New Jersey’s Murphy signs law that could cloud government proceedings

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Law Law Headlines News

Law Law Latest News,Law Law Headlines

Gov. Phil Murphy (D-NJ) signed a law Wednesday that will revamp New Jersey's Open Public Records Act.

signed a law Wednesday that will revamp New Jersey’s Open Public Records Act, to the chagrin of those who say it will make” to justify his choice to finalize legislation NJ S2930 , saying the act needed changes after going without an update for 22 years. Murphy has acknowledged the controversy over the bill.

“Perhaps the most troubling concern that I have heard is that signing this bill will both enable corruption and erode trust in our democracy,” he noted. “The public opposition to S2930/A4045 was a powerful display of democracy at its best — advocates, stakeholders, and 81% of voters from across the ideological spectrum made it clear that New Jersey should be strengthening government transparency, not undermining it in backroom deals,” Fajardo

Some other stipulations in the law include barring access to most metadata in government files, barring those from distributing any media containing “any indecent or graphic images of the subject’s intimate part” without their consent, and requiring requesters to be more specific when searching for emails and other communications from government officials.


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