How Lisa Rubin Became MSNBC’s “Eyes and Ears” at the Trump Trial

  • 📰 VanityFair
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Msnbc News

Donald Trump,Trial,Court

The corporate lawyer turned correspondent is having a moment on the cable news channel, relaying all the daily drama from the camera-free courtroom. “We have to bring all of those vivid details to people’s living rooms,” she says.

“It was also the first time that I saw him do something that I have since seen him do many times,” the MSNBC legal correspondent recalled, “which is to stand up and look at the crowd and try to ascertain if there are friendly faces there and really scan to look who’s there. And I remember finding it really chilling at the time.” Why? “Because it struck me as something you would do if you were trying to commit to memory who was there to document something that you would rather forget,” she said.

tallied her live shots and found that she’s been on air more than 275 times since January. With closing arguments getting underway in the hush money trial, there are dozens more live shots to come. “The only true norths for me,” she said, “are ensuring the public can see and hear observable truths and upholding the rule of law.”


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