Flake's Yes Makes Kavanaugh Confirmation More Likely

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A key undecided Republican senator says he'll vote to confirm Brett Kavanaugh to the Supreme Court.


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F**k him!

There are two issues, though not mutually exclusive of each other... 1. Was there a sexual assault, 2. Did he lie under oath. One or both should be a disqualifier.

Really what about the other women they have problems to? Problem is women need to stop being victimized by arrogant men!

I’m grateful for the week of FBI investigation that no one else was able to get! For that, I thank him!


Damn I thought Flake had Balls.

I have to say after watching the video of those women attacking him in the elevator. This man had lot of courage to keep quiet. Said nothing to these disrespectful emotional women

We need you to not walk out. We need you to be there,speak truth to power , be explicitly brave and speak for those of us who can’t be in that room


Grow some balls Flake. Do the RIGHT thing.


All talk Jeff Flake. Preset dates to stand up to Trump but caves like a coward every time.

Thank you.

History does not remember cowards. Our American history is peppered with and honored by the bold. Men and women who stood for right and apposed wrong. Do the right think Sen. Flake. 🇺🇸

👏🏻👏🏻 Assertions are not truths until they are established as facts & corroborated with actual evidence.

SatireSeptember Republicans are ALWAYS RIGHT! They make the best decisions, even when they SEEM unfair, they’re NOT.... Always choose Republicans



A person who is chosen for a lifetime appointment to the highest court in our country must have a squeaky clean background. Kavanaugh does not and it doesn’t matter that Ford’s testimony is not corroborated. She was credible and he was not. NoKavanaugh

Kavanaugh’s emotional display and loss of control alone should be enough to cause hesitation by any responsible politician in office. Hope Flake has a good post senate position lined up if he votes to confirm.

Very disappointed. This is the wrong decision without an FBI investigation.

Well I guess it is Party and the President's agenda over Ethics and the right thing to do. Vote them out.


Dr. Ford showed more courage.

Not surprised but very disappointed.


No one is surprised that the republicans leaving office rather than stand up to their cowardly colleagues in the Congress (who have refused to rein in trump) are cowards also- willing to sacrifice country for political gain & a tax cut.

No balls

Flake always A lot of hot air but when it comes time to doing anything meaningful... he always fall flat... in short all talk no action guy

Can you at least tell us why you are sticking us with this creep for a lifetime. He is pure evil.


That NRA money must be sweet

Grow a pair Flake, if you have doubts how can you vote yes for him. He lied yesterday more than once. He has lied in the past. He drinks too much beer

W.T.F. Flake?


How could they go ahead with the vote When there are so many unanswered questions! This doesn’t look like a democracy, but dictatorship NoToKavanaugh

He talks big but never delivered, I don’t know why he makes the waves onkybto fall in line


This is deeply saddening. Women really don’t matter.

What do they have on you Senator?

Because these men look out for their own and protect their own. This is what they are about. How dare these women try to check an ounce of their privilege or make them feel the slightest bit of embarrassment. No remorse or empathy. Bodies as stepping stones.

So sad.

JeffFlake You are just as spineless as all the rest of them. And even more so because you have nothing to lose. Sickening.

I hope he’s proud of his legacy of being a patsy for Trump and his cronies. Take a bow, Senator.

FlGovScott SenBillNelson Pontifex_es Genesis 11:4-8


I hope Flake doesn’t run for office. He always kicks up dust but votes with them. Just noise - stays visible- but no real difference. Watch what he does - don’t listen to what he says. JeffFlake

U r an embarrassment to this country

Well that is disappointing. Thought JeffFlake would have more sense to believe that an FBI investigation is needed so there would be no lingering questions re a lifetime appointment. Guess I gave him too much credit.


So sad. JeffFlake has given in again. No McCain for sure

For all his posturing, would have thought that JeffFlake would have done the right thing with the last significant vote of his career. Here's to hopefully having his conscious return before the full senate votes🍸 Very disappointing 🖤


There was never any doubt with this aptly named Flake

No surprise. JeffFlake is weak and always has been. He's all talk. When it comes down to it, he will ALWAYS put party and Trump over the good of the country. History will remember him as a weak fool, if it remembers him at all.

Please, Senator Flake. Don’t do it.

A judge, who swore “to tell the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth” lied deliberately and repeatedly about his disgusting yearbook entries. We know what they really referred to. That alone should disqualify him JeffFlake.

JeffFlake I am pleading with you to hold off on voting Kavaunagh through. For the Sake of our country, for the sake of right and wrong, for The sake of your Legacy... please be stronger! you saw what we saw, he’s no supreme court justice.He needs rehab and a men’s recovery group

What a damn flake

Just tried to leave a comment on Sen Flakes official site. Unavailable due to maintenance. Convenient.

Gutless wonder!!

Another spineless Republican - no surprise 😝

JeffFlake This is the worst kind of Republican. He talks out both sides of his face and worst of all he's in the best position to put his money where his mouth is and stand up for real positive change. Instead he bends over for Trump with the hope of playing both sides.

When he says yes, he really means no. Right?

Of course he does. JeffFlake votes with Trump and the new GOP every time. Attempting to have his cake and eat it, too.

The name fits; once a Flake always a Flake! He’s afraid of his own party peers. Just finish your term & crawl back into the hole from where you came you sad little man; history will not remember you anyway. Wonder what your family thinks about u now JeffFlake sad MeTooMVMT

All that hand-wringing was BS. He is retiring and still has no guts for political battle. Shame on him. Collins and Alaska-girl will fold and red state-dems will too. White Supremacy/Patriarchy wins



I wonder what number he had on his price tag?

What a bunch of spineless sycophants! All we're asking for is due process and a complete FBI investigation before a rush to judgment but the good old white boys never seem to do anything but bash democrats. I'm so ashamed

How could anyone have watched Kavanaugh's behavior yesterday and thought, "Yes that is the guy that should have a lifetime appointment to the highest court in the Country." Everyone who votes for him shows that they absolutely must be removed from office.

V mx n

Was that really a surprise. This was a ploy by the GOP to allow Flake to look undecided and to make his grand statement to delay for a hearing, but all along he and the GOP agreed that in the end he would vote yes. His daughter must be so proud of him for turning his back.

He’s a lame duck, because the Trump wing of the GOP wouldn’t support his primary campaign. So why does he continue to fall in line with Trump, even when he makes a show of being independent? Is he compromised?


The worst guys arent the true believers. The worst are the so-called good guys who pretend they are conflicted so they don’t look quite as bad. But everybody gets one vote, and that is what reveals who you really are.


Flake is a liar and a fraud.

Sad, thought he had class

So disappointing. The confirmation should not hinge on yesterday. Although K’s rage and frustration was clear. Then his conspiracy comment. Add that to his last hearing and have to ask, is this the right person for the job? BTW, D.C is a hot mess.

It’s all for the money...

SenJeffFlake I won the bet with my husband that you would flake out and confirm. All talk no action.

Time to end the freak show. NominateKavanaugh

Was there any doubt?


If, after yesterday's hearings, Flake finds Kavanaugh's testimony more compelling than Ford's, I have to wonder if the senator was ever really undecided, or if he was simply afraid to announce his position prematurely.

Wonder what his legacy will be in years to come, seems foredrawn he will be remembered as a man of zero conviction. JeffFlake only talks the talk, he doesn’t walk in truth.


Jeff Flake needs to sit down and shut up. He just ruined his chances for running for president.

And he voted against subpoenaing Judge. I guess he wasn’t really torn.

Finally! Stay to the truth and be brave! Do not allow those Democrats bullies on your way!

JeffFlake I am from Arizona... Jeff Flake, you are NO John McCain.

He’s a disgusting man.

Holy shit I am shocked -actually no - flake checked his balls at the White House door some time ago No courage - just great sound bites with no follow up Can’t muddy the water for his future run at potus

FlakeforSenate So Flake. You want to leave us with a poison pill. Thanks for NOTHING and good riddance.

Shout out to JeffFlake for his continued political spinelessness. And just like that...here we are again. The fate of our system falls into the hands of white women. Sighhhhh. I'm sure they will do the right thing given a second chance. 🙄

Such a disappointment



It mater Not what he signed of on during Bush. America was at war against terrorist and if YOU don’t think that during WW1,WW2, Korea,Vietnam that our enemies did even worse things then what YOU are smoking is making YOU delusional.

JeffFlake is a coward, as usual. My guess is that BenSasse is next to fall in line.

JeffFlake you are all talk ... a liar and obviously well suited for the Republican Party! You are not there to be a bobble head to Trump. Kavanaugh is a stain on the bench! Vote no!

This is a very disappointing outcome. The allegations aside, Mr. Kavanaugh did not show a temperament or a level of non-bias to the political process befitting a Supreme Court judge.

Did this man forget that he came into this world through a woman’s vagina? What if his mother made the accusation? And he still votes for him? If only Senator John McCain was still alive.

Because today they vote yes, when they finally have decided enough is enough of this POTUS’s and his round table of privileged Frat Boys is enough.. with this nomination approval it will be far too late to have a conscience


I don't trust him for a minute.

Bad decision!

Shame on him. His dreams and aspirations for higher office are the reason for his vote. If JK gets on SC any future legislation that requires their vote might be swayed in his direction. Sell the country and women's rights for a future run for the WH. Party before country.

Bought out

Remember when SCOTUS decided Bush v Gore and we got an Iraq War. Remember when SCOTUS decided Citizens United and dark money flooded our system, drowning the voices of the poor and middle class. What new darkness will stacking SCOTUS with angry dishonest Trumpian partisans bring.

I have to wonder what back-room deals were make to "encourage" Flake to pander to that rabid, moronic mess.


True American hero

JeffFlake History will remember that you had a chance totake a stand against confirmation of Judge have blown it.After watching the performance by Judge Kavanaugh,how could you consciously vote for an explosively rude liar? Shame on you.

this tweet is wrong. Flakes always votes for what the president* wants. correct it.

CandaceTX This ball free bitch was never undecided. Stop blowing smoke.

Like Corker, sometimes talking the right talk yet always walking the wrong walk. Disgusting, one and all.

Because JeffFlake is weak.

And this should surprise absolutely no one.

He was never undecided!! He pretends he’s different but he’s as gutless and soulless as the rest of the GOP


Let’s be honest here, he was always going to vote yes he just likes to say things that make him look like he doesn’t fall in line but he ALWAYS falls in line. People give this man too much credit

Dr. Ford showed more courage in this process than JeffFlake has shown in his entire career. Flowery speech about the GOP not matching his values then voting with the GOP in spite of that shows the actions of a coward. Get off the stage, your act is over. hypocrite GOPCowards

No country for old Flake

He was never undecided.

Anyone who claims to be undecided has already decided to vote for the unqualified man who's being jammed through.



When a Senator JeffFlake says “left the hearing yesterday with as much doubt as certainty." Should you really vote yes for the highest court in the land?

JeffFlake was not undecided. He was in all along. Not much thinkin for Jeff, it was an easy decision for him to support.

If there is an inkling of doubt, which JeffFlake says he has, it is an abdication of his public duty to vote yes. His duty is to the American public, not to the juvenile, simpering, pouting Kavanaugh.


Jeff Flake has come to his senses! CONFIRM KAVANAUGH!


What’s done in the dark will one day come into the light Republicans are bought and paid for. FlaketheSnake DoNotForget

Susan Collins will probably do the same. It’s unlikely republicans will vote against their own party nominee.

This will follow him until the day he dies.

Sad. Please FBI first.


He is the worse! Constant push pull of trust and betrayal with this guy. I feel like we are Charlie Brown and he is Lucy holding the football. Rest assured he is going to yank it away at the last minute every time. flakeisgoingtoflake

How about consulting with your Son's and Daughter's to see where they stand on this subject of sexual assault? The fact that you have no SPINE and VOTED to confirm Kavanaugh without the FBI reopening up this Case based on new evidence is APPALLING!!

Shame on you!

A clear signal that women are cannon fodder on the road to power

There is your legacy Flake.

Ta-da!! Flake never disappoints!

Party politics sell out, JeffFlake you’re a disappointment. Looking forward to seeing your seat filled by someone who values the other 51%

He was never undecided.

If you believe Flake was ever undecided I have a bridge you may be interested in purchasing

Didn’t you say you weren’t seeking re-election? Cmon JeffFlake , remember what legacy you’re leaving behind.

Was there ever any doubt this partisan would not follow orders from the Trump party?

Idk why this is a question. Of course they were going to confirm him. There was never a possibility that anything else would happen. Kavanaugh is going to be a SC Justice. Sorry, women and people that hoped that the law would apply to Trump, maybe vote sometimes.

Of course he will. Follow the money to his lucrative lobbying gigs. JeffFlake

I’m shocked. Shocked, I say—and completely disgusted.

Flake has no backbone- he lacks the moral compass of his former colleague, McCain. Despite what he says, he‘s a Trumpite all the way. Glad to see him gone.

I knew it

The ‘man’ is thoroughly unqualified, well demonstrated yesterday, and a predator. The world can see. The GOP has thoroughly lost its mind. The elite good ole boy network is grasping at straws. Yesterday was horrid, I did not sleep...I’m despondent, but I am NOT done fighting!!

JeffFlake Have you no soul, sir? I think we have our answer.

Oh Flake... I thought for sure you could see what this man was yesterday. I had high hopes for your sense of decency.

Both Corker and Flake are real consistent that way.

JeffFlake You will be forever linked with a shameful act. There is NO justice and fairness in the US. Good look to all victims and survivors. We are on our own! KavanaughHearings KavanaughConfirmation jeffflake

What a sham and a disappointment. At best, I can accept the application of innocence until proven guilty, though this isn't a criminal trial. What I cannot accept is the refusal to permit any corroboration or independent investigation. Railroaded CorruptGOP

He was never undecided.

Once the court is stacked towards conservatives then nothing else matters. It’s a sad tragic day for America.

They will not be able to face the women😡😡😡😡

And the name says it. I can’t believe after showing morals you sell women down the river.

Why is this happening? We are all serious trouble.

Shame. Shame. Shame on you. Epitome of cowardice and self service. StopKavanaugh

Lives up to his name.


JeffFlake you’re failing America. This moment is when you should serve your country. You aren’t fit for office if you appoint this drunk Kavanaugh

He was never undecided.

We have to Vote! GoBetoGo BetoForTexas VoteForBeto VamosBeto Voten MakeADiffrence GrassRoots RegisterToVote WeGotThePower BetoForSenator BetoHasMyVote BeTheChange BetoIsTexas WeGotThis LetsDoThis EveryVoteCounts TheFutureIsVoting BetoORourke

That he was ever undecided is a joke

Flake is all talk. In the end he does what he’s told by the Donald.


JeffFlake is on the wrong side of history here and a joke to the state of Arizona and the country. IBelieveDrChristineBlaseyFord

Az does not have any decent men left it seems

Is anyone surprised?

JeffFlake you have no love for country, justice, or equality. You undermine the foundations that built this country. You are telling men everywhere that they can do the most vile thing to your daughter and get away with it. You are telling her that you would not believe her.

I guess he’s not planning to run for President

I’m not convinced he’s not guilty but I’m voting for him. That’s basically what the dude said. clownshoes

His giant novelty check must have cleared.

I’ve given up hope for America in its entirety. It is clear human decency is meaningless to our former democracy.

Cowardly move by an exiting Senator.

Anger at the process. Sorrow at the result. Great grief at what it means for our system of government.

Just when I think hes gonna be a real human being...

JeffFlake He was never undecided. Just loves to think about the big payoff he'll get at the end. Flake has never done the right thing.

well of course he did. saw that coming a mile away. I bet he'll sigh and roll his eyes when he casts his vote. He's a creep. JeffFlake

He was never undecided. He is a drama queen.

What? JeffFlake says one thing and does another? I'm shocked.

He was never undecided, he was just trying to appear sympathetic to women. He votes with the $$$, always has and always will.

JeffFlake shameful.

Is anyone really surprised by this?

Vote every single one of them out. They know they are wrong and they do it anyway. NeverGOP

Flake was never undecided

No surprise here. Coward every time. Dont believe one shit he says about having a conscience.

Did you expect anything less from him? He talks a good game but in the end he is weak. He does whatever he is told. flakegonnaflake

Remember Flake also signed off on Bush Administration torture and war crimes policies. Kavanaugh gave the Bush Administration judicial guidance on torture and war crimes. They all need a stacked Supreme Court for their personal protection. Arizona needs a brand new government

The faces of American political shame are shameless today. Looking at you JeffFlake.


His vote just made him even richer! Will have lots of lucrative JOB offers! We have been Flaked!

I don't believe his "undecided"-ness


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