Lost Church of 600-Year-Old Monastery Found Near Medieval Royal Palace

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Law Law Headlines News

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The church's ruins were found below a tennis court near the medieval royal palace in a Hungarian castle town.

Archaeologists have uncovered the remains of a lost centuries-old church near a medieval royal palace. The remains were found below a tennis court during excavations at the site of Visegrád, a castle town in Hungary.The settlement, located north of the Hungarian capital of Budapest on the right bank of the Danube River, is known for its medieval citadel and royal palace ruins.

Archaeologists subsequently found a large crypt in front of the main altar, which appears to have been looted after the monastery was depopulated.Among the debris of the collapsed crypt, the skeletal remains of three individuals were found, Hungary's National Archaeological Institute said in a Facebook post.Based on the objects found next to the remains, such as several lead rifle bullets, it is believed that these people may have been soldiers.


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