After House Impeaches Trump, Timing of Next Steps Is Unclear

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Pelosi said she might delay sending articles of impeachment to the Senate until Republicans there set trial rules she considers fair

The House on Wednesday approved abuse-of-power and obstruction-of-Congress articles against Mr.

Trump in the wake of his pressing Ukraine to investigate former Vice President Joe Biden, a leading 2020 Democratic presidential candidate. Nearly all Democrats, led by House Speaker Nancy Pelosi , supported the charges, while the chamber’s Republicans...


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Pelosi can continue to commit political suicide or help restore some semblance of bipartisanship between Democrats and Republicans in achieving outcomes to advance the national interests of the American people.

Pelosi is an embarrassment

Huckabee: '...follow exactly the same rules in the Senate that Adam Schiff did in the House. There you go, fairness!'

No trial. No impeachment.

Oh lord... this is rich. Fair, like your House investigation was fair? LOL!

Maybe Pelosi has twigged that Treaty Between USA and Ukraine on Mutual Legal Assistance in Criminal Matters is exculpatory evidence to clear Trump of the impeachment charges arising from his phone call with Zelensky. Congress is not above the law either.

Now she wants fairness. Lmao, that’s funny... she knows why she isn’t sending them over and from what witnessed these last weeks fairness is not on their list of important

Delaying... with what intention..?

Because she’s in charge of the Senate? Maybe it’d be good for her to go back to High School and take a Civics course on how our country’s government works.

Good idea...The weather is bad..Give people time to let everything sink in. Wait til after the next election if possible..that's only 11 months or so away.

She doesn’t know that she is not a senator😅 She has no control over senate.

Turn papers over to Senate now!! Republicans all over the country are watching your antics! Waiting for his tax returns so you can cause more trouble. Republicans will rlect him anyway! Good luck!

Maybe Pelosi has twigged that Treaty Between the United States of America and Ukraine on Mutual Legal Assistance in Criminal Matters is exculpatory evidence to clear Trump of the impeachment charges arising from his phone call with Zelensky. Congress is not above the law either.

Pelosi, don’t send it to the Senate. Bring it home and enjoy it every night.

McConnell should reach a compromise on trial rules, then have a designated senator move for dismissal and vote on that motion. No stinkin' trial is needed when everyone already knows how it ends.

I don’t care if the Senate ever gets the comic book impeachment papers. How does the speaker of the house think she can control the senate too! Is she drunk?

Drama Dems.

She is dumb one.

Gee, I thought the Senate had the sole power to try an impeachment. Don’t recall anything in the Constitution about having to negotiate with the House on how the trial would be conducted. OTOH, House refusal to forward the articles might be a fitting end to this farce.

Quadruple horse manure.

Can this woman Pelosi act as she own this call 'impeachment' alone with any opposition? What is going on in the House of Representatives?.

That Roman Emperor's sceptre telling us who's the boss!

Do what we say or we won’t impeach the President 🤔

Please DO IT.

Is this impeachment or improv?

PettyPelosi How does the speaker get to hold articles of impeachment hostage? I thought they had an iron clad case? Maybe she really IS AdamShiff in drag?

Nutty Nancy is going to take her bat and ball and go home if she doesn’t get her way.

Keep them, not worth the paper it is printed on.

It will further cast the articles of impeachment, which they argued must be rushed because of imminent threat, as illegitimate and purely partisan.

Maybe we should have an election to decide who sets the rules in the Senate - Merrick Garland style.

McConnell can move to void the whole process if Pelosi doesn't send the articles.

Pelosi and Dems are now biggest threat to U.S. stability. Treasonous

Trump is a bumpy rider.

So now the Democrats in the House of representatives also control and dictate to the Senate! I got to get a copy of the Constitution that these folks are using!

dont send them until after the election. if dems win the senate then *poof* bye bye trump.

The Right Move in order to follow the rules of our congressional Senate Impeachment trial of DJ Trump.

I hope lightning strikes all of them VOTE THEM OUT!!!!!

That would truly show your strength and character even more.

Gives you time to discuss how James Comey denied constitutional protections to Carter Page by not insuring the fisa process was followed.

Just further confirmation she doesn't understand the Constitution.


But the Democrats have been howling that this was an urgent matter. It had to be done before Christmas. They said our republic is in jeopardy if we wait for the election. The thought that the American people will decide this issue is so scary!!

Thought she was POTUS?

This is a good move!

It’s been a sh**show.

The damn rules becomes fair when humiliating Trump.

Um...please let Narcissist Nancy know that the Senate could not give less of a shit about her.

I couldn’t even focus on what she was saying Because I was too busy wondering what type of liquor is she drinking..It’s a big Joke! Nancy and friends need to pay back all the tax payers money that they spent on this ridiculous hoax!

Clearly she doesn’t have that power take it to the courts. She had the power of impeachment but the Senate runs the trial. Let’s get going! I’m eager to hear from real witnesses

Gee, are these the type of people you want running your country. Undermining your president out of spite.

Unbelievable. It never ends. She is a tyrant.

It will never end.

Pelosi knows this is a sham. Hopes it will disappear. Otherwise her dream is to have both House and Senate under Dem control then restart this whole mess. Which concedes that the chances for Dems taking Presidency are very slim.

that’ll work.

Looks like her dentures may have slipped.

Haha this is terrible. I thought Pelosi and her gang in the house have done their work, can she now allow the Senators in the Senate to do their work.Oh wait a second, does she want to give order to the Senate on how to do their job? Somebody is in severe pain

Hand them over.

She's doing a great damage to America with this instability Acts of presidential impeach.

Maybe, Pelosi want to also control the Senate. Lol.

Considering the shoe 👞 is now on the other foot 🦶 it’s time for the Democrats to cry about how unfair everything is. What goes around comes around.


Ummmmmm, you are in the House not the Senate.

Let’s get it

Don't mess with nancy Mitch, she plays harder than you do...

Just a thought: Peloso is waiting for RuthBaderGinsberg to fall on grave health, then send over the ArticlesOfImpeachment. Democrats will then argue an impeached president cannot make a SCOTUS pick ThursdayThoughts

Who is she? Lol.

Talk about spitting on the Constitution

Has t every person in the country who us thinking not had enough of Pelosi, Schiff and Nadler?

New highs in hypocrisy


Honey...fair is not a word in your vocabulary

She’s insane

If she does she is BREAKING constitutional LAW, Merry Christmas

Good move


This is easy. The Senate should set a trial date ( I suggest 12/20,) invite the House to participate, and if they don't then that's their problem.

I think that was her plan all along. They must be so proud of their work in dividing this country. But in her own words 'We did what we set out to do.' Disgusting, self serving politicians who don't give a flying f**k about the American people.

Can we get term limits on Congress? Please

House leader dictating rules to the Senate? She is as unwise as she is corrupt.

26 GÜNDÜR GELMEYEN KARGO !!22 Kasım Tarihin de verdiğim Siparişim, 19 Aralık 2019 olmasına rağmen tarafıma ulaşmadı. Bana hiç bir şekilde geri dönüş yapılmadı. Yazıklar olsun yapacağınız işe Hepsiburada

Same tactic, Remember; “you have to pass it in order to read it”. Why do people keep insisting she is smart, which shes not.

There are Constitutional provisions to counter such actions

SpeakerPelosi realDonaldTrump isn’t this what your trying to impeach him on. Not giving something unless you get something. Seems like a double standard.

The House impeached the Senate holds the trial. She can't play Senate and House.

Mancy Pelosi's political circus must finish. Americans want the neglected issues attended in bipartisan terms.

Do your job Pelosi send the charges to the Senate!! It’s now time for the Senate to do their work and they don’t need your help or advice. Engage your brain..

SpeakerPelosi stop blowing smoke up our rear ends!! We know you don’t want to ever send the articles of impeachment to the senate! The establishment doesn’t want it either. That’s the plan!

She can't dictate the Senate. If not turned over in a timely manner McConnell can deem it null and void.

Old, demented hag!

Where is Dr. Jack when you need him? ALL liberals are mentally unwell shills for their delusion which has a destination that is highly undesirable. Nancy needs a pillow. uspoli

What difference will that make to help her ? Either way he will not be impeached in the Senate. He can't be convicted without the articles of impeachment, and he won't be convicted with them.

Good, if he’s innocent he would want those people to testify. They have got to hold him accountable.

Cameras should be removed from Congress and all politicians banned from television. Maybe then they'd get sh*t done.

The Senate shall have the sole Power to try all Impeachments.

Guess just set unfair rules and it's done.

She started a war she knows she can’t win.. tough shit lady.

Just making this sh*t up as they go along...

The Asterisk in the history books about Donald Trumps impeachment will be that he was the only President impeached without any crime alleged! And the only “impeached President to be re-elected

So, Pelosi is going to abuse her power? She is not above the “law”.

What a beotch!

Let her sit on them. Makes no difference- if they aren’t delivered then nothing can be done. It’s only partially complete with no action impending. Sweet Nancy can pack sand if she think she can affect Senate procedures.

SpeakerPelosi seems to think SHE runs the Senate. Nancy pushed thru a POLITICALLY PARTISAN impeachment in Congress but she has NO LEGAL STANDING to try & CONTROL how senatemajldr runs the Senate. DNC wants TOTAL POWER & CONTROL over America's GOVERNMENT & her CITIZENS!!

Queen Nancy trying to run the senate m.

But Trump is a treat to our democracy and freedoms and no man is above the law......says the blabbering Democrats.

If the articles aren’t sent, you must acquit

What drivel. Just another free media feed avoiding the ugly truth that Joe can’t win

F*** her!

Why would the senate set rules when the house bill sits in the house. She has no negotiation power.

.SpeakerPelosi might well be compared by historians as a modern 🇺🇸Joan of Arc. She has led & inspired her troops to stump foreign meddling in the politics of her beloved nation, maintain the integrity of The Constitution, protect its national security👏🏽👏🏽😇 But she needs help-

The Senate should be more rational

More Kabuki theater.

Keep them. Further proof it's a sham.

Backfire 2020

This process is beyond words.

I'll be home for Christmas 🎶 NancyPelosi California Safeway stores could use that side-eye-glance this holiday. California Her home state. My home state. She knows the truth. TheStateYouSeeMayBecomeYourOwn

Trump2020Landslide MAGA

BOOM! The Senate Can Acquit Even If House Withholds Articles of Impeachment! I'm ready for Pelosi & Dem colleagues games to end today! This made my day! Raise your hand if you want senatemajldr to do this ASAP 🙋‍♀️ TRUMP2020 🇺🇸

Narcissistic temper tantrum

Yes, we need to hear from Barh, Bolton, and Mulvaney. We need to see full taxes from past 12 years. We need to see the full Mueller report. Seems fair!

Odd, I thought this was a matter of urgency because of the grave threat to us as a nation?

And keep investigating and holding public hearings, of course. If McConnell tries to ignore this, like he has with hundreds of bills the House has sent him, it is NOT going to go the way he wants.

The POTUS needs to sign an executive order limiting the time that the articles of impeachment are sent to the senate for a hearing or they expire. Better yet, hopefully the republicans will retake the House and that’ll take care of that problem.


This is, like, not important

Let’s stretch those contempt power muscles

She needs her routine Botox injections

Send them over, It will be just as fair as the house was!

This coup to overturn Trumps presidency will backfire. And the great hope is that all will get prison for treason.

Don’t worry...everything will be revealed! For now SpeakerPelosi 0ne... realDonaldTrump Zero!🇺🇸

So the Democrats control the House rules, but won’t send to the Senate unless they have rules they think are fair...what a bunch of nonsense

Good move,make them wait cause you never know🤷🏿‍♂️ their conscience might prick them into the facts laid out.

senatemajldr knows he has the votes so why not simply play by the rules and feign impartiality like his predecessors? Because Trumpism demands full partisanship. Trump is the President of Trumpists, he doesn’t care about the rest of America.

Good for her put the pressure on. McConnell to follow the rule set by the constitution, plus it puts major pressure on the Senate to pass some bills that have been sitting on The Grim Reaper's desk to die the America people deserve a Senate that works for us and not the wealthy.

after 2024

“Death row prisoner negotiating for a kinder and gentler bullet.”

Those teeth lol

Nah, take it easy, Breitbart Lite. It's to get a fair trial, period. Not a sham like the Party of Putin has been putting on for 3 years.

Doesn’t work that way! Read the Constitution Nancy!

Fair, like the House’s hearings fair?

This is called extortion. How do we impeach the Democrats? I encourage everyone to do it at the next election.

Like they did right? She knows she got nothing

Fake, phoney, jealous, bitter Pelosi. She’s a hot mess and everybody knows it.

Pelosi belongs in a SMALL CELL.

RNC raises record 20 million in November, Trump raise 10 million in a single week, polls show Trump leading all Democrat candidates...Pelosi wears black to her own political funeral.


Please, please, please pull a McConnell and refuse to send the articles to the Senate until after the election, if ever.

She’s adopting Trump’s strategies and twisting upon him. Clever!

Doesnt work that way, this sham ends at 9:30am today.

That’s not a thing is it?

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