DHS suspends New York state access to travel programs over 'sanctuary' law: Fox

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The U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS) will block New York state residen...

FILE PHOTO: U.S. Department of Homeland Security acting Secretary Chad Wolf looks on during a joint message with Honduras' President Juan Orlando Hernandez , at the Presidential House in Tegucigalpa, Honduras January 9, 2020. REUTERS/Jorge Cabrera

DHS will suspend the ability of the state’s residents to enroll or re-enroll in programs such as Global Entry, which allows faster processing for pre-approved travelers entering the United States, Wolf said in a related letter to New York State officials.


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As soon as you stop breaking the law bozo. Trump appeared to imply in a tweet that he would continue the suspension of a New York travel program until state lawsuits against him are dropped. via HuffPostPol

DISGUSTING! You guys are SUCKERS for Trump. WEAPONIZED a Federal Dept AGAINST FREE American Citizens for Trumps PERSONAL gain. Trump wants ALL NYS lawsuits DROPPED and is USING a Federal agency for intimidation and BULLYING! DHS is about protecting America, NOT a DICTATOR!

leonardjfrench If the state law itself is unconstitutional than the courts have to rule on that but I don’t see how there’s any constitutional basis to treat people from one state differently than people from the other states.

Cuomo should put up tents in his yard and keep his doors unlocked to accommodate all of the criminals that are not detained, or multiple offenders, or just refuse to follow FEDERAL LAWS LIKE HE DOES...

Great Move!!!!! I LIVE IT.... We should build a wall around New York if they believe that UNITED STATES CITIZENS ARE SECOND....

More retaliation. I hope the GOP realizes what a monster they've created by 🙈🙉🙊 all of the evidence. They are not protecting our democracy at all. Trump is turning into our supreme leader. SHAME!!! GOPDictatorParty2020 GOPComplicitTraitors SenateGOP

AMEN and AMEN. The constituents of NY need to complain on Mayor Diblasio and their dems reprentative who approved this nonsense law to block intelligent agencies A to do their job to protect the public.

Revenge on NewYork tRumpTyranny of GlobalEntry TwitterFraud TwitterDownranks Tweets BreakUpTwitter Google Facebook Youtube Censoring MonopolyScum Boycott Paid4Ads TwitterScum DrEd EdWardMD jack off POS

About time.


New York residents should then not pay one penny in taxes to the federal government for the salaries of the administrators of these programs nor should they provide any indirect support for these programs.

This is what happens when you keep helping people that are undocumented. Keep catering to them and this will continue to happen

Sweet most American wish that global warming was true so NY would be under water. They pick the bests and brightest to lead like AOC , see how sad that is.


What a great move. Legal US entry on work Visa, took 19 years to become citizen. Safety first. NY forgot sep 11 already. If US is nation is law then follow the Law.

This is only the beginning. It’s looking more and more like we R living in a dictatorship


ImperatorTruth Play stupid games...

He moved then changed the rules cause he’ is vindictive

if New York can’t prove whose a citizen of the state, neither can DHS

That makes sense. These programs are privellage of trust for known individuals. States like New York and sanctuary cities inherently break that trust.


Good job!

At least he’s recharging his head.

Good! cuomo is not respecting federal law and cares more about illegals than citizens. NYC is turning back into a crime infested slum again! If you want your GlobalEntry back, elect a mayor & governor who cooperate with DHS & ICE! KAG2020LandslideVictory


Who is that hottie I would let him Globally Enter me any time

Love it!Now do California, Illinois and New Jersey!NJ just had 100+ CRIMINAL illegal aliens arrested...murder, gang related crimes, robbery, etc...that Murphy & Grewal were shielding with sanctuary status.States won’t protect citizens, Feds will!Days of ignoring Fed law are over!


Whatever happened to “States’ Rights?”

I generally like to move forward. This is backwards. Oh, perfect for the flat earth windmill cancer club.

dragonfire2016 Thankful!

Pure retaliation

Good! I hope they do that for every single sanctuary city and state. Stringent vetting.

Let March and call our representative s now

wooowwww I already get stopped every time I'm coming back to NY but now they're just going to make it worse. Stop being the GOPs puppet

WHAT?! NO?!?!!!

Where's my refund?!

Oh hey cgritmon, nice while it lasted.

Trumptit for Ray. He hates NY!! Well never receive $$ for the gateway project.

So unfair to the N.Y. residents that worked their lives to obey the law and be in good standing with the government to be granted easier entry. My daughter and grandchildren live in Canada. Please handle the problem directly rather than take a program away from deserving families

Its about time. Democrats are the real criminals who supported criminal

Good what a joke NYC has become. Shameful.

👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻 Good for DHS, NY created this mess!!

Right out of the Nazi playbook...

aka12144 Trump is not a king and this is not his kingdom. He’s a bully and needs to kicked out of the sandbox.

Vindictive. What else do we expect from the petty, pretend potus?

They said it was about illegal immigrants, then it was legal immigrants, now they found a way to attack USCs that support immigrants. SMH!


Ok racists. Mobile Passport is free and faster at JFK anyway 🤷🏻‍♀️


Good. Sanctuary cities are wrong. American taxpayers have had enough.


Should do it to Hawaii too

This NYS resident approves this message.

Baha serves em right. The Georgia resident now living in California I better check and renew mine before they do it deservedly to California which they should

Makes total sense in so many levels...


Not cool

Excellent. You wana play... Trump is game. 😂

As a New Yorker I don’t fucking care and Chad can get these hands whenever he’s ready.

Rightfully so. Showing a NY license means nothing.

👏🏽 vote for people who create bad laws and face the consequences


This is seriously effed up. My husband and I drove to the Canadian border last year for an interview with a FEDERAL border agent to complete our global entry application. No opportunity for lawless political revenge is too small.

Time to sue DHS

So my travel has to be delayed because the president is throwing a tantrum over not getting his way?

NYClassAction Ny Lawyers: do we have standing?

I don’t get why these cities don’t think they have to follow the laws of immigration to begin with. They are laws. If you break the law you go to jail. Laws are there for our protection.

This on the state of NY. We are not a lawless nation.

This is what incipient fascist dictatorship looks like...the camel‘s nose is in the tent. What color star will New Yorkers be required to wear, or paste into their passports?

I hope the federal gov exercise more power over States and bring radical leftists state government down to sanity . God bless ! Now trump is free .

Orange man bad

Nate_McMurray can you explain this?

U.S. Department of Hatred and Segregation

Can't this administration do anything right?

Pettiness and politics

This sort of political retribution toward Democratic states like California, New York and even Puerto Rico wil now accelerate. Democrats can expect to be targeted wherever they are.

Next, NY residents will be stopped at state borders and vehicles will be checked and ID’s cross referenced.

I believe that means California and Arizona and New Mexico and Nevada and Texas and Colorado and Utah are next correct?

Thanks NYCMayor NYGovCuomo

There has to be a way to go around it. How about New Yorkers who works for the federal Goverment, airport workers who gets intense background check by DHS and FBI or Military Members?

nothing fascist about this right?

Maybe New York will straighten their stuff out now.

Huh. You would think the administration wouldn't be trying to cut off their nose to spite their face. But you would be wrong.

Just arrest those new York law makers on treason for going against federal law!

Let the retribution begin. Who and what are next?

This shit better not happen in Cali. I’ve had an appointment for fucking 6 months that is in March.

NYGovCuomo 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

Punishment against residents for a government action?

That’s what happens. NY: change your leadership!

Good. Now do Washington state. My Sanctuary state is turning into a shit hole.


Serves them right🇺🇸


New York State Justice Department and the ACLU must sue for relief. Will the courts really permit Trump to punish all New Yorkers? Absurd. NYGovCuomo SenSchumer SenGillibrand

Wow, that’s beating them with a wet noodle. Next it will be no ice cream after lunch. This administration is truly pathetic. New York should hold back its federal tax payments until the fed gets some professionals in there.

And... Away We Gooooo! Trump, unleashed and looking for payback!

of COURSE this guy’s name is Chad Wolf

Fantastic. Illegal immigration is a huge burden here. It’s scary to see New York just handout licenses to anyone here. It’s disgusting NYS doesn’t take the crime and conditions more seriously. I mean 30-40+ people on a one family home is common on LI...

This the beginning of a totalitarian state. Placing restrictions on citizens in retaliation for a local law. Just wait and see what is next. We have a dictator in the White House he was ordained yesterday. God help us all.

Time to restart that petition to rename Trump Tower’s address as Barack Obama Avenue

History & posterity will look back on 45’s tenure as our alleged president & label it a reign of terror. 45 is spiteful & petty man who takes revenge on all who don’t bow down before him.

That’s right. Play ball, New York. Or get the hell out of the game.

Damn right!

We’re the Republicans all about states’ rights? I just am over whelmed by the total control over our population this administration has. Over our lives our environment our constitutional rights. Attacking us in everyway everyday.

Nope. It’s Trump retaliating against NY for investigating him and his family. This won’t be the only punishment coming their way-wait and see. NYers already hate the Trumps this is really going to fire them up. loveit CorruptRepublicans GriftingTrump MoscowMitchCoverUp

Extortion and retribution....

More Ste0hen Miller nazi sh*t. Why is a white supremacist running immigration policy? What happened to these conservatives' love of states rights? This is NYs business not the Federal government's. Do New Yorkers get refunds for purchasing the new DLs?

NYC gave illegals driver license and put through laws to prevent illegals to be vetted which also affects the ability to vet New Yorkers. How else are we supposed to keep Americans safe if authorities don’t have access to certain records?

A spite inspired Move no doubt instigated by the angry infant Trump.

In retaliation for SDNY investigations. How clever!

Expect more abuse of power measures!

ACLU how can we treat one group of citizens differently under the law based on where they live. This must be challenged.

This is great news

Should be the same for all of those jurisdictions that refuse to enforce immigration law.

Happy Thursday. Great News the elite New Yorkers waiting in line, just like the rest of us. GlobalEntry

Ohhh! Yekol foss!!!



We have been through worst! You think that pathetic way to manipulate us will work? Good luck with that!

Play stupid games, win stupid prizes

Does this mean my interview appointment is cancelled and my $100 will be refunded? GlobalEntry

As an International Traveling NYer, totally ok with this. It’s time Liberals understand that actions have consequences & there are definitely going to be consequences. Well played DHS.

Ughhhh. New York sux

This is the same state that will allow you to rape a baby and get out on bail the same day.

spennington33 Coronavirus: President Trump said US authorities 'shut it down.' Here's what that means

Trump’s pathetic attempt at collective punishment will be welcomed news to checks notes rich Wall Street backers and international financiers. 🙄

I assume this means all New Yorkers *except those in the trump family*.

Is this how 🇺🇸 breaks up?

He had some trumpsters supporting him in upstate.I guess they don’t matter or don’t travel

DHS suspending Global Entry as retaliation for its sanctuary law reminds one of the Daily News headline 'Ford to City: Drop Dead' during New York City's fiscal crunch.

Awesome !!!

No problem taking New York residents’ tax dollars though.

What happens to New Yorkers with pending applications? My interview was set to occur in 2 weeks....

Wow. Just wow. Voters need to TURN UP in November to vote this authoritarian regime, including cronies in Congress, out of office.

Five paragraphs to get the important bit.

overrunbydogs DHS has gone full blown Racist Gestapo.

Gosh it’s great to be a Texan.

This is wrong.

To be clear, DHS does a thorough background check and in-person interview before granting Global Entry status, so this is retaliation against the citizens of a state Trump knows he won’t win. Is California next? He lost by 4 million. Authoritarianism creeps in with baby steps.

Trumpers really living the dream now.

I thought the gop was about state’s rights? Small government? What lying, disingenuous, vindictive little people they are...

Constitutional duty to protect our borders when states try to stop that then you have to take action

Good! You don’t get the benefits if you allow our sovereignty to be continually challenged and your citizens to be exposed to criminals.

No loss. Since I have had global entry, I have had more random security checks by TSA than ever. Bag searches, random searches, etc. Now, even precheck is a sham as they try to funnel everyone to pay for Clear. Keep on protecting people NY!

I want more done Here! Unarmed compliant Blacks being killed, Protesters killed by cars, why are young mostly white males committing so many mass murders

So, the travel chaos begins?

To understand, the DHS does a thorough background check before granting Global Entry status, so this is retaliation against citizens of a state Trump knows he won’t win. Does this include the Trump children? Is California next? Nasty times.

This is exactly the correct response!

NYCNavid This is bullshit. So much for renewal next year. Might quit traveling altogether if I'm out of the TSA pre-check line. There's nothing less enjoyable in America than air travel SouthwestAir united JetBlue AmericanAir AlaskaAir Delta


I'm loving it. Way to go DHS!!!

Nothing to see here ! Good f'n God

The security of the country is once again thrown out by NYGovCuomo and the Deblasio. Admin in nyc, the very place where terrorists target It is an absolute disgrace and why Newyork residents are moving out

Retaliation to perhaps the State and likely only entity that will at least make POTUS pay...?🧐 I mean unlike congressdotgov StateOfNewYork NewYorkStateAG have delivered on repercussions & making Donnie sweat😏

Rich people and republicans travel.

“First they came for the Muslims/Immigrants/LGBTQ+/Blacks and I didn’t speak out because I was not Muslim/Immigrant/LGBTQ+/Black. Then they came for me, and there was no one left to speak out for me.” ☝️☝️☝️This is happening. In the US. In 2020.

And this is what happens when an impeached sham President is not held accountable for his crimes. RIPAmerica

'The land of the free' unless you disagree.

Discrimination fires up This is getting out of control UnAmerican


Did Nazi that coming.

POTUS: impeached and CONVICTED BY WE THE PEOPLE. REMOVAL 1/20/2021, PRISON 1/20/2021 Pass it on. Remove45

NY vs trump admin.

And the people this affects have to be outraged that Democrats allow illegals to flow across our border and stay here with no consequences

Petty hacks.

It's not safer

Before everyone scream 'It is abuse of power!' Note this 'a New York law that blocks the state’s motor vehicles department from sharing information with immigration enforcement agencies' actually with DHS, ICE just part of it.

LeahBonnema Hope you got yours!

It is very strange to see people wanting to visit or live in the US. There are so many countries with better quality of life.

Abuse of power in full swing now!

This can’t be legal

California is next! This is only going to get worse! WTF

Honestly I never understood global entry. All you were doing is having some people pay more money to not have to wait like everyone else after they get extensively background checked. Doesn’t mean one of those people can’t eventually snap one day.🤷‍♂️

Pure political bull 💩

Sounds like a great Constitutional case: the justification is off. Each GlobalEntry applicant has to go for an in-person meeting, all information can be obtained at, or around, that time. Appears to be Punishing the law-abiding. We handle cases like these.

They share my information. Why have a law that assist people to comment crime.

So much for republicans fighting for states rights....

Good start! DHS might want to have a close look at each and every state that issues driver's licenses to illegal aliens.

These programs require access to data and looks like that laws in this sanctuary city don't want to share so no choice. You can't check anything then u can't allow easy access. Seem to make sense to me.

this is just naked retaliatory Authoritarianism from a lawless and unaccountable administration. expect a lot more of it.

Remember when the gop beloeved in States’ Rights? GOPAntiConstitution GOPCorruptionOverCountry trumptantrum TrumpImpeachedForever IMPOTUS

DHSgov how can you do this?

How is this legal

Good call and no one should complain if they value safety and security. DHS uses nationwide drivers license databases to conduct background checks on applicants. This is a very valid move on behalf of DHS to ensure people seated next to you on the airplane are trustworthy.


Just another Stephen Miller BS move to punish New York for being a sanctuary state. This is what fascists do.

Will they get a refund. Will the first crime family who resides in NY also be affected. GOPAntiConstitution

They're frauds. GOP has become the party of big government and prove it with their federal overreach programs, one after another.


This does not seem legal.

The correct word is now “stankshuary” after last night’s SOTU address. Trump’s battles with articulation are getting more and more desperate, so I expect him soon to impose his own twisted lexicon on the rest of us in the “United Schates.”

Sensible move because how are they supposed to verify docs are legit.

He looks creepy. Let's toss him over the fence.

And he looks Latino smh

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