GOP senator suggests Christine Blasey Ford may have 'false memories' of alleged assault

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Sen. Ron Johnson says Christine Blasey Ford, a clinical psychology professor in California, may be experiencing 'false memories.'


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Those promoting false memories are abusers.

Thinking about this man being a Senator brings up false memories for me. Always thought they might have soooome sort of a brain.

How about the GIANT ELEPHANT in the ROOM! Over a FUCK $MILLION DOLLARS that her Lawyers set up for her in “GO FUND ME” accounts which most likely was promised her to her. Jesus people are stupid.

It's called traumatic memory distortion!

Rep Johnson apparently chose to read about false memories and rely on that to justify his vote, but failed to read the Bible and rely on truth, values, fact and fairness. This is the Republican DNA unraveled.

Something happened to Dr. Ford but she has zero evidence that Kavanaugh had anything to do with it

There should be a statute of limitations on situations like this. It seem ludicrous to me to negate a lifes work to a bad decision while under the influence 40 years ago.

What an idiotic statement!

Does he know what her Ph.D. Is in? SMH

What an asswipe. I've heard of false men & false senators.

And many of us R dismissing the phony, partisan performance that Kavanaugh gave. Don't know if he's guilty or not of the accusations of these women, but his phony performance smacked of a trump performance & i do NOT think it shows he is fit or qualified to sit on the SC for LIFE

I'm his example he uses a case of a person self-incriminating him/herself. Kav situation is the exact opposite. False memory might be bad but ignoring the truth is worse!

Another wedge of aged cheese

Do these guys know just how ignorant they are? This is disgusting.

Just wish you were a false memory of a US Senator. Ignorant!

Didn't the Senator from Wisconsin spend 4th of Juky in Moscow instead of Wisconsin

So you assume that'd what it is?

SAD the GOP has already decided they will vote “yes” for Pervanaugh this is just another rationale justification to get to yes. Republicans used to hold the high ground on Christian morales but after overlooking Trumps many sins, Pedophile Moore & Kavanaugh they can STFU

And if he were a Democrat would her memories still be false?

This is so true. They create their own reality and believe their lies. Dr Ford has a mental health problem and Judge Kavanaugh is being persecuted, a victim of alse memories! Please investigate!!!!!!

How do guys like this get elected?


I pray Mr Kavvanaugh sues the living hell out of your trash ...there is innocent until proven guilty...and to print what you did about him coaching girls basketball is just incredibly dangerous. with zero evidence is absolutely astonishing...all this kids and families known truth

Is Mr. Johnson a professional psychologist? How is he coming with such conclusion without any evidence?

Does he understand what alcoholic blackouts are?

She was a nobody, now she's on top.


White men should stop framing how women think about their own sexual assault. BelieveWomen

Wisconsin deserves a better As I Wisconsin voter, we must have a Woman’s march on November 6th


Is Johnson an expert or something? Doubt it.

I read anoit guys who lie about what they don’t remember

May be?

That’s a really dumb thing to say. And grossly politically incorrect and insulting to a professional woman, who knows how to recognize those kinds of problems!!

This man needs to open a mental health clinic to get Medicare reimbursement for his profound diagnosis. Now this is what we elect US Senators to do, practice psychobabel.


Is this still the USA?

but false confessions are usually coerced by police...

Republicans are truly something else makes me sick remember November!

Blasphemy is punishable with death in Islamic countries !

Then prove him innocent with a true FBI inquiry

What about brain dead Senators and their false memories installed by their cult leader. All truth emanates from Trump, ask Lindsey Graham.

gramma_patriot Yes, we the people who are awakened gave the Senators their way out of this shenanigan. Yes they can claim that she has false memories because she's an mk-ultra child and that she has been sexually exploited and mind controlled throughout her youth from the CIA.

SenRonJohnson I also read about you not being a very good senator, does that make it true?

Of course Ford is experiencing false memories. She probably attended recovered memory therapy which results in firmly-held false memories. But there are other ways to get false memories. Anyone who believes Ford does so in spite of the evidence, not because of it.

Ford needs a new shrink....

Sen. Ron Johnson, does bring up a very real possibility that the left-wing but jobs including USATODAY, refuses to think about or do a real journalistic invest. on. But you'll print sleazy innuendos about BK, but nothing on CBF, and the possibility of lying or selective memory!

Christine Ford is a Fraud. She's a nutcase. Unstable. Her background should be investigated and prosecuted for false allegations.

Keep drinking the kool aide

randydrsmith Let's hope this guy has a "false re-election" next time he runs!

$ motivated her. Go fund me plus abortion drug company she works for

YOu can tell by the lower IQ comments just how many are clueless about false memories

Wishing for a “false memory” of .potus .realDonaldTrump .WhiteHouse Administration , but ....

That’s his opinion. He’s entitled just like those that disagree with him.


And USA TODAY is officially a democRat rag.

Based on the ‘quality’ of her testimony, the fake teenager voice, the fact her family has distanced itself from her, she was a drunken slut in HS and College according to other verified reports, Feinstein’s promise of no reprisal, and a fat goFme paycheck, I’d say she is a LIAR.

I hope they are not trying to buyout the witnesses which is common practice when stakes are high!

SenRonJohnson the more you discredit Dr. Ford, the more we believe her.

yeah that's the problem we don't know what happened, if anything, and chances are, we'll never know

Wrong answer

Ford is a liar.

Under any condition or circumstances, such afflicted people CANNOT be put into a position of a SUPREME JUSTICE, if only because of such an affliction. In this specific instance there also are criminal accusations pending review!

Said every criminal ever ....

Thats not false memories, usually that's under duress. False memories do not apply in this case. Is everyone in congress stupid.

Now they are just sounding ridiculous

After last week, for me, it’s less about whether or not I believe her and almost entirely about the fact that I don’t believe him, about anything.

Ron is a foolish man with a Republican agenda.

Huh?..... These ppl will be would justify hitler’s cleansing of jews if it would get them votes

Unfortunately, my memories of these despicable GOP's are not false.

The Democrat leftwing activist loonies are to blame for all the accusations. They demonized a fine man and are the cause of all these baseless accusations. Congratulations, your politics of personal destruction and hate do have consequences. Leftist accusers lying to tak'm out

This guy is an idiot. People confess to crimes under duress. Not because they don’t remember it correctly.

Read about privileged white men who commit sexual assault and get away with it due to their statue in life.

What an ass

What’s your point, that the senator is also guilty, as you’ve judged Kavanaugh ? Pardon me while I ...

... and GOP might be experiencing an election loss... bluewave

Her motivation hatred of Republicans and money


Not buying your male power politics. See you st the polls!

Do most women who report sexual assault or harassment make it up, Senator? Do most of them have false memories? Or only those who accuse conservatives in office ?

Thank you RonJohnsonWI !!

That is why she asked for an FBI investigation in the first place. So, whose "false memory" also should be explored?

So Sen. Ron Johnson supports a man who attempted to RAPE a 15 year old girl.

He sounds guilty of something in his past. Hmmm.

Note 2 TheDemocrats' child molestor deleting : metoo cc SenRonJohnson POTUS realDonaldTrump PressSec seanhannity TuckerCarlson IngrahamAngle marthamaccallum dbongino gatewaypundit RepMattGaetz Jim_Jordan rushlimbaugh

That is total crap Senator Johnson! Wonder howbyou would react if someone did what happened to Dr. Ford to your daughter. You are just another phoney two timing politician.

So Dr. Ford is false while the ranting unhinged Kavanaugh is pure as the driven snow? Look out for yellow snow boys

Read about crooked corrupt politicians

Funny, he doesn't want to call her a liar, but says that she isn't telling the truth. Enter the false memory explanation theory.

Can there be a response provided by a clinical psychologist that explains this ... instead of this senator

So SenRonJohnson you already made up your mind that she’s lying?

Another corrupt, lying, traitorous GOP Trumpuppet. Hey Ron: What if it were YourDaughter?


Then again, maybe that drunken Kavanaugh scum has convenient 'false memories'

Where? From 'famed cryptoneurologist' Alex Jones?

So, it's Ron Johnson's belief that no sex crime can EVER be proven, even when there's a confession? This statement is utterly nonsensical.

It’s completely obvious she has faults memories. Only the left that want to destroy judge Kabanaugh don’t believe that

lol I think she probably has. Johnson thinking with his?

Ron had onset dementia!

What a POS source USA Today has become. For years we had a subscripion but gave it up due to the biased approach to "news" reporting.

Maybe, you say maybe!

Let moi THE OLD BLACK FART X drwilda propose another hypothesis, girl was under hypnosis & recollections were influenced

She is a VICTIM. Her memories are intact. She can never forget that horrible night no matter how much she may want to.


Libs have no power

Wisconsin women will have true (and long) memories when Johnson is up for re-election.

He ain’t wrong.

well everyone has the right to be an as.ole!!!.. I guess that right is part of the USA constitution!!!

He got his Barney Fife secret decoder ring from a Cracker Jack box.

Like it or not, this is a possibility. But I highly doubt it in this case. Dr Blasey fits every stereotype of a victim I have ever read, perfectly. I have no real doubt she told the 100% truth. This is a cry to protect a drunken abusive teenager for political gain.

He should read up on false memories and he might see that Ford’s don’t fit the pattern. Why do GOP politicians constantly make ignorant references and why do their supporters always swallow it?

And I'm also reminded of what Dems did to the women that accused Clinton of sexual assault. You laughed at them and shamed them. HYPROCRITES

But Kavanaugh's memory from his drunken "Deek" (DKE frat) days - that's perfect - and he remembers being a perfect gentleman! After all, he's a conservative, so that means he's good. It's the librulz that are BAD!!

No witnesses and no evidence. You’re innocent until PROVEN guilty. This is an absolute outrage and it’s a disgrace that papers like yourself would even suggest that this man can’t be on a basketball court with girls! This case would not even stand up in court! Shame on you !

Well duh, she couldn’t remember the majority of where she was, how she got there, how she left etc. but she has ptsd over it? That’s not the way ptsd works, lol. No wonder kalama and miss blumenthal believe her!

I have a simpler answer. She was lying for political and financial reasons. She is on the board of directors for the company that make RU486 the abortion pill. She is an anti-Trumper who has been actively involved in marched against him and for Clinton!

Four witness' plus her best friend said they weren't there or it didn't happen. But you keep the drama going. lol JusticeKavanaugh

Vote this monsters OUT!

37 more days VoteThemOut VoteBlueToSaveAmerica VoteBlue

And senators always tell the truth, right!

He’s history

That is how she named him and told of the attack years ago (on record) before he was named as a possible Supreme Court Judge.

Senator Johnson less than credible, in this case, and others?

Sometimes these guys do tell the truth. I’m sure it wasn’t an original thought and came from discussions with others.

Seriously, how did so many heinous people get elected?

Open the investigation to the rape allegations against Clinton...…

Who knows. Free country free speech. Entitled to opinion

False memories with such authentic recollections, you should hide your face man,


Thanks good old boy! You set us all straight

If only drford had a calendar...and asked heylindsey heychuck did somebody sexual assaulted you? Maybe... senators please stf until the fbi investigation is done... stop victim blaming and stop showing women you don't care cuz boys will be boys... boys club for members only

Just like the false memories of hundreds of boys molested by Catholic priests?

Of course she is. He doesn’t remember where the party was how she got there and got back home. A 15 year old who had 1 beer really in a party where everyone was older she was looking for trouble. She LIED to her parents too

Nah - she just experienced what it’s like to lie under oath.

So whenever a white, male republican is an accused perpetrator, the victim automatically gets labeled with false memories and threatened? The GOP has lost their grip on reality.

Kavanaugh isn't experiencing false memories. He's flat out lying.

She's got a pretty good grasp on the whole memory thing.

Ummmm Is it Dr Johnson? Mmm

I think white men need to stop telling women how they feel or think. These men to be voted out quickly.

How do we know that Senator Ron Johnson isn’t suffering from false memory syndrome?

Yes. Yes. Be more significant about your liberal agendas!

BelieveSurvivors BelieveSurvivors BelieveSurvivors

You're so versatile! A therapist as well as a Senator? Perhaps you can explain this- "Me thinks thou dost protest to much." as it applies to Brett. And his high school friend's statement regarding the HS years as a nest of drugs, drinking and sex. Such a good man? You THINK?!


Ya, they’re called lies.

How the FUCK would he know? Oh wait, he is backing "Rapanaugh" so of course her allegations are anything but true. These old outdated white men need to removed from congress! It's been long enough. termlimits

Did you get a degree in psychology or an MD & trained in psychiatry SenRonJohnson? Do you have a false memory of getting one of the above degrees? You do know googling something on WebMD doesn't give you the expertise to psychoanalize anyone.

Tell that to his evangelical HOLY ROLLING croanies...and BAM... being gay will be ACCEPTABLE....

Hunting for a way out now.

OMG! He doesn’t remember but she does


She has $1,000,000. reasons to believe them as well.


And yet another white guy who thinks he knows more than everyone else. FFS VoteThemOut

🤣🤣🤣🤣 Really?!?!

MarionMarb It's called, a LIE. Why tangle this garbage up trying to placate Leftists? They are liars. She is a liar. They will continue to LIE. Ford is not to be pitied for her "confusion". She should cease and desist from lying to destroy an innocent person.

And she's projecting on the wrong person. NO EVIDENCE WAS PRESENTED.

People like you don’t belong in office.

He’s Shameless!

How low can they go?

Ron Johnson needs to be medicated

He and the rest of the mendacious old white Republican alleged men in the Senate need to be taken back to the watershed. GOPBetraysUSA

OH for crying out loud...can't they just shut up and wait for the outcome of the FBI investigation? They are such horrible people and public servants. Everyone, even Kavanaugh deserves the benefit of the doubt until evidence one way or the other surfaces.

If people can say that celebrities and the like are not qualified to make comments on politics, then men like this should keep their opinions to themselves on mental illness because obviously they are not qualified

Weird that all these people have the same false memories. Maybe a better headline is "Senator spouts crap"

So a senator with a business degree is qualified to say someone has false memories?

And Kavanaugh may have been blackout drunk!

🤔🤔🤔Anyone aware of IQ score for this man?

tschet Like SenRonJohnson would know the difference between his ass and a hole in the ground... GMAFB ... sooooo sick of the FuckingWhitePrivilegedMaleAssWipes!!!

So then it's very possible that kavanaugh might be experiencing "false memories" as well? Or possibly "alternate facts" or "non truth truths", "drunken memory lapses"? Or certainly anything else but the facts, right?

Dunning-Kruger effect. Numbskull!

And he's full of lies and b*******

Sen. Johnson may be experiencing a false sense of intelligence and a complete lack of manhood. 🤬


Its like these people try hard to be so ignorant

What a jerk.

SenRonJohnson Are you a psychologist?

What ever he needs to believe to sleep at night.

Just like Kavanuagh "may be" giving false testimony.

Hey Ron, ARE YOU AN EXPERT IN THAT FIELD? LyingAssRepublicans

Except there are two other women as well.... 🤔

This coming from the WI Senator who has spent the last few months running around chasing unicorns...LOL.

By the same token maybe KAVANAUGH IS ALSO.

She was also experiencing false emotions.

So now Johnson is an expert in false memories! Maybe KAVANAUGH has false memories of himself! Apparently he was a slosh in high-school AND college but according to him he just likes beer. Hypocrisy from dinosaur senators is amazing!!!!!

No, She is acting

Do Republicans ever hear themselves? they?

I think delusions of grandeur could certainly be a possibility. ConfirmKavanaughNow

Her dream climaxed & she woke up with a smile and a plan ~

Vote this joker out.

Let me get this straight, RonJohnsonWI, who is a politician suggests that Doctor Ford, a clinical psychologist, might be having false memories. Is that your professional opinion, you insensitive, poor excuse for an American? WTF us wrong with you and the GOP?

Is there a hand writing expert available, because to the untrained eye, who ever wrote this looks to be a mess.

I agree that this is bullcrap, but FFS, you really don’t have to make it so incredibly obvious whose side you’re taking in the headline. We know you all have hard-left biases, but please try to do your jobs correctly.

Dr Fraud is clearly a liar, not afraid to fly, does not know how she got there or where she was or who drove her home. ConfirmKavanaugh WomenforKavanaugh

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