Mistakes, but no political bias in FBI probe of Trump campaign: watchdog

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Law Law Headlines News

Law Law Latest News,Law Law Headlines

The U.S. Justice Department’s internal watchdog said it found numerous errors but no evidence of political bias by the FBI when it opened an investigation into contacts between Donald Trump’s presidential campaign and Russia in 2016

WASHINGTON - The U.S. Justice Department’s internal watchdog said on Monday that it found numerous errors but no evidence of political bias by the FBI when it opened an investigation into contacts between Donald Trump’s presidential campaign and Russia in 2016.

But he also found a total of 17 “basic and fundamental” errors and omissions in its applications to the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court that made the case appear stronger than it was. “I don’t fault anybody for looking into allegations like this. I do fault them for lying and misrepresenting to the court,” said Graham, who will hold a hearing on Wednesday examining the report’s findings.

Democrats said the report showed that there was no basis for Trump’s repeated charges that the FBI was trying to undermine his chances of winning the White House. “This was an attempted overthrow and a lot of people were in on it, and they got caught,” Trump told reporters at the White House. Mueller’s 22-month special counsel investigation detailed a Russian campaign of hacking and propaganda to sow discord in the United States and help Trump defeat Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton. Mueller documented numerous contacts between Trump campaign figures and Moscow but found insufficient evidence of a criminal conspiracy.


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One more time realDonaldTrump overthrows are for kings & dictators. One of which you are not & the other is yet to be decided. You dont overthrow a president, stop using words you dont understand. If you do get to dictator level, yeah.. we will over throw you. So step down now

What an ignoramus! To make such a grandiose and inaccurate statement is just absurd.

Keep it lowkey

No one has done more to advance Putin's goals than these Deep State characters. They made Americans hate each other. Putin is laughing and loving what they have done.

Have you know shame..... list the violations of process and errors. It is damning. You are a propaganda outlet not News. You are FAKE NEWS.

ChrisInParis now we know what he used to do, Flock of Seagulls

Is it possible the IG drew the wrong conclusion from evidence it gathered?

AgentOrange can't even make a decent attempt at lying these days, he's through the looking glass and even the Mad Hatter isn't taking his calls.

Did he overthrow the voters in 2016. Yes. We are a Constitutionalist country. Election theft is a 5 year felony at minimum. How was it done., convictions White House flyer. How much was stolen by election theft post deposal of 2018 by land grab. Gold standard and adjudication.

This tweet is a disgrace that furthers mistruths not the actual substance of the report. Good work you’re peddling falsehoods.

Getting Trump (aka. Casino Man) elected was one of our greatest achievements. His mission is simply to educate academia that democracy is wrong

They no longer talk about conservatism or the constitution anymore the republican party has turned into a bunch of conspiracy theorists.

Not numerous. A few. Maybe as many as seven, dealing mostly w Carter Page’s FISA application for surveillance. Repeated x 4. After he left Trump campaign! Interestingly, report does not detail what results of that investigation discovered.

The overthrow occurred in 2016. This is the correction. We have to throw some Russian sympathizers to the curb and clean up the White House. It's full of trash.

FACT: The corrupt presidency of lunatic Donald J. Trump is far worse than anyone could have possible imagined!

You lie, very dilated brown eye.🍄


You wish, dotard.


It's the favorite GOP formula. Release prepared talking points mischaracterizing a report so that your followers will dismiss it out of hand before any meaningful explanation is published. See also: Mueller Report

I wonder how many of those numerous errors landed the president's way.

This guy has his private attorney, now that Cohen is in prison, go to Ukraine and create a report for congress?!. 😳 (Unelected official aka private U.S citizen!)🥴 Does he want to go directly to jail or just humiliate himself and anyone that he associates with?!.🤨 Both?!.

Cover up: DOJ is protecting its own failure of oversight on FISA by down playing FBI abuse...how are they going to explain and keep FISA up and running if they admit FBI played them 4 times in a row on a citizen and presidential nominee...dah

It’s bigly bad. Overthrow of government would surely lead to a few people getting arrested. Someone remind me how many people got arrested and who did they work for?

Never trust a dog that is not yours that’s a lesson I learnt when I was young fakeIG

Watch the rest of the video:

Clueless fraud to the end. Sad!

He didn’t read a page of it.

Surely: “Trump draws completely unfounded and misleading conclusion about FBI bias, in an attempt to continue the manipulation of US voters despite exoneration by an official investigation that he himself demanded.”

It was an enabled, encouraged, and orchestrated slow motion coup with the impeachment attempt by Pelosi! They are all in it together it surely seems.. really disgusting people.... amazing how strong this country is to have withstanded all their hatred...

awww so embarrassing makes people and the World wonder if they wish to do business with the U.S.!?!?! :)

Because he lies every time his mouth or fingers are moving.

He needs help

So no political bias but a coup? 🤦‍♀️

Which watchdog group? Which group was used, cause many of those groups that could have been chosen are on the take.

Lock him Up!!!

Show your taxes DJT and how you are not abusing power and emoluments daily. dumpgop

Sore LOSER !!

I can't wait for the day, school children across this great land can gaze upon the chiseled marble wall that reads, 'Plus, plus, plus.' (Put that on our money!)

He has managed to twist everything into an ugly vision of the United States, a nation of back-stabbing, pettiness and sheer meanness. Maybe that's how he operates but that's NOT how the U.S. is run. The sooner Trump sees that, the better we will all be.

They where dirty

Just like any other convict. Gonna go down swinging at the people who convicted him. Without ever taking responsibility for his own actions.

Watched the rest of the video. Mind blown:

What a guy.

Why do you post this shit without context? Even Fox reported the truth. The IG report said there was no plot against Trump. It said there was no FISA abuse. There was no bias in launching the Russia/Trump probe.

Normal narcissistic sociopath behavior, when exposed attack others.

To see Pence sitting there enraptured just makes me want to puke. 😝😝 PenceNausea

Waiting for Trump to assail Russian interference in our elections... waiting... waiting...

Wow no credibility yet he keeps blabbering on.

Has he totally lost his mind?

Who actually believes that mans bullshite

Just absolutely disgusting how he can sit there and completely fabricate a story that will continue to divide and destroy our nation.

It looks like a young chrisrock sitting next to Trump.

They will be laughing you all the way to jail once that fancy White House memo isn’t protecting you

Someone ask trump about his taxes so he can recreate this 👇🏾

Whoa whoa whoa I thought he was pro LEO

They proved him wrong so thanks

As he should.

Oh please....

If the international world was laughing at trump before just wait till they read this claim

How should we view 45’s birtherism other than an attempt to block a legitimate candidate and to overthrow a duly-elected president? 45 was elected on a technicality, holds office now b/c of a corrupt AG and attempts to hide his treason behind current/ongoing obstruction. .GOP

Reports of Hillary's Use of Private Server (all related reports), Horowitz Report on clear FISA Abuse & Durham Report WILL absolutely destroy the weak Mueller Report. Just think, the Russian witch hunt started because a low level guy told a foreign guy that Russia might have dirt

It's like they're reading a different report. I know, I know, it's just deflection and the knowledge that his base will believe him and not question. 🤦🏼‍♀️

Yep its an attempt by VP Pence to overthrow Trump and become POTUS. Lol

Dear Donald... You were not Prez yet when the Russia investigation started. Can’t over throw some one who is not in power. Yet. And also... who really thought you would win? You? Seriously. I bought new clothes to celebrate Hillary’s win. Still, I’m with her

Donny is guilty. Poor Donny IG 'Inspector General' of DOJ report comes out. Donny and GOP 'Gang Of Putin' caught LYING AGAIN. No Hoax, No Deep State ALL above board, and properly predicated.

Cover up: DOJ is protecting its own failure of oversight on FISA by down playing FBI abuse...how are they going to explain and keep FISA up and running if they admit FBI played them 4 times in a row on a citizen and presidential nominee...dah

'Tis the moon that shines so brightly in the sky!

Old man yells at clouds. What a poison on our country.


Mental case

Yea, by Trump and Putin.

You forgot to mention that Trump is full of shit.

Commode Commander in Chief Trump dumping more 💩 on the public.

I dont think many realize the importance of this, should be broadcast on all MSMedia outlets, but it wont. Why? Because its 'not' fakenews Patriots keep up the good work!

While many people are looking for better journalism I would much rather look for a better president

His statement is a lie so WHY are you reporting it as your headline instead of the actual content of the report stating the exact opposite!?

Plus plus plus

He’s trying to incite a civil war.

which is why if trump says he is innocent you know he is guilty

Don’t you think we should ? Get rid of everyone that knew about Ukraine and did nothing to stop that kind of danger to us. Because I do. The House did their job. I think they did it well. 17 witnesses was impressive. I am a proud American who supports ImpeachDonaldTrump

My God! This guy spins so fast he must be dizzy.


More proof on how ignorant or just plain corrupt Trump is. AmericansForImpeachment

Trump is becoming more and more unstable by the day. That's not what the report says at all. I revert to the standard of always believe the opposite of what Trump says, he's always lying.


Idiot he is....was, is and always will be.

Has the whole government gone daft? This president insists on investigations into already highly unlikely accusations. Then Barr tears apart the findings or worse just ignores and changes what it says. And the GOP trot up to the mic and parrot these lies.

And he lied like he always does.

He’s right

realDonaldTrump spin spin spin

When you find a Russian solider dressed in black at the WH you know the game has changed, just go ask Ukraine.

Lies and More Lies and More Lies from The Liar Corrupt Criminal POTUS realDonaldTrump!

Blood pressure up?

BREAKING: Trump lied!

Yeah but like: HE IS AN IDIOT TO THINK SO!

He’s a lying

that isnt what it said at all! i get you have to report on what the pres says but can you also report on the fact he is lying or demented? Thank you just asking for my country!

No 'evidence... political bias or improper motivation influenced the investigations...' Barr conducted this to make baby trump happy. And...? Nothing with the exception of suggested changes to improve FISA warrant apps.

Yoo , Please put a disclaimer on this or change it to read the 'president lies about report findings'. You are completely enabling him to spread false information. C'MON, i'd like to think you are better than this....

Pretty much exactly not true. Which we all knew when you opened with “President Trump said...”

Something now stinks inside - again & again they keep up this line of tweets?

Reuters once again enabling Trump to weaponize his lies by repeating his b.s. without any context or fact-checking. Lazy journalism that puts disinformation out to the public like a virus.

😂 Trump is going to be pissed when he realizes that Horowitz didn’t report anything even close to that.

The President of the United States is the enemy of the people.

Another lie fed to his base.

Since trump has not read the IG Report, why leave his claim go unchallenged? Accuracy is key in your reporting.

Mr. Blagojevich was convicted of attempted bribery and is scheduled for release from prison in 2024.

So not true... Trump is lying and creating chaos


And SenateGOP HouseGOP have no problem when POTUS lies to the American people. VOTE

How can Trump have read the report when it's 476-page long, well beyond Trumps reading ability.

Wait... what? That’s the opposite of what it says.

At least put in there that this is false. I mean, come on, people. This is why he won in 2016—lack of journalistic integrity = free press for a moron.

slight problem with that statement. In 2016, Trump was not in government. So, an attempt to overthrow the government would mean overthrowing the Obama administration.

who is he talking about?

CORRECTION: President Trump blatantly lied when he said Inspector General Michael Horowitz’s report on the FBI probe into his 2016 presidential campaign illustrated an ‘attempted overthrow’ of government reut

Please change lede to “President makes crazy comments about report he has obviously not read”.

Clearly he didn't actually read it....he can barely comprehend more than 255 characters at a time, it will take him weeks to get thru that report. UnfitToBePresident

Actually no it didn’t.

When he was a private citizen?

stop reciting unfiltered lies. god literal dammit.

Either (1) he just makes up shit, or (2) he cannot read and relies on what his toadies tell him

Delusions are sign of dementia

it's responsible reporting to also note this is a false statement

Why are you spreading this without a disclaimer that he is wrong? DoBetter

Trump Russia has killed America


That's what he says. What does the report say?

Reuters, feel free to editorialize and call Trump's interpretation what it is: Batshit crazy

Perhaps instead of saying what he said, you could tweet that the report does *not, in fact, illustrate that.

He's completely delusional.

Spoiler: No such thing was illustrated.

What a fool.

All he does is say what his ignorant base will believe. And that's just about anything.


He is not a prosecutor. Stay tuned. Everyone who has read all the mistakes and omissions presented to the FISA court should be concerned. The FISA court is no joke and it’s powers should be respected. This is a damning report for the FBI.

Haha. Looks like they showed the report to Adam Schiff first...🤣🤣🤣

Reporting fake headlines

“The Inspector General’s report now makes clear that the FBI launched an intrusive investigation of a U.S. presidential campaign on the thinnest of suspicions that, in my view, were insufficient to justify the steps taken.” Bill Barr AG

Go ahead and try to downplay the severity of what is now public record. Skip to pg 410 and start reading, people. Here, I'll help.

Considering we currently see Comey, Brennan and Clapper doing anti-Trump crusades and saw Stzrok and Page openly and avidly anti-Trump in text messages, I think that portion of Horowitz is an utterly ridiculous position.

Fire Horowitz. Then arrest him as a coconspirator

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