Trump impeachment trial: President's defense team goes after Bidens

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Sen. Mitt Romney responds to reports of John Bolton's draft manuscript: 'John Bolton has a relevant testimony to provide.' 'I think it's increasingly likely that other Republicans will join those of us who think we should hear from John Bolton,' he added.

Here is how the day unfolded.Dershowitz's arguments were largely constitutional and, at times, very scholarly. At one point he read William Blackstone quotes from two very old, large, yellowing books, which were dogeared with pink sticky notes.

"The framers did intend to limit the criteria for impeachment to criminal-like conduct akin into treason bribery," he added."And they certainly did not intend to extend it to vague and open-ended and non criminal accusations such as abuse of power and obstruction of Congress." He argued that the details in the new reporting, even if true, do not rise to the level of an impeachable offense.

Robert Ray speaks on the Senate floor during the impeachment trial of President Donald Trump, Jan. 27, 2020, in Washington, DC. Eric Herschamnn speaks on the Senate floor during the impeachment trial of President Donald Trump, Jan. 27, 2020, in Washington, DC. "Everyone was paying close attention for the discussion about the Bidens but the four people whose eyes were fully wide open were Elizabeth Warren, Bernie Sanders, Michael Bennett and Amy Klobuchar," Barrasso says.

Pam Bondi speaks on the Senate floor during the impeachment trial of President Donald Trump, Jan. 27, 2020, in Washington, DC. The IMF threatened to withhold aid to Kiev in early 2016 citing"Ukraine’s slow progress in improving governance and fighting corruption," according to Christine Lagard, the IMF’s managing director. And once Shokin was removed, the European Union's envoy to Ukraine, Jan Tombinski, lauded the decision as"an opportunity to make a fresh start."

After laying the narrative out, Bondi says there is enough to make the case that it was fair for Trump to ask Zelenskiy to look into the matter from an anti-corruption standpoint. White House adviser Pam Bondi presents her opening argument on day 6 of the impeachment trial of President Donald Trump, Jan. 27, 2020, at the Capitol.Bondi argues that Democrats have made Biden part of the impeachment issue even though Democrats did so saying accusations of any wrongdoing are"baseless." So have the Bidens."We would prefer not to be discussing this.

Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer stares dead on at Bondi with a look of skepticism. Sen. Chris Coons, a close ally of former Vice President Joe Biden, aggressively takes notes.


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Then Congress should have subpoenaed Bolton and Mulvaney. But they didn’t. They failed to do their job.


You have to give it to chuck.. he is focused and relentless

I mean...

Chuckie Poo Schumer still wearing those stupid looking Dollar Tree reading glasses.

Hey old man SenSchumer we want Atkinson. What is RepAdamSchiff hiding. Your team didn’t present you with a good case. That is on them. Your job isn’t to wrap it up in a bow.

NewsRadio930 To bad you aren't in the house and could insist on having them. Put on your big boy pants and rejoin the Senate.

Be careful what you ask for. Witnesses will be from BOTH sides. I'd love to see Schifty, Biden, et al have to testify. But on a side note, there were witnesses in the House hearings so it's not as if we haven't heard from any so-called witnesses.

Too little....too late. Desperation permeates the air.

Schumer is not representative of anything good in America

Retirement will be good for you and us all

We want the whistleblower we want theBidens! Bring it on SenSchumer senatemajldr LindseyGrahamSC realDonaldTrump

He should have taken that up with Pelosi.

Too bad the House didn’t think Bolton was that important

Not without Schiff, Both Bidens, Ciaramella the fake whistleblower, Misko, Schiff’s inside man that colluded with Ciaramella, Chalupa, Vindman the leaker....

If Chuck thought it was important, he had every opportunity to ask for it and work the legal system from the House circus. They rushed their process, blocked testimonies, and sent over ridiculous non-criminal charges. Same charges could apply to Obama. Senate should finish soon.

Need to hear from Trump


Trumps Stone walling Of Congress is dripping;it will continue beyond Bolton’s revelations & it comes straight out of WH ie trumps office while vetting Bolton’s book pre release. More will come. Truth will survive because America needs it. Bolton is not revealing it. Why endanger

When is this Clown going 2 retire? He's worthless.

If Dem’s case isn’t strong enough without the extra testimony, why did they vote to impeach so quickly?🤔

SenSchumer and we will solve everyone’s problem by also having the whistleblower, Hunter, and SleepyJoe. Be careful what you ask for Cryin’ Chuck. You may not like the answers you get. And don’t think only ‘Rats get to decide witnesses Jagoff

Chucky wants to play...

They want fake witnesses... lol.

I bet you they threatened this old man & his family to publish this fictional manuscript. Afterall, the Dems which Clinton's are a big part, are known to make people disappear. I won't be surprised this was the case. Desperate times call for desperate measures. scary

You should have told SchiffForBrains to call him!!!! You had your chance!!!

and we want the Bidens... Effe cares what a disgruntled ex -employee has to say..

Dems: let's rush this impeachment through the house and not call the appropriate witness then hold on to the the articles of impeachment for a month then complain the Senate wont call the appropriate witnesses we should have called in the house.


Not an impartial juror..

Trump needs Ukraine to investigate Biden corruption, period.

Ha ha. Here’s the real story. Get Biden up their first.

This is why most people don't care. The Republicans claim the Democrats have nothing and are panicking, and the Democrats claim the Republicans are hiding things and panicking. Two very different paths, and it all seems like a playground fight.

The white Al Sharpton. Any opportunity to be in front of a camera.

Here is another jury members hold news conference spread the democrats propaganda. A jury member does talk to press and tweet in any court in America. But the democrats seem to find it easy. Any democrat on the jury who tweeted should resign. No ethics democrats

Why didn’t the House get these witnesses?

Dersh obliterated Bolton's supposed revelations.

Do you like talking to clowns who are always wrong ? Asking for a friend.

Do innocent people normally stop witnesses from testifying if they did nothing wrong? Makes you wonder what trump is afraid of?

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We want Shiff and Eric Ciaramella

The role of the Senate is to convict or acquit based on the articles delivered by the house, using the evidence. There is no obligation to hear any witnesses

Who ever brought a case in front of a court without witnesses and documents? The Dems, that's who. They are too incompetent to even do a halfway decent job at undoing an election, much less the job they were actually elected to do.


If witnesses age going to be called then I want to hear from the whistleblower, in person, Adam Schiff and Joe Biden.

he needs really to go.

Amb sondland heard from Trump direct. Even Bolton. But all are pressuming

Bolton is a credible witness bc he tweeted on 11.26.2019 about deep state. GOES WITHOUT SAYING - EVERYONE WAS IN THE LOOP - Sondland. Obviously no actions were taken to correct this, only cover up. FFS

This man is a world class idiot 🤮

Too bad poor little cryin Chuck doesn’t get to decide.

Reps: We haven't heard from any witnesses who were in direct communication with Trump Also Reps: We will block all testimony by witnesses who were in direct communication with Trump.

They are panicking isn’t it? 😂

Romney was against the President right from the day he was elected

Romney is no Republican ! Why does he always side with the Democrats The man doesn’t have an ounce of loyalty to our President or our party!! Vote him OUT!

'One man with courage is a majority.' Thomas Jefferson

Wonder which state he will relocate to once he gets voted out in Utah?🤔


Rumours Mittens has also got interests in Ukraine he’s scaaaaaaared

As I’ve said before. Romney is not a true Republican. He’s just looking for a sliver of anything that would make him vote against the President. Mitt is going to lose his seat. Down in his pole over 19%. Just keep running your mouth Mitt. You’re destined for doom.

Do it for America . America is worth it . America needs the truth to expose the trash that is in the WH . Rise up even ifbitbisbin the streets all of America . Trump is making America look like a third rate country led by a Middle East kingdom dictator


I think highly likely Romney will be in a camp of one .

People in the mass media tend more and more every day to look and act like elected and appointed officials. L. Neil Smith

Media, the plural of mediocrity. Jimmy Breslin

Mitt Romney is irrelevant.

Mitt is such a disgrace

Mitt. Go back and hide under the rock you crawled out from. You are the ghost of John McCain and just as warped as McCain.

And if you hear from Bolton you must hear from Barr and even Trump

Thank you.

Seriously, those Republican senators can’t be that dumb. Witnesses that have come forward for the house that have fought for our country have testified. Trump is a liar and they know it.

They R suppose 2 represent the ppl, not stick with the President in all of his wrong doings! It's crazy 4 them 2just go along with him!

This was before Trump's defense knocked it out if the park, even using Romney in one of their clips. But ABC blacked out all of that, particularly Bondi's take down of Hunter Biden.

If they aren’t impeachable offenses, they better hope they don’t. America is done with this charade.

It’s clear that MittRomney simply wants to aid and abet his fellow Libs in their abuse of power against We The People who voted in a fair election. Any Senator who says they haven’t made up their mind is a liar, and God doesn’t reward liars, Mittens.

SenatorRomney Ingrate.

But only John Bolton? Any others? I understand the GOP wants to limit testimony because witnesses can only unravel the truth and the GOP doesn’t want that, unless they can steer the impeachment away from Trump and into an investigation of the Bidens.

Um nope.

Do your job and show Pam Bondi! ABC is fake news.

DONT believe or Trust anything Romney says

MittRomney time to step up and stand with the GOP or get out

I believe Republicans must be worried 😧 more than Democrats on this impeachment case & President’s arrogant acts. They might be banished in all the forms of federal government if they don’t handle this impeachment of the President. How long this damage will hold? Exit any way?

I bet Mittens has preordered a thousand copies of Bolton’s book for all his Rino buds.

'It is important to hear from John Bolton for us to make an impartial judgement.' Romney is saying that without hearing from John Bolton, that he, Romney, will not make an impartial judgement. The oath did not have an exclusion clause with regard to witnesses being called.

Just put him on the GD stand to testify..regardless of what anyone says..just do it..let him talk!!!

Mitt Romney is a real jerk and needs to be in another line of work.

LOL. Never trust a CONservative. They have SHOWN us this over and over and over again. ImpeachTheGOP


This is why trump is trying to put a restraining order or something on Bolton. Trump knows he’s guilty.

We want witnesses !

It's on like Donkey Kong now!

Romney should already be in GITMO!

What a disgrace to our country you are ! You and Schiff should be voted out! You DO NOT represent the American people..... Period!

You need to retire! Listen to the facts ! Even with Bolton’s story NO Crime committed!!


And Mulvaney, and Pompeo, and Rudy, and Pence and Trump.

I won’t hold my breath

yesitsm17859489 Fing traitor and RINO!!!

BoltonTestify SenateGOP have to do their job and be impartial jurors and protect the Constitution. Voters will remember who the corrupt enablers of dangerous trump were. ImpeachAndRemoveTrumpNow

SenatorRomney a politician of the old school, standing for what is decent and right

Wow it’s gonna be really tough to eat those words.

Never thought I would hear myself say this, or type this, but good on you Senator Romney.


I dont care for politics. But does this mean trump gets removed?

Utah please remove senator Deep state Delecto. PlusOrMinusCat

BREAKING: All Big 3 networks ABC, CBS, NBC blacked out Trump defense lawyer Pam Bondi's presentation this afternoon of Ukraine corruption related to Joe Biden, son Hunter Biden & Burisma. In contrast, Big 3 carried Schiff's p.m. presentations live, preempting regular programming

gohatt How does it feel Utah? your Senator is useless and a backstabber.

Unlucky Mutt

Relevant evidence needs to be presented.

says the man who blows out birthday candles like he's picking daisies in a field...

I'm loving the scared Trumpie responses to this tweet. What are you so afraid Bolton will say? You already know Trump did it. Everybody knows Trump did it. You'd be better off arguing why he should get away with it. But you won't, because your orange god must be perfect.

Well done Utah.

Flaky bitch, always have been a R. I. N. O

Bullshit. There won’t be witnesses. Romney just wants to look good, but in the end he ALWAYS falls in line. Why? BECAUSE ALL REPUBLICANS ARE IN ON THE KILLING OF DEMOCRACY.

Nice words! 🙄🙄🙄 Let’s see what the ACTIONS are....

He has always been ethical, ethical within his own life, but we all have this fault/bonus. He is not a bad guy.

I hope they realize they need to dump Trump, now's their chance

BoltonTestimony HALLELUJAH!

Mitt, My family supported you. We now see you are no different from the swamp. Come on. You are better than this.

He's gonna lose Utah.

If I told I was going to take my Glock and go rob the Chase bank around the corner but then I didn’t do it, do I still go to prison for armed robbery? Asking for a friend.

A majority of the country continues to ask what additional things we’d learn from Bolton we didn’t already hear in the NYT.


Mitt Romney is on his last lap of any sort of relevance Politically or otherwise... Good Bye Grandpa Adams.....

Always remember, there is nothing more useless than a Never-Trumper. F Mittens.

Lock up Fat Donnie!

Well he whipped you for camera time.

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