Trump claims more white people die at hands of law enforcement, defends flying Confederate flag

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Law Law Latest News,Law Law Headlines

Pres. Trump claimed 'more white people' than Black people die at the hands of law enforcement, ignoring the reality that unarmed Black people are disproportionately more likely to die at the hands of law enforcement than white people.

In March, Dr. Matthew Miller, a veteran gun violence researcher and professor of health sciences and epidemiology at Northeastern University, co-authored a study on civilians who were shot and killed by police officers between 2014 and 2015.

Trump did not reveal his personal opinion on the flag other than to repeat his insistence that he supports"freedom of speech." "They were going to be beat up badly if they were lucky, if they were lucky they were going to be beat up badly," the president said of the couple, without providing any evidence of that and authorities have not said so. "And the house was going to be totally ransacked and probably burned down like they've tried to burn down churches," he continued.

President Donald Trump and first lady Melania Trump participate in an event with students, teachers and administrators about how to safely re-open schools during the novel coronavirus pandemic in the East Room at the White House, July 7, 2020. As the number of COVID-19 cases surge across southern states like Florida, Texas, Louisiana, South Carolina and Arizona, Trump joined with guests from across the country to discuss how to responsibly return to the classroom.


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And we believe this because ABC News said so.

He will say anything. We need a real president.

Say it with me.. 'lies of omission are Still Lies!'

veedahvandal Now do a click bait piece on 'Black on Black crime'.

So pro life except by cop MURDER.

Nice try mainstream media, 4th authority of state, but the Black themselves share Trump’s statement, and confirm that most people dying at the hands of law enforcement are people are mostly shot among themselves.

Assumed, projected not a factual statistic

Last year 9 unarmed black ppl died at the ha de of police.

If you’re going to post FakeNews don’t quote sources such as the WashingtonPost that actually disproves your own statement. This is the chart from your own reference. 🤦🏽‍♀️Last time I did math 53% (whites killed by police) was higher than 26%.(blacks killed by police) MediaLies

Blacks have way more encounters with police per capita than any other race. It’s not at all disproportionate when considered in that light.

You lie about everything why would I believe this!

Fake facts

Is that due to law enforcement or the people and their actions?

Out of the mouth of the man who helped kill brother Freddy! realDonaldTrump is a murder and has been for years!!

Good lord, you people lie! DEFUND THE MEDIA

Data doesn't have an opinion

President Trump's statement is 100% accurate. Based on percentage of population though, unarmed black men are 2 1/2 times more likely to killed by police. This is not due to race, but the fact that more black people live in areas with higher crime rates.

Because they commit more crimes.

Black people make up 13.4 percent of America in 2020 , google it. So Trump has to be correct just from the numbers.

Not a single person can Prove the man right, or wrong.

It is still incredible to speak of the police, a corporation supposed to protect us, as of a virus with frightening mortality statistics.

Let’s have ABC give us the deaths of both groups, black & white, at the hands of police. Don’t cherry pick. List all in last 3 years. If they try to slant, then we will all know the answer.

Now give us the per capita by people of colour.

Trump is a mad animal I don’t say man because he’s a mad animal


Stop being nice ,it's been three years just say straight-up he lied

I didn’t know there was a competition.... this 🤡 desperately needs to go !!!NotMyPresident DumpTrump2020 WearADamnMask BlackLivesMatter

ABC News dont want you to see this...the truth. ... The DemocRAT party was the party of Slavery and Jim Crow. ...

No mention of President Trump's MS-13 announcement today by ABC fake news. Whitehouse ms13

ABCNews TRUMP IS RIGHT! What about Waco , Ruby Ridge, the cattlemen?

Is a dam liar

Lying ABC !!! Since 2017 on average annually the police have killed 409 whites and 222 blacks. Those are the facts. But, ABC is worthless crap when it comes to telling the truth. A simple search would have showed them that they are lying.

It's fact...not a claim

Omfg I hate this man so much , he literally makes me angry. And I'm not even American.

Because he's a racist

This tweet ignores the reality that Trump’s statement is 100% accurate. But sure, go ahead and spin this to fit your race-bating narrative.

Abc Epstein smear news

Account15_ Yeah know sh!t check the prison cells out!

Account15_ It more likely because they get arrested more often!

errrr....dont they?

It is true. There are just more whites.

By claim, you mean stated a fact, right?

Tying up a few loose ends before he's off to prison after the election if not sooner but that of course will be determined by what's in his taxes. He has accomplished many deeds that favor our adversaries, swindled millions and last but not least provoking a civil war, great job

Please stop the race baiting!. Dems/Left have the black vote. Why do they keep stiring up hate?

Gotta love ABC's unethical reporting

Why doesn’t the news report on how many blacks kill blacks

MSM-twisting the stats to fit their agenda!

What he said is a fact, keep deflecting

Maybe they are disproportionately non compliant?

Wow.. he’s back on Clorox injections.. I knew his sobriety wouldn’t last!! Hey Pence.. where’s my $100 bet.. I win!

Loving the fact that there is an INDIRECT correlation to the amount of time he speaks and his chances of re-election.

They are more likely to die from each other than the police!!!

We get Up at 12 and starts to work at 1 , take an hour for lunch and then at 2 were done. With a Ha Ha Ha and a Ho Ho Ho thats how we laugh the day away in the merry O land of trump

No matter what skin dies.. matter is why? Why is there so much hatred which let one human to kill another? Are we becoming good or great by killing black ones? Coz maybe 88% population of the world is black, off black, white black, not so fair black.

They're also more likely to be engaged in crime.... So its a moot point.

Sad when you have to do the work for FakeNewsMedia


He’s correct! In a population with 70% Whites although an uneven amount of Blacks based on that/my demographics 10% die comparatively ultimately more Whites are killed by law enforcement. More Whites ARE ON WELFARE too!

So in fake news lingo... trumps.right lol

Are we not gonna y’all about how that’s still a problem

He claimed it because it is factual.

How about how Cops are 18 more likely to be killed by a black man than a white man. Thats odd. Talk about disproportionate.

OrangeBrainDead traitor

He is a person who has no qualms about saying anything

THIS ISNT TRUE. Statistics are the liars best friend! Black people are less likely to be shot, per police encounter, than any race. It's probably one good thing BLM has done in the last few years. A police officer doesnt think twice when shooting a poor white person these days.

He is an idiot

So what he’s gonna do about cops murdering people? 🤔

Y’all aren’t gonna like where the “per capita” argument leads......

Hey ABC, your no longer reporting news, you are politically biased and it’s disgusting! Nothing fair or balanced about your Fake News reports! BoycottABC ABCDisgustsMe

What about orange people?

Can we use the real numbers here? In 2019, 19 unarmed white people died in police interactions. 9 black people. What Trump said is true, it is also disproportionate. It’s also a ridiculously low number all things considered. To say it’s a systemic problem is really inaccurate.

Ok some math for college educated people. 19 unarmed white people killed in 2019 and 10 blacks. 19 whites-10 blacks=9 more unarmed whites killed. Stacey Abrams must be giving math classes to liberals. She claims more voters means voter suppression.

Wrong black people are more likely to kill more black people

This is a complete lie. 13% of the population commits 55% of the crime. Yet only accounted for 9 unarmed deaths in 2019. Facts matter and the liberal media do nothing but lie.

He is the biggest A__ H___ in all this world and will destroy the Nation by his ignorance of science and lack of constructive thought. Senate and Congress must act to control this individual which is totally out of control of his own actions.

In 2018, Black-white crime was approximately 600,000 cases per DOJ in which blacks committed 90% of the crimes & up from 85% 10 yrs earlier. 21 black kids died this weekend in cities that are attacking their police force. Millions of black babies are killed by abortion. Tragic!

The numbers prove POTUS right but u refuse to look at the numbers

But It and It's tRumpies 🐑 don't care about Facts and Truths unfortunately SoSadWhatItsDoneToOurCountryAndDemocracy RepublicansNeedToChooseCountryOverParty ComeBackOnAmericasSideTheFreedomsAreNice TrumpVirus InvokeThe25th WeThePeople🇺🇸

Well 5 white got killed by cops in the lady 4 days so he night be right lmao

Again just make up your own narrative when you don’t like the truth!!!

Trump is factually correct. But it is also correct the blacks die more frequently on a proportional basis. Spinning the facts to make a point happens all the time, and it is so frustrating.

Isn't he missing the whole point? No one should die because of police brutality regardless of skin color. And why are we so obsessed with skin color? Serious Question.

He’s just a jerk, and you all at knows that

Unrrue ABC.

realDonaldTrump here are only a few of Black people killed by police. How many White people can you show within the last 7 years? thedailybeast TheView theGrio gtconway3d

killtrump TrumpIsARacist trumpisoverparty

Trump doesn't know what the hell comes out of his mouth. He has empty space between his ears. No thought goes into anything he does!


ABC = All Bull Crap. FAKE NEWS!!!! When based on police encounters by race Whites are far more likely to be killed by police. Despicable media lies.

Liberals love playing with numbers. They want to talk about proportion when it comes to this, not raw numbers. But when you talk about proportion of violent criminals, then they want to talk about raw numbers instead.

This guy is going to get his rally in “by any means necessary” no matter what. Buckle-up America you ain’t seen nothing yet.🤦🏾‍♂️

Does anyone know what alternative reality Donald 'Duck' Trump is living in?

Folks, this is what fake news looks like. ABC News is the EnemyOfThePeople

'Trump is correct, but we are going to 'fact-check' something he didn't say and conclude he is wrong about the thing he didn't say.'

Cant wait to hear PressSec shread the next msm left wing talking point on this subject. Those pesky numbers.

Now do disproportionate amounts of crime.

And of course, as a percentage of population it doesn’t come close...

He also claims that COVID cases are going up because we are testing more. Yeah, technically, but it really completely misses the point. Which is the whole point.


Best to give dumd answer than no answer when you dont know what your talking about

With all due respect the President has no idea what he's talking about. He truly has a narcissistic personality. He doesn't care about anyone but himself. He has NO education, NO morals, NO ethics. How he became president is due to electorial vote. 'The people'did not vote him in

He lies with every breath. Just say it. It's easy. Every report you do should start with Trump lies again..

His CLAIM was true. Your reporting is what is in error

He did not claim it. That is a fact. It is a fact my far. He was not asked about disproportions.

BREAKING NEWS - Trump says dumb stuff!

•____• cap

Trump and his love a white supremacy. Always trying to make whites the victims.

How about those that comply? What are their odds. Per their race? Fair question no?

😂😂😂 I read the article. There are no stats, they just say 2 times more likely; no numbers. Who does this convinced?


N so you can see this is a police problem period that just so happens to disproportionately effect blacks but also effects whites. DefundThePolice BlackLivesMatter

Well, he is an imbecile.

Translation: what Trump said is true.

Ok but was what he said wrong? Also, what happens prior to a cop using lethal force against a person?

But what he said wasn't untrue.


While this tweet ignores the reality that Black people disproportionately commit violent crime. See how that works? It’s not too complicated. So you can get tf out of our faces with your race baiting bullshit now, thanks

You think Donald is capable of understanding disproportionately

He didn't ignore shit... He stated a factual answer to a question.


Trump bought a NYT ad demanding the Exonerated 5 be executed & still refuses to take that back despite their innocence Has it occured to anyone that the POTUS unrepentantly favoring the executions of innocent Black people emboldens racists—cops & civilians—to kill Black people?

Problem is, media only reports on police shootings when it involves black men, which suggests the media cherrypicks stories to create a racially divisive narrative.

Trump uses alternative facts. What those of us who live in the real world call lies.

Trump and not understanding statistics. Is there a more classic combo than that? And the sprinkle of racism makes the perfect finish to the shit combo.

factually true sorry

Is this reporting news or injecting a point of view where there is no news and calling it news?

Your pulling sub numbers at. The statement is true

Let’s see the data on that, please.

Does anyone really listen anymore

I mean... spot the lie..


Of course Confederate Trump said that.


He lives on lies & falsehoods.

He should stop talking


even if it were true that’s not an acceptable realty for this twat - is it The people we pay to serve and protect shouldn’t be killing us at will .

Stop it you're a journalist call it for what it is he lied just say he straight up lied

Looks like none of the corrupt 'fact checkers' have touched this.

Keep talking trump doing a great 💩job!

Totally false. Look at percentage of encounters.

It’s TRUE. Look it up. Black on black crime is huge in number.

Move on people.

We disperstly need change in leadership.

rappublicist Vote Him Out Fast

ToddThomson6 More whites die from cops than any other race in America, by a lo t

TF does the color matter?! Law Enforcement should be EnFoRcInG the LAW! Protect and Serve, not Protect and Severe

Trumps statement is correct. You are refuting it by throwing In proportionality. Two different measures.

I struggle to understand how anyone other than a white supremacist could vote for Trump, he lies, takes pieces of statements to change meaning to his benefit, demeans, women, all races, divides people, takes NO Ownership for anything negative, made US laughing stock of the world!

White people and other colour people do not broadcast like the black people do - that is why black people seem to die in larger qty compared to no reference.

..... and the MSM lied by not stating that Blacks “disproportionately” commit more crime than whites and hence come in contact with police more often.

This story seems to imply that it is never necessary for police to use lethal force when trying to apprehend violent suspects and that all deaths are preventable. That just isn’t true. BlueLivesMatter

Once again everyone sees Trump has put his foot in his mouth once again! White peoples don't die by the hands of law enforcement like black peoples. America knows how he got elected in the first place, Russia!

9 unarmed black men were killed by police in 2019. This has all been blown out of proportion and pushed hard by the media.

Out-out-out-outrage -- realdonaldtrump is kneeling on the nation's neck, won't stop, will not budge. America can't breathe. RepealTrump

That’s the truth - do some research and report it - it’s like 3rd graders are in charge of ABC


You guys ignore Chicago every weekend.

Yes racists say things like this.

“Disproportionate” is such a misleading statement. Based on their population? Police involved shootings equate to more white people being shot than non whites. Fact. End of story. AllLivesMatter

So what he’s saying is to many people die at the hands of police. Time to do something about the Police Mr Trump.

For clarity: 'President Trump is ignoring reality.'

What he said isn’t false....

The only true fact which he didn't mention was People go to Jail Everyday, now what he did say is Debatable if you pull up and out the records.

Wrong again ABC!!

The one's still replying did notice that both White and black died at the hands of law enforcement? He admits that law enforcement kills anyone no matter the skin colour 😳 Is law enforcement then the problem?

Don't do the crime -- and you'll do fine! All races need to stop doing crimes.


Well,its true. I really don't understand what all the complaining is about. People just don't read the facts before going out a looting. Imagine if White people were doing this.

So are u saying that there are a lot of bad cops and should start a new movement in “white life matters”? They could join the BLM group. ALL LIFE MATTERS, PERIOD! Time for a citizen review board that are elected by the people to oversee the police dept.

I'm not white and this is a matter of statistical facts not emotion or warped opinion. Available stats show that's the case and rather than blind argument, you're just a Google away from confirming whether or not it's true.

Lies FASCIST ABC! Look at the FBI reports! On average 136 white are killed to 96 blacks! Guess who kills hundreds of cops a year? That would be BLACKS! More cops than blacks!

It’s so sad that we have a perpetual liar as President. Media have to constantly clarify it.

He wasn't speaking per capita idiots. Just a numbers fact. 27 whites in 2019 and 9 black.

No president would have this response!

Unfair / Devisive how police killing of blacks is reported-Need to talk about black on black killing & black crime as well if you want solutions that truly might help the various issues creating such devision in the country! Blacks aren’t currently being helped!

ABC News is reporting live from Chicago !

White crime vs Black crime might be the answer?

Yep and blacks disproportionately commit more violent crime. Ie Chicago and nyc ab weekend.

The president’s cognitive thinking is askew & needs to be examined. Yamiche CNN MSNBC foxandfriends StudentsLivesMatters TrumpIsNotWell

Well, How many times likely that a Black fall victim by Black Criminals than by Police?

And yet hehadonejob and couldn’t get it done

Except that his numbers are accurate.

You guys just gotta keep pushing the narrative. It is a statistical fact that more white people are killed by police. The numbers don’t lie.

I mean if you disproportionately commit more violent crime than another race, your race will be more likely to be disproportionately shot by responding officers. Pretty simple. Unfortunately, if someone like trump says this he’s now considered racist.

It’s true

The truth is no unarmed citizens should die during an arrest process. Faulty unprofessional police training and bad policing is the main reason arrests go deadly. The US needs a citizen first based policing police. The words Protect and serve should apply to all citizens.

We all/everyone needs a stimulus check..

The ABC is full of SHIT, inventing stories that suit its bent agenda, defund the ABC, stay safe turn off your news media device and delete your ABC app,,

thats the thing with facts its not a claim if its true

They are disproportionately crime perpetrators. ABC neglected to say that.

He insane! Absolutely insane!

By numbers 100% accurate

Well it was a factual statement but if you want to put a spin on it and pretend he lied, I guess that's what you do best.

Im wondering if the amount of violent crime has anything to do with these stats ? Asking for some facts ABC !


He's right. And you all wonder why people don't listen to you all. Weird.

Trump has a college degree in saying the wrong shit.

I fail to see why politicians who have been in office and running these municipalities for 50 plus years should be absolved of responsibility and everything should fall on Trump. These issues been around before Trump, it’s just more convenient to blame him for everything

Men are disproportionately more likely to die at the hands of law enforcement than women.

This is why people stop watching reading and paying attention to most mainstream news outlets, because everything always becomes about Trump. You make it sound like all this started under Trump. You got politicians in charge of these major cities for 50 plus years.

What? He is so pathetic as a President!

realDonaldTrump If that's true, what you're saying is that cops murder citizens they're sworn to protect and you just don't care about ANY race. Glad to know, by your own words, it has more to do with a disrespect for human life in general than racism. Which explains 130k dead

Thts a complete lie

He is totally clueless. He does not have any respect for American citizens who are not rich, but who are just as important as the rich. We have to live together at last.

Ignoring the reality? What statistics are you looking at? FBI & Bureau of Justice both disagree w/ you, ABC.

Trump's claim is correct. The additional reality you claim he ignored is correct. Another reality he 'ignored': though only about 7% of the US population, Black men are responsible for over 50% of all murders and over a third of all violent crime.

Your mental gymnastics are amusing

Well, he's stupid so 🤷‍♀️

President Trump is right. However, if you want to discuss numbers relative to population percentage, african americans kill many more whites than vice versa. African americans also commit 50% of violent crimes and are only about 15% of population. Tell that story.

just stop all deaths colour ...just no more deaths!

Sadly, this reality requires an understanding of basic math.

Racism is the big sickness in our world. Sadly, not medicine for that!🤦

It’s called lying ABC. You’re supposed to be a news organization, act like it.

It’s a lie not a claim. Just say it. Evidence backs it up so don’t worry about libel.

real_farmacist Trump has not figured out that everyone fact checks a bona fide liar.

Wrong. In 2019, 18 unarmed white men were killed by the police where only 9 unarmed black men were killed. Of those 9, 6 were involved in altercations with the police, 2 cops were prisoner, and 1 left in question. Stop lying.

None of y’all understand simple math. Smdh

Who cares about white people right? Isn't that what you're saying with the post?

Trump was right. Your argument “black Americans were twice as likely to be shot and killed by police officers” - that’s because black’s crime rate is twice higher. Also, how many of these black people were shot dead by BLACK police officers? would that count as racist too?

ABC is ignoring the reality that what Trump stated is a fact.

I honestly think realDonaldTrump is taking this campaign because he really doesn’t want to be president because who could be this ignorant

And he would be ACCURATE!!

Correction, ignoring the reality that criminals are disproportionately more likely to die at the ends of law enforcement than innocent people.

Big deal


Yeah WP are 70% of the population , what about the unarmed men BM 3 times as high

Because you resisting arrest higher than other races.and higher the crime rate.

So he again tells the truth........hmmmmmm


Trying to stir up more trouble again ABC?

Blacks commit more crimes than Whites!

ABC News obviously not even paying attention to any data in their statement here 🤦🏼‍♀️

1-year-old boy dead after being shot at NYC cookout The baby in addition to 3 men was shot around 11:35 pmSunday in front of Raymond Bush Playground at Madison Street &Marcus Garvey Boulevard in BedfordStuyvesant police sources said Now who do you think killed that baby

9 That’s the number of unarmed black people killed by police in 2019. And 6 of those were attacking when killed. And in the 3 remaining cases, cops were criminally charged in 2 of them. FYI

Trump's understanding of statistics is prob at a similar lever to his linguistic skills and abilities, ie very poor. He has no idea what he is talking about but that never stops him from endlessly, blathering, havering, frothing and bloviating in fractured unfinished sentences.

Of corse this is fabrication. No statistics? Just spin? mediabias mediamindcontrol Horrible excuse for 'news reporting' realDonaldTrump JoeBiden joerogan

Black people are by far the biggest threat to black people, it's not even close. I dont get why people ignore this.


They DO, so what the fuck do you mean “Trump claims” it?

This guy trump lies lies and lies he doesn’t know what reality is Mary was right he is a very very bad and sick evil loser

trump. lies. About. Everything.

Apparently he's under the impression that he doesn't need the black vote this year...

Really show us lying sack of S


The facts are out there: 1 in 1,000 black men are killed by police. 2.5 times more likely then white men. And this doesn't take into account how many black women also killed by police. Sadly, Sandra Bland's death was not a unique statistic.

He is stating the facts. You can spin it all you want, but he's right.

Not true.

I lost count of all the lies a year ago!!

Same old lame old Trump

Trump doesn’t realize facts really do matter, he should stop making things up. realDonaldTrump

Fake news

I Agree.

Aquí, separando peras y manzanas...!!madre mía el adalid de libertad!!

ABC ignoring that Trump was factually correct. ABC is fake news media lying to the public. As an enemy of the truth, ABC is an enemy of the American people.

Ignore is a very polite way to say lies

You just can notstand facts can you?

Unarmed doesn't mean not dangerous

You realize you can go round and round and round with crime stats.....stop being Sheep people and research for yourself. keeps dividing us.....wonder why?

2018 Violent Crime Victims Statistics, Bureau of Justice Statistixs, Table 14 - Violent Crimes where the victim is black and the offender is white : about 53,000 Violent Crimes where the victim is white and the offender is black : about 573,000 😱 oh no.. statistics are racist!

Facts feelings

Wow Fun with numbers !! Okay I’ll say it.......certain groups commit more crimes !! You figure out Who !! Not PC but true !!

This is a lot of words to get to the central point. Next tweet, start off with 'Trump makes a false/inaccurate statement about...'

They also commit more violent crime, thus leading to more violent conflicts with police officers but please continue with your political charged skewed false narratives.

Tell the truth how may people believe one word that comes out of Trumps mouth? So I don't bother to listen.

Pretty funny how, instead of saying it wasn't true, he doubled down and said they kill a lot of white people. Ummmm. Ok, then. Maybe it's time for that to change!

hezhitters TrumpIsARacist and like every Rethuglican uses the ‘black men are gonna harm our white women’ that racist have been touting since the end of the Civil War. Marxist, Thugs, Socialist - we know who they are referring to. And it’s no longer working.

Blah blah blah

Last year 41 people shot by police were unarmed. 19 were white and 10 were black. The rest were other races. 89 police officers were shot and killed. I think President Trump is right!

Racist in chief

Finally the truth come out,of coarse whites make up the majority of the population'..


Cops are not just pulling up on street corners, targeting black people. The cops are generally called to a crime in progress, things escalate and this is the outcome. And who is calling the cops? I’d venture to guess that white people aren’t calling in random crimes for fun

He has no idea

This is a man who states that testing for COV-19, “causes cases”. Yes we can enable, excuse and explain what he meant, but should we have to?

Proportionality didn't have anything to do with it. Why won't you discuss violent crime proportionality if you want to go there?

Well, rates, he’s wrong. Absolute numbers, he’s right.

What a liarhead freak show In the article there's a photo oh him winking at someone sitting right next to NotMyFLOTUS What a creep

Fake news.

The WashingtonPost database shows 2,499 white people and 1,301 black people killed by police. That's 51% and 27%, respectively. So Trump's right. FBI (shows that whites committed 50% of homicides, blacks did 45%. So Trump's OK on the rate, too.

He was talking the number killed. And you know it.. it just sounds so much better the way you do it..

But maybe cops shouldn’t be killing so many people at all 🤷🏼‍♀️

Depends on what data you look at. On the whole...he is right.

Have you check the violent crime statistics? Talk about disproportionate. How does 13% of the population manage to commit over 60% of all violent crime? Probably see more police encounters, ehh?

What?!? He said: MORE WHITE PEOPLE DIE IN THE HANDS OF POLICE THAN BLACK PEOPLE.. THATS TRUE!!! Nobody is talking about rate. He never said anything about rate. He said AMOUNT!! How is that a LIE! Holy sh***t, you guys go to the extreme to distort anything Trump says, dont you?

To reduce that obvious demographic proportion stop recording crimes.

Ignore him he's ill

Factually accurate. He didn’t say as a percentage of population. FakeNews

And Trump is correct. Also blacks 'disproportionately' commit far more violent crime, increasing the chances of contact with law enforcement. Your spin is boring and transparent.

The ISSUE is accountability.

False narrative. Tell the whole story or don’t tell it at all.

You have devoted a lot of media-defending info to mask the fact that he was correct. He did not say per capita, just as a raw figure

realDonaldTrump Often Ignores FACTS. IdiotInChief

Instead Of Numbers Go By Percentages...... Totally Different Story..... But That Doesn't Fit Trump Manipulation So He Won't Tell The Whole Story....... MakeTrumpAOneTermChump🗳

But you don’t care about this either do you?

The question wasn’t “proportionately” or “per capital” but nice try!!!!

Are you kidding me?

In his world this his true. Because to him black people don’t exist. 😢

This dude is so ignorant 😑

Desperation setting in I suspect

But,, but, they say, while spinning around the actual topic - more whites than blacks are killed by police every year, while whites resist arrest a hell of alot less.

Big mouth as usual !!

I think that with a higher percent of whites than blacks in society he should be correct. The true figure is what % of whites get killed of the white population and what % of black of the black population. That gives you the true picture and shows how Trump manipulates figures

What a strange obsession Death Kult Donnie has...

So he lied. Yet you continue to be unable to say that very simple thing.

OMG realDonaldTrump ... you live in a reality like NO ONE HAS SEEN BEFORE! Trumpnado alert

Revisit stats.

The only good cop is a dead cop. White lives matter

And this has been since when exactly? What history book is he reading? What planet did this man come from?

Maybe because they disproportionately commit more crimes leading to significantly higher police encounters to increase the odds being killed by police🤓

if that's true (probably not) THEN DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT

He is CORRECT. Fuc your fakenews

true...just gotta do the research

Trump is human garbage. Time to kick the trash to the curb.

i hate this orange man god

I don't think that makes the argument people think its making

And green people is dying along the child of the forest... savegreenpeople greenlivesmatter whothefuckisgreenbytheway whynegrosarealwaysoffended

More unarmed blacks are getting killed more than unarmed whites. Show me that data

Cmon, seriously, this guy is both a liar and unstable. Who else would we want holding the nuke codes, right? Thanks GOP. Ur really sticking it to the Libs. And the future of democracy and ur country. No worries. COVID has opened up a lot of jail space starting January.

Donald has no idea what disproportionately means.

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