Michael Steele: McConnell probably has the votes to block witnesses

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'The fix is in. The acquittal will come,' fmr. RNC Chairman Michael Steele says. 'There will be no more witnesses and there will be no new evidence that will be introduced, because you're not going to get the fourth senator that you need.'


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McConnell is a crook. He would rather have a king than a fair democracy. VOTE HIM OUT! VOTE HIM TO HELL!

The republicans are not law makers, as they have shown here.

Now USA is in the league of Somalia, Venezuela , Libya, Iraq, Ukraine etc... and their corrupt government. Quo Vadis Uncle Sam?

They’re betraying their oath and America.

Trump is now effectively a king. Once declared king in the 2020 rigged elections (he wants the drama of getting elected even if the game is rigged) he will no longer need his commoner cult. THAT'S when he betrays them. Just like he ALWAYS HAS with ANYONE who trusted him. 666

It is time for TheDemocrats to end hate and to end the ImpeachmentHoax Time for the democrats to start working for the people in our country. SpeakerPelosi has guided you through the wrong path and will continue to do so because she is full of hate. ImpeachmentHearing

Mitch McConnell is the man. Snow flakes can keep melting. The house has been exposed for the looney left that they are. Time to finish the wall and start the deportation of all illegal aliens. Then replace Ruth Ginsburg and another. Republicans keep winning,and Democrats cry😭

Well we all new the fix was in!

Get this scared of Trump goofball and all others who refuse a fair trial_DEM or GOP.

I'd like to hear from the 18th witness called during Schiff's inquiry. We don't need new witnesses if we can't hear from the ones that already testified.

Do you mean the fix is out? Best news of the day.

Traitors all of the not single one give a crap about democracy or the rule of law

Gop=cowards, criminals, corrupt

The further this crime goes the greater the clear perception that all GOP reps are totally owned by powerful vested interests. This is a cover up & all who assist it will be revealed as participants in crime.


What happened to the “overwhelming case” Nancy sent over? Another democrat nothing burger!

It’s all been a sham. These Republicans should be tarred and feathered!

senatemajldr WeWantWitnesess CountryOverParty CallTheWitnesses LetBoltonTestify WeWantDocuments ImpartialJustice WeWantWitness WitnessesAndDocuments LetLevSpeak CountryOverParty CountryOverParty

He is a very repugnant human with his jaundiced eye


This guy has to go

There is no more United States of America.

There will be no acquittal of Trump without witnesses... just a cover-up! History books will remember who was involved!

The good old boys they win just like that fought the war but the battle goes on wow those good old boys !!!!!

Then MoscowMitch senatemajldr will have earned his name. He will have proved once again what a lowlife he is from denial of Garland b.s. reasoning to protecting a criminal. What's in it for you Moscow Mitch? What kind of kick backs are you getting from the Trump organization?

I hate this SOB! He is so corrupt!

The “Fix” our Mobster POTUS threatens and lies to get his way! It needs to be America’s way...the people!!! Republican Senators would rather sell their soul


Nothing new. That has always been the case.

Kentucky will never vote him.back in office. He has lined his and wife with dirty money traitor. If this was a democratic president or even president Obama they would be going crazy to hear from witnesses I'm sick to my stomach. American people vote blue

You can't even give those three GOP Senators any credit. They knew the math. They knew they could say they'd vote for witnesses without it being enough. Don't fall for this ruse. They're all in on it together.

Moscow Mitch strikes again. People say that most of the republican party is in the pocket of Russia. Moscow Mitch loves Russian money.

Trump and his supporters are unamerican! We pledge allegiance to the flag and the republic of The United States of America. Trump's supporters allegiances are to Trump and Trump alone. They are bringing us to the brink of civil war. 'If this should end in fire, we will all burn.'

Who’s crooked DNC is..... Proof, apologies from FBI, bogus investigations, warrants, etc.. DNC caught favoring Hillary. That’s proof not heresay. No pressure from President to Ukraine president his words not Trumps...

This has nothing to do with a fair trial this has to do with Republicans need a Fall Guy when they take away Social Security and Medicaid and Trump is it. It's going to backfire you're handing the United States over to a psychopathic dictator.

If they don't Impeach and get this criminal out of the WH it will be a dark day for America and Democracy! We will have to face the fact that our government is being ran by a gang of racist criminals!

Democracy is dead thanks to these people.. The cheats are winning.. The US can no longer sit in a morally superior position to any other dictatorship .. disgusting UScongresscomplicit


It’s ok. Almost rather have no witnesses. Witnesses won’t change the outcome even it trump himself testifies and admits to everything. The senate won’t convict. But not convicting with no witnesses will help flip the senate. The truth will come out and voters won’t like it!

The Fix was in from the minute Mitch started to coordinate this farce of a trial with the Whitehouse. We should vote both parties out & start with people who work for us instead of the RepublicanMob & the LacklusterDems. 😎

How about circulating that the leader and lover of the 1% is about to be gifted with total authority of doing whatever he wishes without threat of prosecution by 53 bought off Republican Senators. It is unconscionable. Democracy is dead. Long live the King--until Nov. 3fd 2020.

I hope karma pays him a visit.


Good👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻 End TheDemocrats madness now!

...and after the acquittal, then Trump can start firing all these anti-Trump beaurocrats, leakers, and so-called whistleblowers.

Time for the Yellow Jacket like demonstration in the US. Just like in France and Hong Kong

The House did a horrible job, as a D I can admit that. They dropped the ball in The House.

GFYGOP MoscowMitch

The Republicans are the biggest *F* hypocrites. If Obama or Hillary had done what Trump had done they would have impeached them in a heartbeat. I guess the Republicans are now saying that the President is not subject to any laws.

Trump wins big in 2020 did you see the rally in the liberal state of NJ WOW

Good, this insures the Republican party will take the biggest beat down in history come November. They thought 2018 was bad. It will look like a picnic compared to 2020.

What a heel of a way for Lamar Alexander to be remembered. It’s amazing how tough decisions make men into craven cowardly followers rather than who they thought they were.

Hmm just yesterday YOU reported McConnell did not have the votes to block witnesses. WHICH IS IT?

Shame on ALL of the GOP. Americans will never forget how you tried to destroy our Republic to prop up a traitor. We are taking names. After we remove you all, your children and grandchildren will want to distance themselves from you. Was it really worth it? ImpeachmentSham

D I A B O L I C A L Right

The sad state of affairs in a GOP run Senate where MoscowMitchMcConnell does the bidding of realDonaldTrump But we knew he would. He told us he would befor the ImpeachmentHearings began. DitchMitch2020

So basically in the United Stayes of America’s a president can do all wrong but if he got senators in his pockets he won’t be held accountable MoscowMitch and SenateGOP ARE ALL COMPLICIT

I cannot believe that 53 Republican senators are so desperate to keep their political seats that they would eschew: 1) loyalty to the Constitution 2) honouring of their oaths of office 3) the security and the future of their country 4) their personal integrity for Trump.

What you are doing is killing the spirit of Americs!!! When our country dies it will be your fault 👌🏽

He will be impeached again next week.

Don’t say that. It’s not over til it’s over. There’s a small glimmer of hope in my gut that tells me Bolton won’t let it happen. He will come forward with or without approval before McConnell’s rigged win.

The Senate Republicans will be pariahs come November if they do not heed the call of the people for witnesses. Only God can save the Republican Party now.

Mitch.....Trumps Bitch....

Never had a chance


The house had hearings on a set of charges then when the articles came to a vote the charges changed is that even legal? Dems proved when they have total power they feel they can do whatever they want laws rules procedures truth civil rights & constitution be damned

Moscow Mitch has been order not by KKKTrump, but by his master president Putin not to allow any witnesses n to end this questioning as soon as possible.

Republicans choose to hear no evil, see no evil, speak no evil concerning this corrupt president... All accessories in this undeniably unlawful abuse of power and definite obstruction of justice. They will pay at the polls and with their reputations throughout history.

senatemajldr doesn’t care. You will pay in November. votemitchout kentuckyhatesmitch MoscowMitch where is your pic with Lev? JoeBiden 2020 AmyMcGrathKY 2020

Shifty Schiff needs to go to court.

Trump2020LandslideVictory LMFAO!

We the people will put country before party and hold them all accountable in November!!! Vote them out!!! SenateGOP SenateFloor senatemajldr LindseyGrahamSC ToddYoungIN SenatorBraun

GOP beware of the monsterous dictator you will unleash on our country. You will own it and we will all remember. RemoveTrumpNow

There is no fix. It wasn’t the responsibility of the Senate to bring witnesses. This has been a sham since the beginning- no need to worry, I expect another impeachment sham within 30 days.

Another of the Democrat’s Charades is over GameOver. Can anyone think of what they will try next ?

The dems clown show is about to come to an end winning

Ahhh. Yes. So much for democracy.

senthilgop3 This makes me want Warren elected to hold people accountable.

This will be a stain on our democracy experiment. Who will the world view with hope for a better life now? Yes - that country will provide healthcare, a great public education, a living wage, emphasis on family values - what We The People value too - our government - no longer

And this is the rodent infested party that is an alternative to Dems.

It’s over The DEM Senate Presidential candidates see that Pelosi and Schumer are using a double edge soared One side for Trump which has become dull & the other side to advance Biden bid Like the House vote against, Friday’s vote is going to be bi-partisan against witnesses

I think its time for that National WALKOUT ! AMERICASGOPSOLDOUT

We need to remove Moscow Mitch.

This is so wrong. Can’t some Republican Senators put country before party?

Wow the left is very unhinged today

Dictator Don and the new oligarchs the republicans party. History will be writing the the death of democracy USA no longer the shining star on the hill. No more will school children learn about found fathers and what thousands of Americans died for freedom it’s gone

I hope for the sake of this Country he's wrong and that there are GOP senators that want a fair trial!!

We the people are outraged! What can we do about tha outright corruption

Msnbc and Steele lie .

WHO loose more whit witnes? Republicans Bolton Its a BOOK maybe help Mayne not? Even whit Bolton demócrats have not enough votes to TAKE Trump out Democrats Hunter Biden I belive now whit the impeachment demócrats try to protect Biden, went backwards now EVEN DEM. Want to know

The making of a dictatorship is now well on its way, a matter of fact it’s a runaway train! Only November can stop it but it will have left a path of destruction.



Good it is all just a sham

Are we authoritarian yet?

Senators for sale. Corruption has always been there. They just hadn’t been exposed. And they don’t care. Money is more important to them than this country. GOP

The 1920s was known as The roaring twenties ; 100 years later they have come roaring back.

It is a sad state of politics in our country. Our democracy as a method to remedy the corruption. But our corruption too deep. I'm not sure if President Trump or Senator McConnell would be the MOB BOSS. I think of Sin McConnell as machine gun Kelly; President Trump as Al Capone

The only way to stop the power and it’s abuse that mcconnell is demonstrating is TERM LIMITS.

What I really don’t understNd is why no witnesses?

Why didn’t the Dems call the witnesses they wanted in the House

Yup! McConnell is part of the cover up. Hopefully the GOP will pay at the “polls”. Politically speaking of course. Lol

GOP Senators: 'You should be ashamed!'

I told you simple minded Liberals.. you can’t beat Trump fair and square , you’re lies have finally caught up to you .. 😂 lose big you Fakes !

Do your job bring in witnesses and evidence all of it

Terrible time for the Constitution and rule of law.

Travesty of Injustice. This is what Trump, the complicit GOP (grand old politburo) and a rouge minority have handed Putin...a satellite state of corruption, sham trials and bogus state propaganda. A republic we couldn't keep.

In decades to come, people will literally spit on senatemajldr grave. He will be remembered as the greatest traitor America ever had.

All Hail King Trump, might as well crown him now...What a joke this country has become.

Obstructing by not allowing people to testify, as well as all the new material, only shows the amount of desperation one has to cover up. I hope the people will rise and stand for the rule of law if such acquittal happens.

HOW is this allowed to happen.

That’s my prediction, too

I like politicians who haven't been captured & actually do know Lev Parnas 🍊🤡💰😉 RT if I agree

ScottMorrisonMP SuspendANZUS The USA can no longer be trusted as an ally. Australia should keep its distance.

The Republicans should be so ashamed of letting trump bully them...good role models for their children and grand-children.

Was their ever a doubt?

Even with Bolton testimony we already know that it won't change anything for GOP senators. A shame trial is actually it's all good for the Democrats, especially when Bolton's book will be released.

The corrupt GOP is sickening and it WAS my party.

Put country ABOVE party, republicans

How is MoscowMitch getting away with this. Ef***ingnough.

It’s not “The Fix”. It’s political. Nothing more. There are no actual high crimes or misdemeanors. When the under informed people who watch CNN and see that, how bad will your ratings be then?

Question: Doesn’t the President’s Counsel arguments about Speaker Pelosi can’t singularly declaring an inquiry negates MoscowMitchTraitor declaring Merrick Garland no Senate consideration?

I feel sick about what's happening to our country. It is depressing and disheartening. I have made many calls, marched, and written letters. I will be voting, but I feel overwhelmed by the corruption, hate and lies constantly coming from this administration.

The GOP is the greatest threat to America and it’s not even close.

If this is True America will be stained forever by Senate Republicans. The Truth to Republican Senators doesn’t matter only covering up the Truth Matters. Republicans continue to assist Trump to set up a Nazi Germany. Dershowitz a Jew & the Holocaust means nothing to DERSHOWITZ.

Actually the fix was in when the ImpeachmentHoax started in the House.

They’ve had to work 8 hour days, fair enough. TrumpIsCorrupt

senatemajldr is a disgusting Russian meat puppet and proves it at every turn! You're far, far worse than McCarthy ever was! History will DAMN you for all eternity sir and rightly so!

MichaelSteele great insight, on how corrupt the GOP is. Bought and paid for by NRA and Moscow. Moscow sent a agent, into the NRA lobbying and paying into campaigns.

I refuse to give up until it’s actually over just because someone predicts it is going to go one way or another. This is the United States of America and here rightmatters realDonaldTrump took an oath to uphold the constitution and he has violated that oath. RemoveTrumpNow

AdamSchiff and friends fucked the impeachment up and imagined evidence. There’s no fix here. Only incompetence and assumptions from Schiff and JerryNadler. Russia lies for 3 years and now this? Democrats are gonna get slaughtered at the polls. Especially if Sanders is nominee

Karma. has come to America This is only the beginning of Wants to come for the people in this country the poor people the middle class white people will see in this game the Rich and powerful will always win.

? . . . By Force? ... Now? Maybe,OK youcan have it.

Then we will vote every last one of them out. Game on.

Good because we are getting really sick of the sad tantrum going on since the evening he won the election and you wouldn't announce the results.

Time to shut the circus down and send the clowns packing.

Pelosi pushed ahead without having seen the transcript, with zero evidence of anything except 'orange man bad'.

Dems need to take their L and get back to actual work. It’s over

Schiff sham from beginning to end

Satan wins again. MoscowMitch will get a good seat in hell.

You had plenty of witnesses already. Time to end this shenanigans

pre·side /prəˈzīd/ verb 1. be in the position of authority in a meeting or other gathering. .RepAdamSchiff SenateFloor Scotus neal_katyal tribelaw SCOTUSblog scotusreporter JohnRoberts is not following the Constitution. WitnessesAndDoucuments coverup EndofDemocracy

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