Trump trial live updates: Former president found in contempt for violating gag order, fined $9,000

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Trump Hush Money Trial Live Updates News

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Former President Trump is in contempt for violating the gag order, Judge Juan Merchan ruled at the start of court Tuesday.

Information from Eyewitness News, ABC News and the Associated Pressis in contempt for violating the gag orderHe is being fined $9,000; $1,000 for each violation. The judge said he had seven "offending posts" from Truth Social and two "offending posts" on his campaign website. The posts must be removed by 2:15 p.m. Tuesday.

Cohen used one to buy the silence of porn performer Stormy Daniels. She alleged a 2006 sexual encounter with Trump, which he denies. Donald Trump spoke to reporters with more energy than he had in past days after spending the day in the Manhattan courtroom where his hush money trial is being held. Prosecutors have shown emails in which Cohen describes the opening of the account as an "important matter."

"I was told that I was selected because of my knowledge and because of my ability to handle individuals that may be a little challenging," Farro said.Second witness, described as Trump's 'gatekeeper,' testifies "You had heard President Trump say that he thought that she would be an interesting addition" to the cast, Trump lawyer Susan Necheles asked.Before breaking for lunch Friday, prosecutors in Donald Trump's hush money trial in Manhattan clawed back at the defense's contention that an arrangement with the National Enquirer wasn't unique to Trump, eliciting testimony from former publisher David Pecker that underscored the unusual nature of their deal.

Trump sat chatting and gesturing with lawyer Susan Necheles while the other lawyers had an extended conversation with Judge Juan Merchan at the bench. Defense lawyers in Donald Trump's hush money trial are digging Friday into assertions of the former publisher of the National Enquirer and his efforts to protect Trump from negative stories during the 2016 election.

He specifically remarked on the Supreme Court's hearing this morning on his bid for presidential immunity in his federal election interference case, which Trump was forced to miss due to his criminal trial.Prosecutor objects to defense questions before court is adjourned The judge then adjourned the day's proceedings, with court scheduled to resume at 9:30 a.m. ET Friday.Pecker tells defense that killing stories is 'standard' procedure

Bove also sought to show that kind of relationship between publishers and politicians was normal, saying there was "nothing wrong about" it.Prosecutors wrapped up their questioning of former National Enquirer publisher David Pecker by asking whether he bears former President Donald Trump any ill will.


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