Nancy Pelosi delays Trump Senate impeachment trial to her credit — and her peril

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Opinion: Nancy Pelosi is not required to sit back and watch Mitch McConnell violate the Constitution’s core commitment to fair trials under the rule of law.

,” he said, since"I'm not trying to hide the fact that I have disdain” for the whole process.

Unless something changes, politics will displace law in any Trump impeachment trial. To her credit but also to her peril, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi has departed from the example the House set in 1998, when members immediately walked over the articles of impeachment to the Senate. Instead, the speaker has announced that transmission of theseSome accuse the speaker of her own political maneuvering to deny, or at least to delay, the president’s right to answer his accusers.

If the speaker persists and refuses to deliver the impeachment articles to the Senate, some will say she is the oneWhile the Constitution contains no explicit provisions concerning the time frame for transmitting articles of impeachment to the Senate, or even compelling delivery, you could argue that it implicitly assumes a Senate trial will follow impeachment in a timely manner.

In ordinary circumstances, this argument might be persuasive. However, these are not ordinary times. Left unstopped, McConnell by his own words stands ready to violate the Constitution’s core commitment tounder the rule of law. The Constitution does not require the speaker to sit back and watch the Senate disobey the Constitution. And McConnell cannot invoke the importance of holding a Senate trial while refusing to hold anything resembling an open trial.

An early draft of the Constitution proposed holding impeachment trials before the Supreme Court. But Alexander Hamilton thought it would be a mistake to take all politics out of the impeachment trial. Instead, he counted on the Senate’s ability to distinguish between the petty politics of self-interest and the permanent political interests of the people in living under the rule of law. The veryBefore it is too late, we should all raise a glass to constitutional sobriety.


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She has no BUSINESS with her NOSE in the SENATE!!!

He hasn't violated anything.

What does it take for people to see that she's waiting on a fair and impartial procedural action by the senate before releasing the impeachment articles to McConnell.


Be sure they do it right. They know he has done wrong and they don't want to do what's right.

That’s your opinion, is it? I am inclined to give it absolutely no credibility as your organ seems to have contributors dominated by those whose opinions support the Democratic Party.

Amen. She respects the Constitution and the rule of law. But all you super smart and moralistic MAGA folks, just keep criticizing the process and ignoring Trump’s clear wrongdoings.

It was a communist trail

Where was the fairness in the House Shampeachment process?

The comparison of the Senate to a jury leads then to what we require of jurors...that they presume the accused innocent until proven guilty. Most criminal procedural rules are for the benefit of the defendant. The only neutral is the Judge, who imposed those def. leaning rules.

Only democrats can do it and get away with it

Let him sweat😂😂😂‼️

The house rammed this impeachment through without bipartisan support. Not one Republican vote and actually 2 Dems voted against so what does that tell ya? The Democrats had their fun running the show now its the GOP in the Senate’s turn. They don’t get to cry whats “fair” now.

You mean like she and the House Dems did?

PelosiStrong💪🏽 SpeakerPelosi

She’s a douche-bag!

It's a shame American news agencies can't report news any more. Just 24 hours of BS 7 days a week! I trust rattle snakes more than I trust these idiots!

USA = CNN =🤣

Criminal, extortionist, corrupt, liar, racist, xenophobic Trump consciously mislead the USA citizens with the support of the GOPs ! And the GOPs senators confabulation with the White House is outrageous and violating their work expectations! Wake up USA voters!

She has no say in the Senate.

senatemajldr is just evil

She sits in the WHEEL House!! She will straight and true!! She loves the United States! She means to honor! The Constitution of the United states of America!!!!!

As Republicans in the House were required to sit back and watch Adam Schiff & Jerry Nadler violate the Constitution’s core commitment to fair trials under the rule of law. This whole process has been a joke.

Sorry, but Nancy and her crew cannot hold the impeachment trial. The Constitution is very clear. The Senate hears the charges in the bill of impeachment and then holds the trial and votes on those charges. The House can't compel the Senate to introduce more evidence. Idiots!

The case is so weak, she doesn't want to send it over to the Senate. The more Pelousy behaves politically, the more she & the Demcorats devalue the entire impeachment process.

The case is so weak, she doesn't want to send it over to the Senate. The more Pelousy behaves politically, the more she & the Demorats devalue the entire impeachment process.

It wasn’t fair in the House, so why should it be fair in the Senate? The whole thing is made up crap. It needs to end.

And McConnell isn’t obligated to take this sham up. Case closed

Fair trials. Ha!

45 IS IMPEACHED nothing will change that.. Even if the GOP Senate does a fake trial.. It doesn't change the fact that 45 is now 3... Now and FOREVER...

Not required. But she may as well get comfortable until the dismissal.

She is a joke, as is your company.

Are you serious what have you been watching you partisan hack.

The one violating the constitution is Nancy Pelosi. The president is required to have a fair trial. Question his accusers. And present evidence in the Senate trial. She is denying those rights and is violating the constitution. McConnell is waiting. However he can go forward

Oh give me a break. She is violating the constitution.

Queen Nancy thinks she’s in control of the entire Congress. She wouldn’t know fair if it hit her in her botoxed face.

Oh got it! So Democrats are the only ones allowed to violate the constitution and not be fair.. no minority party rights and no due process for the president

The most recent violation of constitution by Pelosi is disallowing right of a speedy trial.

Like Pelosi allowed the House to start & act unbiased.

Such a propaganda rag...Democrats ran a baseless partisan vote and completely rigged the hearings so don't pretend it was get what you give and they've been wasting taxpayers dollars for 3 yrs straight....enough!

And in this case The House made a mockery of a serious power.

Do you people even understand how our government works? Did you learn nothing in school about government or rule of law? The House has no power to judge an impeachment. They investigate and the Senate finds guilt or innocence.

Apparently she isn’t subject to rules either... where is the Justice System

Y’all are such a joke. GIVE IT UP. HE’S STILL PRESIDENT.

That is none of HER business. 😜


Nice opinion column! Shift some luggage and passengers your plane is banking hard left .....

Misleading MSM AND SHAME ON THE USA TODAY! The farce with Adam schiff and Jarold nadler violated the constitution every way through Sunday! No opinion then? It’s called due process!

SpeakerPelosi lmao

Unquote an quote I quote Thóse that laughs best! Comes Last Assuredly Thosé that laughs Last? Laughs Best Rare but True

Enforce the subpoenas

Nancy Pelosi and fair trials🤣🤣🤣 The Senate is not responsible to reexamine a case her cast of fools rushed to impeachment with. This is over. She's just bsing because she knows she is going down as the worst Speaker of the House ever. Far Left have killed the Democratic Party.

You are obviously the Propaganda Wing of the DNC....FakeNews FakeNewsMedia FakeNewsUSAToday

Can we please charge these rats with treason (which they’ve committed) and then hang them?

Hahahaha. And the House hearings were so fair? Unreal.

Hey Rag media USA Today, don’t try and make Pelosi look like some kind of Star the way things where run in the house. Complete partisan sham. Waste of time and the money if taxpayers. Disgraceful and the way you as media portray this is just as despicable as the political players

The Senate will be as fair and bipartisan as the House. Of this I have no doubt. What’s weird is why anyone thinks the Senate cares if she sits on the articles. She has no leverage.

Bizarro world! 1984! Newspeak!

Nancy can run her mouth all she wants but she has no say whatsoever in the Senate or how they choose to handle the articles of impeachment. I don’t recall her soliciting McConnell for assistance in her little circus charade!

Maybe you should learn the impeachment laws. Corrupt Nancy could take this to court but we all know and she knows that she would lose. Screw Nancy and all of her corrupt crew.

She sat down while the House was unfair.

She conducted the most unfair impeachment investigation snd went against everything the constitution stands for. She is a disgrace to our nation. So are you for printing such untruths.

It is amazing to me how the word can be thrown around by Pelosi after the sham impeachment hearings in the house. It’s like we’re living in bizarro world

Mollie MZHemingway Pelosi demands a quid pro quo, in so doing obstructing the Senate and, after denying a fair procedure in House, denying a speedy trial in Senate. Weird, since explanation of rush job in House was alleged urgency.

And u wonder why nobody is buying ur paper anymore and probably has about 10 pgs of news in it over 4 sections we get it orange man bad

Nancy Pelosi is not entitled to change the Senate rules to suit her purposes either.

USA, do you understand that Pelosi is in the House & is not a Senator. She can jump up & down & look like she knows what she's doing but nothing happens in the Senate until she does her job. She will have to acquiesce. Probably doing this for their holiday break & needing facts.

Not following the rule of law once again should not be praised. What a farce!! The Senate should promise to hold as fair and unbiased a trial as the House did in the impeachment. Only fair way to do it.

USA, nothing like misinformation pertaining to1986 & Clinton trial rules/law pertaining to the Senate trial. McConnell said that he wants the Clinton rules to apply. Schumer is the senator who doesn't want the Clinton rules. Schumer wants to do it his way. He's causing problems.

She is an 'air head' knows ZERO re Constitution


Why not? The senate didn’t get involved when she was unfair and awful. She needs to but out of Senate business. Dems seem to want to treat all Republicans unfair and with hate. Nothing fair happened in the House.

Why didn’t you write about this during the Schiff&Nadler hearing!!!!

You must think all Americans are fools.

How about you report the truth? The House “impeachment” was a total SHAM devoid of anything “fair.” Stop helping the corrupt democrats to move the goalposts to fit their false narratives aimed to oust OUR sitting president. MAGA2020Landslide

The defendant has the guarantee of a fair trial has that even come close to happening yet your so full of 💩 stop mentioning the constitution when all you ever do is crap all over it do you wonder why millions hate the press ...


Lmfao! That’s a pretty shitty opinion.

A good strategy. Deny Trump and McConnell their bullshit show trial, and let Trump be tried in the court of public opinion, where he will lose. As if there wasn't enough already, expect more damning evidence to come out throughout the election year.

Everything in this article that predicts what the senate will do has just been done by the House. Hypocrisy at its finest.

Witnesses, please.

Where was USA Today and Pelosi when Obama was violating laws? Smh 🤦‍♂️

She is abusing power and obstructing Congress

She had her chance

Mitch & Donald hate woman that are smart and powerful

Why no witnesses? What are they afraid of? Both sides should be able to witnesses of their choice for transparency.

Is delaying the trial a part of Constitution's core commitment?

Why is everyone concerned with what the Senate trial is going to be when the House trial was so partisan, biased & unfair. Where is the outrage on how it was handled .

She doesn't get to dictate rules to the senate either. What a trash publication

All of America watched the unfair process of empeachment in House of Representative. Nancy you have no power in the Senate.

The house and senate should be independent from each other. No? Just asking.

Impeachment is fine, no fake Republican trial is necessary.

Yea the inquiry was obviously fair...It amazes how stupid the Democrats and the MSM think their supporters are. It’s really a shame.

The part you have correct is where is says “OPINION”

This is bs. She needs to send the articles to the Senate. They decide the rules and conduct the trial. Not her. She is guilty of abuse of power just what she is accusing Trump of.

When did USA Today Opinion become a joke? You cannot be serious with this column?

It’s Christmas. Nobody cares.

They never gave a fair trial in the house.

Why liberal MSM are with sick corrupt Democratic Party? Schumer is a loco zealot.

What peril? There is no requirement to deliver the impeachment papers to the Senate. Especially no requirement if there is just going to be a 'fore-gone conclusion show trial' for Trump in the Senate.

She should pick up the human 💩in her state first.

Your leftist rag is not even good for toilet paper

Talk about a dictator. She is acting like a mad man. She got her nonsense hearings in the House. Now McConnell takes over. The liberals are always trying to overreach. I think that is why they can't get ahead. They are never satisfied.

While her and Schiff violated it themselves.

Subscription up for renewal, definitely not renewing local rag owned by USAToday.

Only way to keep the hoax going is to not have the trial in the senate. Senate ends hoax. Pelosi only has one last move to her scam.

USA Today is the equivalent of the High School Newspaper of the mainstream newspapers.


She's playing chess while Mitch is eating crayons.

Nancy is doing it right, if she gives in they will find a way to fix it in there faver with a lot of lies and cover ups,and and his supporters knows that.

Can we put Schiff under oath as a witness please? Mitch is apparently unaware that in America there r two justice systems. Liberals can commit any crime they wish and are not punished. Conservatives need commit no crime at all and are punished.

Fact: The Senate is not required to dive a damn what the lunatics in the democrat party want.

Why impeach if you don’t intend to carry through with it? Bring it on, let’s find out what he did, what the Bidens were up to , and bring on President Pence!

She is not king nancy. Trump is not above the law and neither is she.

LindseyGrahamSC SpeakerPelosi Not her House.

Hmmm.. thought that was bad..

Thank you for the clarity of your discourse, the basis of which will, I hope prevail, to honor the United States‘ Constitution.


Wow! Way to be 'fair and unbiased' USA today. Gee I wonder where your loyalties lie.

What a joke; the “framers” would be rolling over with laughter is quite clear she has no say in the matter🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄😂😂😂😂

The legacy of fail

Opinion:Nancy fumbled the hand-off

Fair trial is granted to the charged person. Not to the prosecution. This is a joke. Your case sucks and you know it. Do better.

Politics as usual 5 more years


You mean now that her party's kangaroo court is over she can demand fair treatment? Why drag out this farce any longer? The house has no case for impeachment. The Senate realizes this and is ready to move on serving, not harming, America. Even some democrats see this. My book.

She is brilliant and I trust her

She’s only allowed to sit back and watch Schiff violate the Constitutions core commitments to fair trials.


Someone hack twitter feed? You serious Clark?

Whoever has this opinion is by far the dumbest person that I have read in all of 2019.

What a joke

Rule of law...🤦‍♂️

The inquiry was not fair at all - USATODAY

RepJeffDuncan Wilfredjr So, what’s Nancy going to do? Take a lesson from Comey’s crowd, calling the FBI with a surreptitious request for surveillance of Sen Leader McConnell in hope of discovery of some ridiculous charge aimed at his impeachment?

Propaganda. POTUS will be re-elected by a landslide.

She is not a Senator.

Mitch McConnell is not the one violating the Constitution, that would be Nancy Pelosi.

Um, she is. The Constitution says the Senate has 'sole power.' That's pretty clear. Also, she ran a Soviet-style show trial. She can put her teeth back in and go away until she finds a permanent fix for them.

Yay wahmen

Nancy Pelosi’s only obligation is to turn over the articles of impeachment to the Senate she has zero business worrying about how the Senate conducts the trial or what happens in the Senate, I person don’t think the Pres. political rivals should be part of the Jury

Usa today/the new cnn

Your opinions are getting worse by the day

USA Today is no longer worthy of lining my cats litter box.

Nancy isn’t in charge now!

[eye roll] Hers is the party saying *you don’t need a crime to convict *hearsay is better than evidence *if the accuser has credentials, impeach

Spin it anyway you want fact is Majority makes the rules in the Senate and the last time I checked Nancy's ass sits in the House. Maybe Nancy would like to switch parties, why don't you ask her.

But we had to let them run their unfair hearings

That’s a ginormously stupid opinion. The Speaker does not dictate how the senate conducts its business. And vice versa. Does just hire people off the street for opinion pieces?

Lol. There's nothing fair in this coup.

But WE had to sit back and watch the UnFAIR process in the house?.. lol Senate Time baybee! GOPControlled ✔️🇺🇸

Impeachment is a political process, not judicial. Bias exists on both sides, starting day 1 after the election. Pelosi said she had all the evidence needed and did not pursue more testimony.

How ironic. 😳

This crap is the reason why everytime I travel I take the whole stack of your rag of a newspaper off the hotel counter and throw them in the trash. We need to remove your propaganda from our lives.

Why McConnell had to watch her do it in the House!

Shoe is on the other foot. Constitution, Article 1, Section 2; House has sole power. Constitution, Article 1, Section 3; SENATE has sole power.

She is obstructing justice

Republicans would love to throw the case out. Pelosi is doing what she can to make sure there is a fair trial. We need to get McConnell's corruption out of congress!

The political chess game has started

She's right.

They know it's over, just delaying the inevitable.

This is why we believe your tag is FakeNews ... how can you print this dribble after the one-sided mockery of a trial in the house ? We couldn’t ever get a Biden to testify under oath !!

SHAME on SpeakerPelosi ! End the corruption in Washington DC! Enough of this crap!TERM LIMITS!

🤣🤣🤣🤣 5 more years! Write it down! 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸

Like we we’re required to watch SpeakerPelosi violate the constitution? TrumpDerangementSyndrome

Mitch and Lindsey WANT to get tossed by SCOTUS from “trial”. Get to remain “PURE”. 🤔

Nothing biased there. FakeNews

Take your ball and go home.

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