Rep. Schiff: Trump accusing Obama of wrongdoing to 'distract attention' from virus crisis

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Rep. Schiff says Pres. Trump is accusing fmr. President Obama of wrongdoing to “distract attention” from the coronavirus response with a “counter-narrative.”


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He’s going to try one thing after another -pathetic -but this is one time it’s not going to work -anything to deflect from reality-and still talking about Obama. Laughable

What have you been doing?

totally agree, everything he does is a distraction. it won't work. We are all smarter than him and we need to take him down in November trumphasnoplan

Trump is a failure.covid19underthebus

This is the most accurate and informative video on the Internet right now:

Actually Pres. Trump is accusing Obama of wrongdoing, because he did some egregious wrongs. The truth is coming......

Russian Troller alert

That's another ridiculous statement by shifty Schiff It's a pandemic that lies at China's feet! Schiff you have lied to the American people and will be voted out ASAP!!!!

Jail Schiff. Traitor

Trump at his news conference today stated a COVID 19 vaccine was being worked on in early January. So, apparently, he knew there was a COVID 19 threat at that time. Why did 2 months pass before his administration took any meaningful action?

Fellow Democrats protect one another at any and all costs.

Believe Schiff, he's never wrong

Adam Schiff isn't capable of discussing two topics at once.

Oh sure, let's ignore the executive branch speaking about correcting their own ability to abuse FISA warrants.

yea right!!!!! your going down Adam Shitforbrains!!!! FAKE NEWS MSDNC

DJTimpeached That is your tacti!

How many years was RepAdamSchiff and all his DemocRAT friends screaming RUSSIA RUSSIA! What a WASTE of time and what a WASTE of AMERICA’S tax dollars! DemocratsAreADisgrace DemocratsTheEnemyWithin It’s time for EVERYONE to WalkAwayFromDemocratsForever ‼️

That's the Liberal Lie! We have known about Obama spying before the virus.


yikes season of the weasels and snakes! Are we allowed to carry rodent spray?

The Wall Street Journal editorial board urged the media and the public to never again trust House Intelligence Committee Chairman Adam Schiff because of his repeated lies over the years that there was evidence of collusion between the Trump campaign and Russia...

Trump has ran out of gimmicks; can it be bankruptcy of ideas?

Of course, he had to find a scapegoat for all his negligence of duties.

You would expect the coup plotters to say this. What else would they say?

In other news, water is wet, fire is hot, Trump is an idiot.

Oh he’s using the dramacratic party’s tactics ?🤣🤣🤣🤣 using a plandemic to distract the people from the implementation of the NWO agenda I guess thats ok w you?


Probably true and just like everything else MSNBC and CNN fall for it. hook line and sinker.


Mainly realDonaldTrump is pathologically jealous of POTUS44 President Obama. Trump knows deep down that he’s a bloviating imposter, failing & flailing more with every passing day. And we watch the death toll climb because of it. Enough! Vote in 173 days to end this sad circus

Must be very confusing & disorienting to Trump to find out that there are actually honest, truthful, ethical leaders in the world. Obama is definitely that kind of leader. Just look at Trumps confidants: majority have criminal backgrounds or questionable reputations.

I think we all get that RepAdamSchiff He's throwing spaghetti at the ceiling to see if anything sticks. So far he just looks like the buffoon he is! realDonaldTrump

You guys don't stop! obamagate


He should accuse RepAdamSchiff of wrong doing . You lied and said it was parody. And you said you have evidence of collusion which was clearly a lie. Schiff is a disgrace to the Intel Committee.

Any statement that starts with “ RepAdamSchiff says” is an act of desperation.

This guy is full of shit. Constantly lying and distracting.

He would have to care about people to be worried about how he handled the virus. He might be a little more worried about his taxes and financial information coming out because it's a major blow to his fake image.

Schiff is accusing Pres. Trump to distract and form a 'counter-counter narrative.' Has Schifty found his solid proof of Russian collusion yet? He is disgusting and needs to resign. They all lied to Americans about the Russian crap and Obama/Biden were at the top. ObamaGate

We now know that Schiff new there was no collusion yet he pursued impeachment. He never had one shred of real evidence, yet he fooled the media every night with his rhetoric and and CNN and others played right along. BTW 60% of Americans don't trust the media.

I agree so ignore it, everyone, media included needs to just ignore his crap and focus on his mishandling of the virus

Liar liar pants on fire

Obama did nothing wrong. To date, Trump has done nothing right. His failure to quickly respond to COVID-19 when initially warned by many of his advisors, is in direct correlation with 1,000’s of American lives that could have been saved. He’ll never accept responsibility.

The same way repadamschiff did during impeachment

And who gives a damn what Schiff Says? They can put up a counter in Times Square for all the lies he's told.

BSDNC has been lying to the 10 people in their audience since 2016. Give us an Obamagate update. How about a Russia Collusion Briefing?

He’s terrified of Biden and will make up just about anyone to avoid being jailed by SDNY.

Obama is as corrupt as anyone

Going to need a new explanation

We know that AdamSchiff lied to media and the American people for 4 years. These weren't mistakes. He knew there was no evidence of RU collusion and he lied about it. MSNBC eagerly amplified those lies. For some reason, they continue to give this pencil neck a platform.

This has been ongoing since Trump was elected. Did you conveniently get amnesia about the fake Russian Collusion Hoax? You people are scum.

And at least 35% of the nation, plus a good chunk of Congress, will believe and spread the accusations.

You actually believe anything that comes out his mouth? His own mama don't

Now Schiff is up to the defensive bat? When you have that weasel speaking for you then you are absolutely worried about something.

Yeah you guys are on defense now. How does it feel?


Deflector In Chief! We know how you operate and will fall for that shiny object anymore!

IG report, Comey told IG investigators that he remembered having numerous discussions with John Brennan where the former CIA Director said the dossier was “important” enough to include in the ICA For Brennan to claim the dossier wasn’t used for their findings is a blatant lie.

RepAdamSchiff what wrong doings are you trying to god by deflection the truth?

Of course he is and the media is playing right along

Schiff you all got CAUGHT !! 😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂


No one believes Schiff he’s lost his credibility, he’s been caught Telling lies to many times! He’s Evil

Trump has been speaking of the spying for almost 4 years now, how is it a distraction? What is wrong with Schiff? Maybe Schiff should get out of his bubble and catch up on current events.

RepAdamSchiff should be expelled from Congress. If congress can jail us for lying to them, we should them for lying to us. Jail these criminals.

A “counter-narrative” has to relate to the first story! They are two distinct important stories! The American people can understand both at the same time! Schiff must think Americans are microorganisms who can only do one thing at a time!

Notice Schiff doesn’t say the claims against Ibama are untrue

He really is an utter shitty thing.

Often wrong, but never in doubt.

You’re just pissed AdamSchiff cause you got caught with your hand in the cookie jar!! About time!! TRUMP2020. OBAMYAGATE

Pencilneck is next

Trump can’t stop with the lies, from John Baron, to Birtherism, and now this garbage.

You misspelled, 'Military Tribunal'.

that's not new . he does it all the time . stop giving him the benefit of the doubt . he's not going to do the right thing . he's trumpy the clown , trying to make you look there while he fucks you over right here in your face

Schiff knows how that works right? HC loses election to DT,.. Russia!

woods353 Ya think.

It’s always something new with trump it like his own tv show broadcast daily I’m totally sick of it myself. Someone change the channel please

Well isn’t that hilarious! Schiff the clown is deep in this mess. He was the democrats whipping boy! Little Adam is scared to death! This guy needs to be investigated and resign.

No Schiff that what you trying to do. You going to jail.

By the way, this is plain old gutter politics right out of the GOP playbook. They are disgusting disgraceful cretins.

We all know there's no such thing as Obamagate, your not fooling anyone DYSFUNCTIONAL DON 🤡

That is just one of trump’s nefarious reasons I’m afraid.

Right on the money. This is just another GOP 'look over there and don't see the idiot in the WH' move. That's the entire Trump game since he totally botched dealing with COVID.

His MO. Shouldn’t be surprised at this point. So predictable.

Well, that and because he's trying go make Flynn out fo be a hero instead of the lying traitorous bastards that he and Trump both are.

Of course he is. It's all he's got.

Yep.. When the heat is on his ass. Point to the next person he can slander to throw his monkeys curiosity off of his trail of misdeeds..

They fool no one - they need to put this scumb in jail ! And fake news out-lets !

After all these months of COVID 24-7, no sports, no outside the world could use a distraction.

He should keep his mouth shut. ObamaGate

That’s fairly obvious

I disagree- I would like to know why Congress is still being paid and not taking a cut when the rest of us are having too? I would like to have answers about all corrupt politicians and why we have to pay to have them investigated

This is Schiff’s playbook. Deny and blame others as he accuses Trump of deflection. Classic Schiff LMFAO!

Doesn't Schiff have anything better to do with his time?

WATCH & SHARE: How Trump & Jared Kushner are filling their pockets amid pandemic funnelling billions through private corporations to sell medical items to states at 10X jacked up prices

And for a whole lot more dirty reasons, too.

That's what he does over and over. He yells 'Fake News' and 'Its Obma's Fault' to try and cover his tracks. News flash: We are on to you Donald!

Maybe you are detracting attention!!

if you want to avoid pitchforks from the people you have been lying to for years, it’s probably a good idea for you to admit and apologize for your lies about now. Defending corruption and KGB style oppression is not gonna play w us, sorry.

Schiff and Democrats sound desperate and are doing desperate things.

How about Sydney powell

After seeing only 1 of the Trump approved ads against Biden, this is going to be a negative ad election, Dems organizations, for election 2020 need to start running Trump the Real Truth ads + use his misogynist xenophobic BS against him it has to be harsh repetitive & 24/7 PLEASE

Schiff is a liar and is caught red handed. He is scared now

Liar 🤥

No it's because Obama is a criminal, and human scum

Schiff is the most CORRUPT politician in our government!!! With the evidence that just came out proves Schiff has been lying to the American people for over 3 years!! If people vote this idiot in again there is something wrong with them!!!😝

and guess who's falling for it? cnn jaketapper even though JAMES CLAPPER is on cnn's payroll and can intelligently refute this

Of course he is. We are not a student people. “But her emails”, bengazi, pizzagate.. all bs and we know it

Adam Schiff is a 🖕🏽🖕🏽🖕🏽liar.

I’m not listening to Schiff. He led us all down the wrong path w outright lies and faked hysteria.

Biden, Comey, Clapper tried to 'unmask' Flynn during Russia probe: report via nypost

Unlike his scam, there is actual evidence for this. More like media outlets are gaslighting the virus more so now to deflect the impending implosion of the Democratic Party... ohh how about those two major wins in Wisconsin and California

Unbelievable no one on the DNC media lackey team will call out Pencil Neck for lying about the Russia Collusion.

Obamagate is just Birtherism 2.0.

Tons of bots on this thread!

RepAdamSchiff you are correct. A suggestion just say this in the simplest way possible. Trump is making up lies about Obama so you forget about the Coronavirus


iameuru The problem for Schiff here is that the released transcripts only solidify the counter-narrative.

Trump belongs in prison.

100% agree

courageousgirl2 how about this narrative RepAdamSchiff

That's fine but what is the current value of the words of AdamSchiff


It’s all coming to a dramatic conclusion and I can’t wait to see Obama in handcuffs

Exactly right

And Schiff is accusing President Trump of accusing former President Obama of wrong doing to distract attention from the Coronavirus response with a counter narrative to distract from Schiff’s own wrong doing with a counter narrative.

SehzadeSoroush ADAM Schiff for AG

If anyone would know all about “counter-narratives” it would be “Liddle” Adam Schiff. ObamaGate SubpoenaObama

He says statements that are outrageous to deflect. He’s done it for years. It’s DJT mo


marygribbin809 This is what happens when a mentally ill sociopath's extreme jealousy leads him to attempt to commit revenge upon the object of his obsession. Trump cannot give up on his intense obsessive/compulsive thoughts & actions to try and do harm to Obama. Jealousy Obsession

Words used by the Left which indicate that they’ve lost an argument: Distract. Deflect. Racist. Sexist. Privilege. When those words are used, it’s certain that no logical honest answer is available.

And just like that, PT was proven right. Obamagate.

I’ll take the Real President on the left any day instead of the Loser Fake President on the right.

Adam Schitt is the worst example of Washington politics. All his lies will catch up to him.

Stop talking about it then

Isn't this obvious after 4 years of seeing how Trump, Putin, & their propagandists like to work? Deflect, obfuscate & gaslight. Their firehose of falsehoods is always spewing & providing cover for their crimes.

looking forward to an AG Schiff finally taking out this criminal dictator when he is out of office next year!!!! it would be his pleasure, I'm sure!!

Also... Trump & the GOP figure if they take down Obama with a FAKE conspiracy, they can take down Joe Biden by default. This is what happens when the only other thing Trump can run a campaign on is 80K+ dead Americans, a collapsed economy, & depression level unemployment.

Omg...see where the Wall St Journal said we can’t trust anything that come’s out of Schiff’s mouth What we’ve known all along.

Trump does deflection very well.

Exactly. Obama did nothing wrong. This is all on Trump.

🤔....come again?

Don't let him.

Next, Donald/Mitch will be blaming President Obama for his foot spurs.

Now we have known liars running in to throw out a defense for O. The man is definitely worried about something. They're spending too much time trying to convince the public that there is nothing wrong.

This coming from the liar

JillybeanzAZ And this surprises who?

Schiff is a liar

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