Trump administration asks Supreme Court to invalidate Obamacare

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The Trump administration asked the Supreme Court on Thursday to invalidate the Affordable Care Act

In the midst of a global pandemic with the presidential election just months away, the Justice Department asked the Supreme Court on Thursday to invalidate the Affordable Care Act, the landmark health care law that enabled millions of Americans to get insurance coverage and that remains in effect despite the pending legal challenge.

In a late-night filing, Solicitor General Noel Francisco said that once the law's individual coverage mandate and two key provisions are invalidated,"the remainder of the ACA should not be allowed to remain in effect."The justices will hear arguments in the case sometime next term, although it is unclear if they will occur before the November election.


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Skiboyblw Yep. Healthcare has become more affordable already.

I see the OFA and Open Society trolls doing what they do best. It’s not cruel to want to provide a solution to the failure OBAMACARE has been. If Trump wanted to “kill everyone” or harm anyone, explain why he signed the “right to try” bill. I’ll wait.

Perhaps it’s because they should have read the bill before they passed it. Obamacare RUINED private insurance. There are better solutions. It is absolutely stunning to me that people accepted this crap when they deserved & could have had much more if the govt & Obama had cared.


Sure, because Covid is not killing enough Americans ?

Obamacare sucks in my hometown. It’s shitty how varied the quality of care you can revive from it depending on your state/city.

I'm glad I live in Canada. Sorry America.

ya this will help his reelection

I am starting to believe that realDonaldTrump doesn’t care about people.

Only a very cruel person would take away health insurance during a pandemic.

This is morally insane to do in the middle of a pandemic. I sure hope that the Trumpsters that rely on the ACA understand that they will lose insurance also. And in true Trump fashion, this was done at night. What a coward.

Seems like all he cares about is reversing anything Obama put in place.

'm David smith a mega jackpot winner I decide to give out some of my money to people this period. I would be giving first 100 people that follow me $5000 each

Obamacare is an insolvent mess and another Democrat created disaster of a welfare program. Must be fixed or replaced

Why would trump want to facilitate no medical coverage insurance for many millions of Americans on his way out the WH door? Trump is evil to the core!

Please tell me what good trump has done for the people that wasn’t credit taken from something Obama started.

His plan all along, or someone's plan I should say, stack the courts, and get rid of Obamacsre. And who benefits ?

Trump doesn’t worry about the how this will effect the people it’s just about undoing everything done by a black president that a lot of people adored. Wait til it starts effecting the people and see how they live trump then. Trump is destroying EVERYTHING good about America.


He sees the writing on the wall. Now he’s in super lame duck mode- the pardons, undoing of past presidents’ meaningful achievements, etc.

SOCIALIST UTOPIA: Venezuelans Hoard Water as Supplies Run Dry Across the Country could also happen in U.S. in a few short years

The problem with the Democrat party is that they always start something they can't finish. Stop leaving inspiration behind and find a way to socialize your medicine. If trump can find his own money, not the governments money, to build a wall....

Trump is literally insane. 🙄

Trump is under water with the black vote in most polls. Proving that many Blacks don't want to make things better for themselves. They continue to vote for the very people who have abused their support for decades. Stupid voting behavior should top their list of systemic issues.

Organized crime at it's best.

Bless the folks that will be left with no coverage and battling the long term effects of COVId19- kidbey,heart, and lung issues.

Is this even a Supreme Court thing? This is one ‘monster in chief.’

Trump needs to shutdown CNN and others for promoting riots and unrest. Let the Supreme Court rule on them.


The dictator must try to undo everything the greatest American president before him put in place for the American people. He is against modern universal healthcare so many great countries enjoy. He doesn’t mind if thousands of American die without it.

Imagine trying to cut healthcare when cases are spiking in the country you lead during a worldwide pandemic. Not a great re-election strategy.

It isn't just 'the Trump Administration'. It's millions of people and families who got stuck with higher premiums and deductibles, and lost their plans, for nothing in return. The ACA was a bad deal for a lot of people, and it was passed on a partisan party line vote.


CNN is the Nation metastatic cancer

Finally!!! Get rid of this horrid healthcare How it lasted this long simply amazes people across the country

Can you imagine millions of these people without insurance when the Country is in a Crisis with COVID19. Again Trump is looking to help his buddies in business

I'm well aware that the Supreme Court appointees are for life , and that the court has made a shift to the right. Trump has appointed federal judges, however, their days of reckoning and explaining their positions are coming, as well

Just when you thought this administration couldn't sink any lower..

CNN’s MO: destroy American jobs, exonomy, and security just so Trump looks bad? Burn it all down? It’s obvious to voters you idiots!

Some presidents try to have a plan to replace and strengthen the county’s healthcare system..... but sure let’s remove something without having any thoughts or concerns about impact on ppl’s lives. Once again Trump thinking more about talking points and special interest groups

In the middle of a pandemic. Imagine all the people with pre existing issues after COVID. I really don’t get why people think trump is actually helping Americans.

Corrupt News Network

We need to invalidate trump


You get what you elect

Anyone that thinks there won’t be a replacement is brain dead and they watch too much of the mainstream media. It would be political death for Trump not to have a replacement

It’s nice that you have insurance options, but there not very good . Premiums can be 200-300 a month+ 3000 deductibles for very basic coverage. I guess if you make under 30 K a year there may be better options

Let’s hope that Justice Roberts will find away to stop this knowing millions of Americans who depend on the ACA, especially now with coronavirus issue. The Republicans have no plan to replace it!! It appears trump is only interested in doing more damage before 11/03/2020.

Pakistan calling terrorist Osama bin laden a martyr said by pak pm ImranKhanPTI and disrespect the USArmy....

The next time a republican says they care about pre-existing conditions, tell them 'YOU LIE!' Since the day the Affordable Care Act passed, they have done nothing but undermine and try to eliminate it. They have no plan to protect those with pre-existing conditions.

Pandemic hits the US, so the president wants to remove the only health plan many citizens have. Trump has spent his entire term as President attempting to eradicate his predecessor's major health scheme.



Everything he does is to disenfranchise the ppl. What is his alternative plan to replace the affordable cares act He doesn't have one.

Republicans’ healthcare plan—during a pandemic no less—is to rip health insurance away from millions of Americans. They refer to this plan as “let’s destroy America by killing as many people as we can”.

His whole presidency is based on revenge. Revenge against anyone that crosses him in thr meantime, but mainly revenge on Obama for making fun of him at the Correspondents Dinner.

Good. If the 'tax' made it Constitutional, it is no longer Constitutional because the tax doesn't exist anymore.

TrumpGenocide HuffPost reuters maddow “Deflect all the blame, steal all the credit!” realDonaldTrump Er, while you're at it could you ask them to make me King!

As it should be. An Unconstitutional power grab by the Democrats.

Michael. Matulat

This is so disgusting Naphomet

“Hey, I’m gonna tear down my house.” “What are you gonna build when you do?” “I have no clue. I just want to tear it down because of the previous owner.” “What’s wrong with previous owner?” “I can never be as good as he was.”

Is there anyone at the Daycare Center with some kind of common sense, or are they all senile?

Vote for Biden like your health and safety depends on it. Because it does .

Cruelty is always the point.

How about they invalidate the trump presidency till Nov. cause he's letting America's die and does nothing to regulate the virus, he wants to slow down the testing but tries to take credit for the testing lol.

How any Administration could invalidate a law that gives people, most marginalised, peace of mind is an aberration.

Is he doing all this because he thinks he will lose in November? Makes you think. realDonaldTrump

The affordable health care act is anything but. Get an insurance quote and ask if the affordable health care act is an option for you. Your insurance agent will laugh. It should be called the unaffordable health care act and there are plenty of other good options.

They already said no lol take it up next year lol trump won't be in office by then! And what plan will be replacing it?

This guy is a total mistake to Americans.. I have a friend who is sick, better don't take decision thet will hurt her cus she Matters to me..

It's not happening. Count your days in office

Trump2020❤️❤️❤️🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸 left Fredo fakenew. Pls. dont cry😂

MORE RIOT CONNECTIONS: BLM Co-Founder Opal Tometi Connected to Communist Venezuelan President Maduro via gatewaypundit

He’s got nothing to campaign on. So he’s going to screw us Americans over as much as he can before he leaves.

Was it ever affordable or just a means to put more people on Medicare and setup to fail = excuse to have socialism healthcare? Aren't we all tired of politicians rigging the game for medical insurance companies to make more $?

This just proves how cruel Donald Trump really is. This is yet another reason why Trump must be removed from office immediately! He doesn’t care about the poor Americans, all he cares about is himself

. Biden Blows Off Banned Local Media Outlets, Doesn't Take Any Questions From Reporters at PA Event (VIDEO) via gatewaypundit

How can anyone think this is a good idea when this is happening?

What does he wait until late to do these things 🤔

Another Trump’s administration mistake: in this time of pandemia multiple efforts should be done to support citizens’ health.

Good. I don’t know about ya’ll, but ever since Affordable Care Act, I’ve been paying almost double for LESS medical coverage. This act has done nothing but take more of my hard earned money & tainted our healthcare system giving insurance companies more power.

While the ACA is full of failures. Untill there is a better care system why tare apart what we have with nothing to replace it.

Trump is basically trying to reverse/destroy anything Obama set up before this November. He’s pretty much saying “just in case I don’t get voted back in let me dismantle anything and everything with Obama’s name on it”. What a sociolopath and narcissist

Well... That's one election strategy.

Yes, during a pandemic that realDonaldTrump has screwed up beyond comprehension, OF COURSE let’s throw some more Americans off their healthcare plans! Trump is rabid.

November 3, 2020

Think about this for a second. Taking away healthcare from 20 million Americans during a global pandemic, on the night we had the highest number of new cases recorded in a day. Q: Who would want to do such a thing? A: 🇷🇺 Trump is such a puppet.

Unfortunately Pakistan itself is fake.

During a global pandemic when millions of Americans have been laid off or furloughed without pay—and the only thing they have is health insurance, Trump wants to strip is way from them. Who does that help? Who?

Poison Pill he hates Obama so much he does not care about the very day person. Shallow stupid and incompetent. Bye

1557 of the ACA. it is illegal to discriminate on the basis of 'race, color, national origin, sex, age or disability. 2016, Obama-era rule explained 'sex' encompass those based on gender identity, which it defined as 'male, female, neither, or a combination of male and female.'

What a great time to cancel healthcare. 123,000 dead

Even Obama said parts were unconstitutional, we’ll have to see if SCOTUS agrees with Obama

He just keeps trying to destroy our country, HOW can any sane person STILL support Trump at this point ?

Literally something he ran on, if anyone is shocked by this it's because you have no memory.

He wants to pull the plug on healthcare for low income folks because he assumes we are all Dems.He will literally cause people to die,coldly sacrifice them,because of a temper tantrum over sinking polling numbers. Wtf kind of human being does this? We need to pull the plug on him


This is the most crooked administration in American history


Thank God! Maybe I could once again have 'affordable care'.

F’ing EVIL ...

It's illegal a president can't implement something like this plain and simple.

The Bannon influence seems not to have waned off on him yet.


CNN Chinese News Network

He is a monster. There is no plan. What happens to these people and their health care

RNMukMuk He doesn’t care about anyone f you get sick, he doesn’t care if you can’t afford to pay your hospital bill, all he cares about is your vote.

Yep good job Trump everything abama did you have destroyed. Because it's all you can do because you are a failure in everything you do.

hes a spiteful arrogant little man

Smart people wear masks to protect other people. People not wearing masks are just plain stupid/ignorant - including Trump

He is literally burning America to the ground and won’t stop. He is inhumane!

The cruelty has no limit...

Remember that many COVID survivors have morbidity from the illness. Add them to the millions of Americans that already had preexisting conditions. If ACA falls preexisting condition coverage is gone.

Trump is trying to kill off voters before they vote him out of office.

He’ll go out of his way to harm the American people. And the GOP remains silent and complicit.

Because COVID isn't going to kill enough of us?

About time.

During a historic health crisis, one the world has never seen the likes of before, realDonaldTrump wants to f**k w/the ACA?!?! He literally does not care about all.

Really, does he hates everyone

God help us!

Bad idea 💡 alienation if mothers, and the old . Your swing votes Donald. Wow...

This is not the time to do this


Because Trump put up better coverage?

in a global outbreak like now universal healthcare gives us a peace of mind But GOP dickheads r still ideological hell bent on destroying Obamacare

I guess he's realizing he won't have another 4 years to finish tearing the country apart so he's going full throttle until November.

Ok... which are the arguments for it ? That's what you should talk about. Why the hell do they want to finish ACA ?

make it the UN-affordable care act... OR is it the affirdable UN-care act? 🤔🤪

I am asking the Supreme Court to tell the president to sit on a fucking cactus while sucking on barbed wire. Please let me know the update on my case ❤️

Trying to take insurance from millions of people during the worst Pandemic in our Nation's history just to spite the Obama administration. Craziness

And replace it with WHAT?

While in the first wave of a Pandemic that coulld have been prevented if the useless Trump Admin has done something, besides ignore it... 120K dead. TrumpVirus

Great timing

Lying POS - Smearing & Removing everything Obama did, Or was bipartisanly Set over the Years, May appeal to tRumpians, but It Won’t Save His Deplorable Term in Office, especially since at No Time has 45 done Anything Presidential. Where the Replacement⁉️

Prices went up — what was Affordable about it ?


Yeah why not take every ones F’ing insurance away!!! TRUMP IS EVIL AND SO IS EVERY SINGLE REPUBLICAN!!!!!!

Well there goes 'Pre-existing Conditions' folks, the very thing Trump said he's for, he's really against. Also where's Trumpinocchio's better insurance, you know, the one that he said would be less expensive, much better and in simplified form

If I take away health care covfefe there will be less China Plague testing. Less people will get sick, and less people die. Huge ratings. I’m a winner. realDonaldTrump

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