kavanaugh

😂🤪😂🤪😂🤪😂🤪 Are you people FOR REAL?!?! 😂🤪😂🤪😂🤪😂🤪

Water assault!!!! The horror!😱😱😱

Your network is a sham. Keep trying though.

He threw ice damn it, he threw ice. It's over he threw ice.

ice throwing. ice throwing!! OHHH NNOONONONONONO

Omg just stop. Now I'm embarrassed for you

OMG, he threw ice at some one. Let’s crucify him in public.

Ice throwing?...tell me it isn't so 🤦‍♀️

I AM I don’t like Kavanaugh I don’t like Republicans I am a tool of Democratic Party I will publish to promote hate and division I particularly love Fakenews

🤦‍♀️the real facts please!!!seriously !!!

Omg thanks CNN for that incredible reporting. Maybe ChrisCuomo can interview some ice tonight on his porn show!

In 1985 where was Obama ? You still have not looked into that Traitor's background.


No wonder we ordinary Americans think you are Fake News. You are indeed Fake News!!!

Stop it all now you have lost all credibility .

It's Ignorance like this that honors cnn with such Dismally Low ratings. Keep it up, I envision Bankruptcy in your future. 🙏🙏


Well lock him up. What a horrific offense.

Really scraping the bottom of the barrel now. A college student got into a bar fight...what is this world coming too.

No snowballs? Come on, guys. You're slacking.

By his own admission Obama sold drugs and performed fellatio on random boys in the halls, but you never heard that on CNN.

Really? Lord help us all. The United States has become one big Jerry Springer show thanks to the left and their media cohorts.

Omg how terrible NOT. Get a life. How many of you are perfect? We all have a closet with skeletons. I’m done with all the media destroying, exaggerating and being politically one sided against the Republican Party. This is America. News should be fair & balanced.

😂😂😂😂😂. CNN is so stupid


Does this mean he’s an “Ice Ice Yaley”? 🤣🤣🤣

You are Fake News.

GIVE IT UP! This is a laughable matter that does not put a dent on the impeccable Judge Kavanaugh’s record! You people are a bunch of communists!

Get ready.

That's some Pulitzer Prize winning journalism right there... Now, do a piece on TDS and how it infects and rapidly destroys brain function of those inflicted.

Relevant? No.

This story is Asinine ... another step lower

EVERYONE was involved in some type of altercation in a bar once in their lives.

Ludington is a DemocRat operative. He tries to claim Kavanaugh was the aggressor but then said Kavanaugh overreacted to the aggressor. Ludington said the aggressor jumped up and "in a semi-aggresive manner and told them to STOP" as he felt he was being "looked at".

That’s awesome! Brett is my kinda guy.... ConfirmBrettKavanaughNow

CNN you need to be shut down you are the biggest enemy of the people there is you're lying deceiving the people it's fixing to come to an end this is why you are called enemy of the people

The media will never recover from what they have done to this man. You have no idea how he was involved, you just want your followers to slam the Judge. The media is the enemy of the American ppl. Disgusting.

😂😂😂breaking news😂😂😂😂icecream! That’s it?

He threw ice on me. It was ice, man and it was cold. OMG!

We recently had a president who admitted to drinking, smoking marijuana, doing cocaine and taking hallucinogenic mushrooms in college. Perspective.

So what. !

Now that is a big story. Throwing ice. ComfirmJudgeKavanaugh

This is when you step away from MSM.... If you haven't already.

He threw ice? He THREW ice? HE THREW ICE

Omg, a college kid got into a drunken argument? And he the ice on someone? You're not even trying to pretend to be balanced anymore cnn

ConfirmKavanaughNow CNNSucks

icegate cnn This is why your ratings are not good and no thinking person can take you seriously as a news source.

Who wasnt?

So? Who cares.

Who cares. What about the kids dying everyday from stray bullets in every major city across America? Does CNN ever report real news anymore?

Yes! It is no damn wonder he gets along so well with Donald "two scoop" Trump!

Lol that it

The horror!! LOL

Same as Romney so called picking on someone in middle school.. lol

Cubed or crushed?

Omg. This is nuts. Living in the twilight zone. Our far left media doing what banana republics are doing. This is an anti American station.

What's next he picked a booger in third grade and flicked it at a girl.

See, we’ve been saying all along that Brett is really an ice guy...

Wrong again, CNN. You’re quickly becoming the laughing stock of news. FakeNews 🙄

brianstelter_ was seen at a buffet throwing chicken wings. Kavanaugh MAGA BREAKING

Oh no!! Not ICE!! cnn have you checked to see if he threw snowballs? The crap you people report is unreal. Try reporting the truth or something that isn’t just stupid. People aren’t buying what you’re selling anymore.

That is so cold,

Oh my God. What kind of nonsense is this? how about some reporting on Keith Ellison, groper Spartacus Booker, perhaps you should spend some time on that.

OMG!! THAT'S IT!! THAT'S THE ONE!! I'M OUT!! 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂

One ☝️ time in kindergarten he was doing bugger buggy balls out his 👃

Oooh! It's the crime of the century! Let him who is without sin cast the 1st stone! Oh, that's right! Liberals never hold themselves to the same level of accountability they expect from Conservatives! Bunch of hypocrites...

USA gone mad.

SenBlumenthal is trying to make ice throwing a capital offense with no statute of limitation. That the senator of Vitnam Fame


Oh no! He threw ice!! is pathetic

SO What. I heard when he was a toddler he took the girl next door candy from her.

Hahaha keep trying cnn

Wowwwww bignews areyouserious cnn fakenews

That’s some heavy duty journalism. Did you look into parking tickets too? 🤦‍♀️

Hold the presses...we have an ice thrower!

Abolish ice!

Throwing ice?! OMG oh the horror!!

Seriously 😳

So what?

Is that all you can find on him? Lol

Ok, are we looking for a Jesus’s brother without a sin for a Supreme Court nominee ? realDonaldTrump

Was it crushed ice or cubed?

Compare how CNN covers Kavanaugh drinking in college with Obama snorting cocaine & smoking pot in college This is your media, folks. They are destroying a guy for drinking in college. It’s dishonest. It’s fake. It’s CNN

OMG, most of us could never be a Supreme Court Judge. Ice really?

Ooooooh. The iceman! The MSM is a clown show. ConfirmJudgeKavanaughNow MAGA

If so, that's item 79 on the list of despicable things Kavanaugh has done and continues to do. Perjury is up there. Deliberate coordinated abuse goes into a darkness that isn't just one bad party. He's sounding like a real dangerous loose wheel. Awaiting further developments....

Oh my word....gimme a break! Are you seriously reporting this? What’s next? He gets two scoops of ice cream?

Oh, but you misunderstand the time-transcendant significance of Kavanaugh throwing ice! This proves that even as far back as college he was hatefully predisposed to using the evil police arm of government - ICE - to opress poor undocumented heroes.

Was it the big cubed ice or the shaved ice? Cubes are so dangerous.

So. Fucking. What.

CNN...Constant Nonstop Nonsense

are you kidding me. So, now is about whether he throwed ice to a man 35 years ago. wtf is wrong CNN, later on what are you gonna report he pee in his pants when he was 6 and liked to eat fries without ketchup! give me a break!

Omfg, ice. Holy shit, shut it down.

CNN...Credibility Nonexistent Network

CNN stop tweeting, ur drunk again.

Strange this never showed up in the prior 6 FBI reports. Use your common sense people.

Wow, I was beginning to think that couldn't lower the bar any further, thankQ for proving me wrong. 🤡🤡🤡

Take me back to jail can’t handle this

JimScotty SO. WHAT. But since you think this is “ news” I demand that every elected official in this country bring forth their HS yearbook, for public review, and submit to Checking with police and FBI data bases for any “ reports” written on any of them, while in College, or HS.

JJJJJFFFFFFFFCCCCCCCC. I Joke you’re fakenews but the tabloids have more truthful headlines. You are 1000000% fake bs news who just seem to make things up 🤦🏻‍♂️🤷🏿‍♂️

You got him now. Congratulations to CNN

Pres Trump has turned you into a laughing stock, and you keep gobbling it up, nyom nyom nyom! 🤣 FakeNews CabalClownNetwork NewComedyChannel KavanaughHearings

ICE THROWER! He should be arrested!!! cnnfakenews

If now they are saying you need to be whiter than white then please investigate HillaryClinton NancyPelosi SenFeinstein RepMaxineWaters BillClinton these people alone would keep the FBI busy for some time. American politics are corrupt. 3rd world. That’s we think over here


Hahahahaha! So, we're ice throwers now. What is this? How much lower will u sink?

Bad Brett. Ice throwing is bad🤡

Oh no not ice. Ridiculous. 🤪🤪🤪🤪🤪🤪

Ruth Ginsburg threw a kidney stone too!

😅😂🤣 He threw ice! You must be real desperate. Comedy

How desperate are you CNN?

Hey they're lucky someone didn't lose an eye. You know icicles have been known to kill people!

Saint CNN


Not an alter boy like he wants to be portayed.

This is ridiculous. Thank God everyone on the Left never drank too much at a college party or threw an ice cube at someone. You people are ridiculous.

What the actual fffffffff. Are you for real? By your standards nobody is good enough for the Supreme Court

Uh oh. Now I’m starting to question that “Ice Bucket Challenge” we all did a few years back. Hope that doesn’t come back to bite anyone in the ass. 😳

Big deal

That’s it I can’t support Kavanuagh anymore!! Abolish ice too!

My God so what Who hasn't been in fights before Stinking from democrats.

OMG BREAKING NEWS! 😲😲😒🙄😒😒🙄😒🙄😒😒🙄😒🙄😒🙄

CNNistheOnion FakeNews

How is this news!! Im baffled. Oh, its CNN. Nevermind

Obama done cocaine !!

Classic CNN Nothingburger.

Holly Shit, ice? Lets lock him up.

CNN so bitchy nowadays😂😂😂

You are mistaking , that was judge Breyer

Absurd!! No self respecting Yale undergrad has ice in his beer! That's just gauche 🙄

I was there, had a great time

So now its throwing ice? YGTBSM. You guys (left wing cry babies) have totally lost your moral compass if your mission is to totally destroy a good man. Satan lives in you and God is watching.

Sounds like a felony 😅 But honestly, poor guy. I genuinely feel sorry for him, media and Dems are pretty much torturing him now.

Throwing ice That’s what you’re reporting? Omg. I’m embarrassed FOR you, CNN. Your “journalism” is a friggin joke.

I so look forward to all the defamation lawsuits⚖️

These are all the files they didn’t want disclosed

To bad he didn’t get drunk and drive a car off a bridge killing the female passenger! Then he could be the democrats presidential nomination! Ellison was cleared? What a joke!

He was a kid!

So what?


Umm ice?

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