Malian accused of Timbuktu war crimes refuses to enter plea

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Law Law Headlines News

Law Law Latest News,Law Law Headlines

Islamist rebel Al Hassan Ag Abdoul Aziz, accused of war crimes in Mali, refused to enter a plea at the International Criminal Court as his lawyers argued he isn't mentally fit to stand trial

THE HAGUE - A Malian Islamist rebel accused of being central to the “persecution” of residents of Timbuktu and the destruction of the city’s holy grounds refused to enter a plea Tuesday as his lawyers argued he was not mentally fit to stand trial.

As well as trying to impose sharia Islamic law across divided Mali, the al Qaeda-linked fighters used pick-axes, shovels and hammers to shatter earthen tombs and centuries-old shrines reflecting the local Sufi version of Islam in what is known as the “City of 333 Saints”. The ICC, the world’s only permanent war crimes tribunal, has been examining events in Mali since 2012. French and Malian troops pushed the rebels back the following year.


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Just to kill anyone they could

“Mentally unfit” The Argument The Most Wanted Criminals Use In Attempts To Get Away From Justice And Not Recive Punishment For The Atrocities That they Did.

George w Bush, Tony Blair, Dick Cheney still walk free.


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