Argentina creditors seek global support for bond clause changes

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A group of Argentina's creditors has contacted the Institute of International Finance and other global bodies for support to amend legal clauses ...

A group of Argentina's creditors has contacted the Institute of International Finance and other global bodies for support to amend legal clauses in its sovereign bond restructuring, a spokesman for the organisation said.

Buenos Aires is trying to clinch a deal to restructure around US$65 billion in foreign debt by Tuesday, though it is likely to push that deadline back after bondholders grouped behind a counter-proposal, causing an impasse in talks.Specific details of what creditors are seeking the support of the organisations on was unclear.

The bondholders, including BlackRock, Ashmore and Fidelity Management and Research, also made informal contact with the International Monetary Fund, U.S. Treasury and the International Capital Market Association, a creditor source told Reuters.Advertisement Guzman said on Thursday that the government's proposal was the maximum effort it could make, but that there was the"possibility for innovations" with legal clauses, but only with international backing.


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