Susan Collins becomes first Republican senator to say yes to witnesses in impeachment trial

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Sen. Susan Collins has become the first Republican senator to break rank and announce support for witnesses and documents in the impeachment trial of President Trump.

"I worked with colleagues to ensure the schedule for the trial included a guaranteed up-or-down vote on whether or not to call witnesses. I believe hearing from certain witnesses would give each side the opportunity to more fully and fairly make their case, resolve any ambiguities, and provide additional clarity," Collins, who had previously signaled support for calling witnesses, said in a statement.

Ahead of Friday's crucial witness vote, Democrats had hoped four Republican would break ranks to give them the 51 votes needed to move ahead with further votes to determine who to subpoena.


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Too little, too late. She didn’t defend the Constitution when it might have made a difference. She’s a hypocrite. I hope the voters in her district vote blue.

Didn't she do this after Lamar Alexander voted no and she knew it wouldn't matter what her vote was? These politicians are.....can't even think of a proper word, maybe connivingly evil?

Just tr to hold on to her seat. She didn’t truly mean it.

Least one person’s brains in the US Senate Mr President Mr Trump is impeachment is a total load of poo let’s make a Merica great again and when the president ship in 2020 good luck Mr President fan from Melbourne Australia

Traitors are in every walk of life Susan Collins is no exception.

Susan Collins is going to learn a lesson at re-election time. Too bad she's more worried about getting reelected in her heavily Dem State then about supporting her party and president who has turned this country around and doesn't even take a salary as he donates his salary .

Why is it so amazing that someone came to their senses and decided to do the right thing, so sad her constituents couldn’t be honest and do the same! WTch our Ms. Collins Trump and his cronies may be coming for you!!!!

Her seat is in jeopardy. Moscow Mitch allowed her to do this so she'll not answer for a no vote. You guys are really, really stupid. I hope it blows up in her face.

It’s a backroom politics decision worthy of Mayor Daley, The 1st.She gets to square w/her voters (I hope they’ll see through the game) & Mitch gets to keep his job as Maj leader.

CNNisTrash we aren’t stupid

all orchestrated by McConnell, knowing he had the votes without her, to help her out at home . A one-dimensional chess game in his head. (Maybe it’s two dimensional, when you throw in his having to move all that dark money around to his end)

It was all orchestrated and you are chumps for swallowing this line.

Most of you all are hypocrites. Whete was the outcry when the House diaalowed the GOP witnesses?

Fake News. She knew it wouldn’t fly. Saving (Two) Face.

The demos can have Collins and Romney. They will fit in with the stupid demos!

Do you try to be more and more gullible each and every day?

B.S. 2020'

Presumably McConnell still has the necessary votes though?!

This was strategic: I am sure Mitch McConnell said it was 'okay' since he wants a Republican majority and she needs to get re-elected in the Senate -- she knew her vote wouldn't count! Go deeper, CNN.

She should be proud of herself .. it’s the right thing to do !

She got a Hall Pass. NEVER mistake Collins for having courage.

The Senate Republicans, this is their motivation...2035 is the magic year when the US will be 50/50 white vs non white. FearofaBrownAmerica

Good for her.

This bitch knows her vote won't matter unless at least 3 more do the same. Her vote means nothing. VOTE HER OUT IN NOVEMBER.

Disgraceful, CNN. You know full well she only did so in the knowledge that they'd discussed in advance who'd vote for and who'd vote against to ensure no witnesses and a complete cover up no matter what.

Forthleft2 She found her spine& plumbed the depths of her Decency & Democracy

How long until she does a heel turn? VoteThemOut2020

She DID NOT break ranks. She saw her vote didn’t matter and she took the coward’s way out. Her career is finished.

She didn't 'break rank' -- she was permitted to do a phony show vote BECAUSE it doesn't matter. She has done this baloney her whole career and lacks integrity.

Good for her. Guts, conscience and country.

Bucking for re-election

No, she knows her vote won’t matter, and she thinks Maine will forgive her. They won’t.

Senator Susan Collins is not to be trusted she’ll go with the Republicans

She lies

Means nothing...this is bad reporting. She made a deal with McConnell.

Awful headline. She has a deal with Mitch since Lamar said no. Get your headline straight.

I thought SenatorCollins was talking with other GOP senators what happened to them! Susan just wanted to make sure no one else will vote for witnesses so she can look good. Susan you do not look good! VOTE HER OUT AND ALL OF THE GOP!

This country has failed itself in allowing this Administration to continue the destruction of democratic principles we hold so dear. Thanks to the commitment of true patriots we can expect a fight for political righteousness and moral leadership.

Calculated. She’s only doing it because MoscowMitch told her she was safe.

She didn't break rank. She coordinated with McConnell to allow her to fake her vote.


She faking it to get support. Crooks

I’ll believe when I see the actual vote. It will be a shocker if she does

She knew she would be the only person

She has moral courage!

Shit can this trader!!!

Sean Hannity interviews Trump at Super Bowl Half time. boycotthalftime


I'm impressed

Too little too late. Vot her out!

Oh, pleass, CNN, do not promote this. It simply isn't true - she made a calculated decision knowing her vote wouldn't count.

Oh please, fake news! She's just has a pass from McConnell!


Big deal. She knows, now, that SenAlexander isn't going to vote for witnesses, so her announcing that she does means nothing at all.

Too little too late Susan

Please don’t flatter her. She’s a coward who got a pass from McConnell to vote yes to cover her butt. It’s all a sham.

Make note. Vote her out

It’s over. Thx Lamar. Trump2024

Has she officially voted? If not - then she hasnt broken rank... The CorruptGOP is playing the media for fools by issuing press releases full of lies.

She will be fired next week 🙂

Only after she was assured they had the numbers to block witnesses without her. Stop portraying her, and any other GOP'er, as a moderate. There is no such thing.

Why do you report this shit as if it isn’t a complete sham cnnbrk -sick of this from msm

Means nothing since she no doubt brokered a deal with the others to vote no.

Trump will make some female negative party comment adding to partisan divide in HIS great job.

And , not real news! Of course she does and her vote doesn’t amount to a hill of beans! She knew she’d be safe because the other repub senators will be their old chicken-shit selves without enough votes for witnesses. SenatorCollins is doing NOTHING! SheIsNot!

Senator Collins knows criminal activity when she sees it. ImpeachTrumpNow

The media, being the morons they are, will be responsible (alongside everybody who dud nothing) if Trump gets other 4 years. How is this fucking reporting even real?

No! She was given the vote for an appearance of concern when MoscowMitch knew he had 51 votes.

Doesn’t matter, she’s a flip flopper. She’ll get back in line with the rest of them.


This is a staged event. They know they have the numbers. They always have known. It’s been in the bag since the start.

She is not a republican.

Wrong. She’s trying to save her butt. McConnell was behind it. It wreaks of him.

SenatorCollins no one is fooled by your non-vote

Yeah sure. She is just trying to save her ass. VOTE them ALL OUT!

That’s bullshit she only release that statement because they other traitor said no to witnesses. That lady is the worst of the worst

Meaningless gesture that fools no one

Thank you for breaking from your party and putting the country first. Senators who are protecting this corrupt president are violating their oath and position.

She got a HALL PASS from McConnell cuz she’s vulnerable. So obvious and fake.

Bull. This is all elaborate political theater. McConnell has the votes, Collins is playing her part. Everything happening now has been predetermined by MoscowMitch

Collins is so calculating. She has pulled this kind of stunt before. Collins wants it both ways - but Maine voters see through her at long last.

Too little too late, and completely false!

Girl power!!! You go girl!

F her fake a$$!

Suspicious. Sounds like they drew straws after they secured their count of sycophants.

Well, what do you know: she actually has a backbone.

Don't be so stupid; she didn't break ranks. McConnel counted heads and gave her the ok. He knew he had the votes. He also knows that he wants to keep his leadership role in the Senate and that, to do that, he needs her to win re-election. Simple.

Nobody cares. Collins and Romney are fake tools. They get their easy meaningless yes votes. Republicans are partisan hacks! Nobody will forget that in November.

No she took a deal where Mitch agreed to give her cover. She is a coward.

cnn you are letting us down again. She arranged for this to be meaningless, and you are leaving that part out to help her look good. For shame.

Gullible 🙄

that's bs. she god a hall pass from mitch.

For fucks sake, why do you not bother to note it was a free pass by Mc-Trump?

SenatorCollins do you believe that the articles of impeachment the House filed are true? Is it your opinion that realDonaldTrump is guilty of abuse of power and obstruction? You must answer this before agreeing to additional witnesses.

Such a shame.

We need term limits!!!

You mean after she conspiracied with the rest of the traitors by voting yes to save her seat knowing Alexander would vote against it! Fox viewers will believe this was heroic but I hope her constituents see through this BS

She’s a still a sneaky republican ... dread lightly

2/ I know money is a factor in our government which is bad enough but I held on to beliefs about the rule of law. I am rendered unsure about reality now. My country is unrecognizable to me. I suppose I have been naive. I am glad I have the money to escape...

Lets see what Trump does to her. He goes after anyone who goes against him.

Why are you promoting this dithering, useless woman with her false righteousness and crocodile tears.

You guys really suck at subtext, huh ?

Too little too late

Useless headline.

I'll believe it when she actually votes for witness', she always talks about doing the right thing but then changes her mind.


Please stop with this nonsense. We need the media to call this for what it is- a 'drug' deal, a quid pro quo.... She is only voting this way because she was told she could. The media needs to step up and be honest with the American public.

Where’s MittRomney

Bull crap. She cut a deal with MoscowMitch

You think this is important news? This is Collins knowing she can make a safe vote. That’s a dog-bites-man story, CNN.

GOP needs to run a candidate against her

Is that for real now?

It's a game, she knew it wouldn't pass. Fake.

Because they did the math and didn't need her vote. Period.

Stop giving her credit for a crude and cynical ploy to wait for Lamar Alexander to vote no and give her cover.

TY SenatorCollins for your bravery and devotion to the Constitution

But will she? McConnell won't let a vote occur. She gets a pass because 'elections' *wink wink

Because she knew they would not have the four votes- she is such a coward and is going to have lots of time to think on that after November

Sometimes people do the right thing not because they are brave. It’s because they have a conscious. The outcome would be different if WE THE PEOPLE mattered more than their seats in office. Thank you Senator Collins.

So? Doesn’t help & she knows it. Vote her out!

Merely a stunt to help her re-election. She knows witnesses won’t be called. This was deemed safe for her to do by McConnell and trump for her to save face in her state. Now she can go home and tell the people she “stood up”to trump and with her constituency. Strategic stance.

This whole thing is a SmokeScreen for the real crimes committed by the Obama Administration!

what a complete shock! who would have ever guessed?

This is a completely misleading fluff headline for her. She only did this for her optics, and only after Alexander put the vote in the GOP tank so it was safe for her to do so. Completely transparent and will be remembered in November. Do better

Vote her out she is spineless

Congrats you’re doing the right think you were elected for.

Only broke ranks after she was sure nothing would come of it. Wow, how very brave. She’s still a hack.

It’s all staged. They were never going to allow witnesses. We need to overwhelmingly vote every GOP member out of office and fight for our constitution and everyone who died defending it. The Republicans are traitors

The first RINO. Fixed it

This is a set up to help her re-election nothing more...appearance of courage when the votes are already against. Speak that truth in your headline

It’s all for show. MidnightMitch gave her a hall pass so could could vote for witnesses, we know the Collins game

She’s only doing this because she knows others won’t.

At last, someone with morals. 🇺🇸

yeah now that she knows it won't happen, not too courageous.

Too bad it was just to help her get re-elected because she knew Alexander would vote no. Her “Yes” is illegitimate. Sorry.


Obviously the fix is in and the Trump admin gave the go ahead to let her vote yes to help her re-election efforts... but the stain on her reputation from her vote for the Kavenaugh confirmation won’t ever fade...

only to save her seat. Romney only a grudge. nothing to see here

She already knew the count when she made her announcement... this is how she claims that she's a moderate; vote against her party when there is no chance of it mattering. Stop giving her credit for doing NOTHING. VoteThemOut

Still looks like my Basset Hound...even without her glasses.

Congrats on getting played, CNN. Again.

She has permission to do this from the Kremlin.

First and only.

Do better CNN it actually means nothing she’s just trying to save her ass

Oh she will change her mind at the last minute

Only because she knows there won’t be three others. She’s as big a coward as the rest of them. Traitors and cheats

She knows that there are not enough votes for witnesses so this is an appeal for seat. Hope Maine sees it.

No she won't. She.will not Stop giving this woman air time.

She stands for the truth

Please. Don’t be so gullible, she didn’t break ranks she got a pass from McConnell because they know they can block witnesses even wither her yes vote. She is trying to pull one over on her Maine constituents. She has to go in November. This is so depressing

So what she has no influence since she's so wishy washy

It’s not “Breaking rank”. She got permission from the puppet master to put on a little show so there would be applause and the assumption that the GOP is not goose-stepping to the führer. It’sa joke

Of course she did........ because McConnell has enough votes to block witnesses and her vote is a “throw away”. Master Mitch gave her the okay for political purposes. SusanCollins GOPCoverup GOPCowards

She did it at the last minute. If she would have showed some kind of courage and decided long before this and tried to get other GOP members to do the same, she could be applauded. She didn’t. She knew others wouldn’t go along and she could still get a headline like this

It was a sham. She was ALLOWED to vote this way by MoscowMitch because he had already bullied and bribed all the other republicans to worship Trumplethinskin .

It’s no wonder this country is falling apart. Too many idiots. All these people in the comments who actually think Collins did this in good faith.

She gets zero credit. The context is Lamar Alexander is voting no, so her vote has no effect. That was McConnell’s plan

Hope her constituents vote her out. She knows that her vote will not make a difference. Susan Collins sucks big time.

Didn’t she announce this only after it was clear her vote didn’t matter?

Because she knows she'd be outnumbered

One word for Susan.....bye.

I’d doesn’t even matter! SenatorCollins sold her soul to the 😈 along time ago. Hopefully she will be voted out of office

Cover vote.

And she will be 1st to get pink slip.

Brave woman! Good for her for defending honesty and fairness unlike so many others who remain on the side of corruption and dishonesty!

She’s only done this because McConnell has allowed her to. It’s going to be a 50-50 tie which Roberts won’t intervene to break and no witnesses would be called. It’s all co-ordinated by McConnell

She is a joke. America wants this over. Trump didn’t do anything remotely wrong.

Whooooooooo big news 🙄

Oh come on. Because she knew Sen Alexander was a No and is covering her ass. MoscowMitch had this rigged and stated as much.

Thank you.

I call 🐂💩 on sensusancollins

Of COURSE she did. This indicates that McConnell was able to procure the votes he needs to block witnesses, allowing Suzie a Two-Face to “vote her conscience” and posture for her re-election image. This is nothing new, and nothing to heap praises on her for.

She only did this because they knew the had the votes come on

...she was given permission after they knew they had the votes NORealCourage

Dear morons thanking SenatorCollins . Let me explain. Collins only breaks rank when it doesn’t matter. So there will only be 49 votes. She pretends to be ind when the whip count is already set behind the scenes. Grow up.

It's over 'FAKE NEWS CNN'

She knows her senate seat is in jeopardy lol

IAmSophiaNelson Don’t trust her this not from the heart this a setup she still going to lose her seat Vote Blue

They have the votes then. Collins has never done anything brave in her life but needs a huge boost to get re-elected in November, and Maine is pro-removal.

She did not need to vote «no» because Lamar Alexander had already drawn the shortest straw.

SusanCollins smart move! You know this is the correct thing to do! You need to convince other members to do what’s right! They are showing Americans what cowards they are! bullied a true cover up! The will pay at the polls!

Wow, the ad worked? :o

Who will be the first DNC member to break rank and vote for realDonaldTrump acquittal?🤔

Women rule!!!

Pay no attention to this Aunt Agatha, she only moves when she’s got nothing to lose.

Ok where are Mitt Romney & Rand Paul. 🤔🤔 Never heard from them.

No surprise here. Here and the other Democratic cuck Romney never votewith their party

She is all BS, just a sham!

👍 up for her! She do the right thing. Not only for the constitution, but for the americans people who wants this.

Well done Susan Collins

A true American. Vote for Collins

No one was ever told by the President to investigate Biden. Just listen to the testimony of Ambassador Gordon Sondland at the House Impeachment Hearings.

Democrat Candidates, If GOP voted that asking dirt on political rival is OK. Now is the time you can ask Russia, Turkey or etc. to get dirt on Trump in exchange to remove sanction or better foreign policy on their country. If this is the way nowadays: why not.

Wait and see

Irrelevant. Will be over by Saturday

Is she trying to look glamorous. She is equivalent of a useless worn out doormat for Rump

As a Maine voter I am pleased but also find it convenient that she was only definitive once she was confident it wouldn’t happen.

Stop. Just effing stop. You well know, this is their theater. We know she’s been given permission by the Bully Mitch so she can still get his $help for her next election .

Trump will move to capture the structure of the republican party and turn it to his political enterprise

Traitor. Time to vote her out

The other Rs just wanted to give her cover.

She is going home next election.

the GOP blind conspiracy to cover up Mr. Trump may come back to hurt it fundamentally, the party many not recover for decades

Knowing there won't be enough votes Just trying to get re-elected Be aware!!!!

She's a hero.

She knew they they have enough votes. I’m not buying it. She’s trying to save herself during the election.

Miss Susie plotting...she already knew that yes wouldn't matter after the news broke out that there wouldn't be enough votes for witnesses. No credits for her.

A coordinated scam. Marcel Marceau’s doppelgänger knew Lamar was a ‘no’ so she’s not sticking her neck out at all here.

Please stop glorifying this utter hypocrite and Trump sycophant. Her BS is not working on the public.

One can think for herself.... out of 50+ senators. One. How pathetic.

Seriously what's the point of voting at all? They never listen to the people but claim they speak for us. Sham

🇺🇸America... Take a good look at who and what is more important than our Country ⁉️ So_o_o_o_o many RepublicansAreComplicit & only 1 have concerns about where this Country is headed⁉ The outcome, of these proceedings will whittle-away at their Constitutional Rights per-Se‼️

Now that it doesn't matter.


It’s only because it makes no difference and Moscow Mitch let her

Seen it in South Africa and now in United States of America. At the most crucial time women step in and show leadership when fighting corrupt and wrong ways SenSusanCollins BarbaraHogan VytjieMentor VytjieM ThuliMadonsela ThuliMadonsela3 MagdaWierzycka Magda_Wierzycka.

GOP VoteBlueNoMatterWho VoteBlueAcrossTheBoard WeWillRememberInNovember NoWitnessesNoExoneration

I wanna keep my job, thank you.

She’s a disappointment to her constituents. Her vote is staged & to make headlines such as this one. dobetter 😒

It's all bullshit and If Trump doesn't torch her on Twitter and his next pressers then it will prove the bullshit.

За това не трябва да се вярва на партийната лоялност всеки може да ти забие нож в гърба. That is why party loyalty is not to be trusted, anyone can stab you in the back. Вот почему лояльности партии нельзя доверять, любой может нанести вам удар в спину.

Don't believe her...

Only to make herself look good because she knows her vote won’t matter . It’s all a ploy ! Mitch ok’d it as her vote is the only one or one of two and they want to save her seat . Same for Romney . All smoke and mirrors and they are not heroes.

She can count votes. She knows their no danger of a witness actually being called.

And... she won’t.

Now that Lamar Alexander compromised his character, her announcement is worthless. Seriously CNN? No analysis?

Brain damage 😗

Spare us....all part of the rigged kabuki when her vote doesn’t change what MoscowMitch wants. When her vote matters , like w Kavanaugh, she toes the line. The fix was always in...don’t be fooled by her 🐂💩

Thats the way! Uh huh uh huh, I like it, uh huh uh huh!

meaningless. McConnell has it brokered to give her cover.

Is she enough to prevent a block (or tie)?

Maybe this with save her senate seat. If she had voted differently she had no chance. It is a good trade off for Republicans if no one else switches.

Let me know when there are at least two more, then I will get giddy. 😐

Stop giving her press on this calculated move.

Read Sen. Susan Collins' full statement here.

We have summarized this news so that you can read it quickly. If you are interested in the news, you can read the full text here. Read more:

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