New Jersey adopts public records law critics say tightens access to documents

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Mynorthwest.Com - Seattle News News


TRENTON, N.J. (AP) — New Jersey Gov. Phil Murphy signed legislation on Wednesday overhauling access to the state's public records, likely making it harder

TRENTON, N.J. — New Jersey Gov. Phil Murphy signed legislation on Wednesday overhauling access to the state’s public records, likely making it harder for the public and media to access some documents, according to critics.

“If I believed that this bill would enable corruption in any way, I would unhesitatingly veto it,” Murphy said “After a thorough examination of the provisions of the bill, I am persuaded that the changes, viewed comprehensively, are relatively modest.” The bill’s sponsors say they back transparency and want to help beleaguered clerks who cannot always handle a wave of requests, sometimes from commercial interests. The bill’s opponents argued that the measure will make it harder to get documents and comes at a time when Americans’ faith in institutions has been sliding.

The last provision could make it prohibitively expensive for members of the public and news reporters to challenge local and state governments in court, according to the bill’s opponents, including civil rights groups, the state’s press association and dozens of others who testified at committee hearings this year.


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